Author has written 25 stories for Charmed, CSI: New York, CSI, and Criminal Minds. Hello! I'm a random person who enjoys television and has an overactive imagination, so why not write fanfiction so that other people can take some enjoyment out of the musings of my mind? :) I hope you enjoy what you read, but I accept criticism too, though hopefully it can at least be constructive. And eternal thanks to my friends printandpolish and Kerry Blue who over time have read my work, critiqued it, and really just been encouraging. Several of my stories are linked to one or more other ones in some way, so here's a quick guide to everything I've posted thus far: Charmed Worth Something - This is my only Charmed story and it is on an indefinite hiatus until I can figure out what to do with it. Sorry! Criminal Minds The Potomac Finding Light in the Darkness Everything --Each CM fic can be considered separate from one another, though "Finding Light in the Darkness" does fit as a kind of sequel to "The Potomac." All three stories center around the Garcia and Morgan relationship CSI/CSI:Miami/CSI:NY Crossover (archived in the crossover area as a CSI/CSI:NY crossover only because they don't allow listing three shows :) Snark Convention CSI:NY ~Let's Play a Game series~ Go Fish Finish It Homecoming Shootin' the Moon BS Take a Risk Yahtzee! Stretched Metaphors Taking One for the Team Paper Beats Rock --Each story in the Let's Play a Game series is a oneshot that is not directly related to anything else and they only go together because they all in some way revolve around various members of the team playing one game or another (though "Homecoming" barely fits that description) and there is always one or more characters that is/are injured in some way (this show seems to have plenty of those instances to work with). The first four are post-eps for "Charge of this Post" (2x24) when Flack was injured while the next four are post-eps for "Snow Day" (3x24) when Danny was injured, then "Taking One for the Team" is sort of a post-ep for "The Deep" (4x2) when Hawkes was injured in a diving accident and finally "Paper Beats Rock" is kind of a combined post-ep for "The Deep" (4x2) and "You Only Die Once" (4x3). Game Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own the games that I use as focal points for these stories (Go Fish, Dominos, Operation, Hearts, BS, Risk, Yahtzee, Jenga, Euchre, video game Jeopardy! and Rock, Paper, Scissors currently). ~Everything Old is New Again series~ (Arranged in chronological order based on the events of the stories, not on when I posted them) The Sound of Silence Brown Eyed Girl We're Not Going to Take It Band on the Run Escape We Are Family Cat's in the Cradle Saturday in the Park We Can Work It Out Everybody Plays the Fool Song Disclaimer: I do not own the songs that I take the titles from for the stories in this series or the artists who wrote and/or performed them (Simon and Garfunkel, Van Morrison, Twisted Sister, Wings, Rupert Holmes, Sister Sledge, Harry Chapin, Chicago, The Beatles and The Main Ingredient currently for main titles; Bill Withers (Lean on Me), Captain & Tenille (Love Will Keep Us Together), Neil Sedaka (Laughter in the Rain), Kool & The Gang (Celebration), and Glen Campbell (Rhinestone Cowboy) for some chapter titles ). I very much respect the genius behind these songs, so much so that I have been inspired to write some of my fanfics around their titles and emotions. I hope this list helps people navigate what I've written. :) From my author name you might have guessed that I like the movie The Mummy as well as the show Charmed (though I lost interest in that show during its last season or two). I am also a bit obsessed with JAG. Other shows I like include ER (mostly the early years), The West Wing, Law & Order (mainly the original, maybe a little SVU, sometimes CI if there's nothing else on), NCIS, The Closer, Joan of Arcadia (cancelled before it's time), Alias, The Amazing Race (though I've only seen it from the 5th season on), Survivor sometimes, Criminal Minds, Bones, Numb3rs, and CSI:NY (and maybe the original CSI sometimes, but almost never CSI:Miami), and recently Rizzoli & Isles and Covert Affairs and The Glades. I used to like Grey's Anatomy before it got a little too soap operish for my taste. I also like several shows on TLC and The Discovery Channel like Dirty Jobs (I love Mike Rowe!) and Deadliest Catch. You might also be able to guess that I'm female, because I personally don't know any guys in their right minds who would willingly call themselves a name that has "Mummy" in it. Maybe it's that whole Oedipal complex thing, I don't know. And if you've read this far, then you are way too interested in a small time writer like me, but thanks for that interest. It's very flattering. :) Go Cubs! Go Bears! Go Bulls! Go Blackhawks! And if they're not playing the Cubs, Go White Sox! "Always look on the bright side of life." ~The Life of Brian by Monty Python |