August 11, 2001, 1345 Local, The Crab Shack, Lexington Park, MD
Silence dropped over the table like a dark, wet blanket as the waitress cleared away the last of the dishes, and the two normally loquacious aviators just sat lost in thought for a couple of minutes before Harm leaned forward to speak.
"Hammer, you need to watch what you say next very carefully. If it's maudlin I'm going to smack you, and if you're going to be philosophical I'm not going to be held responsible for what happens next. So proceed with great caution."
That stopped Harm in his tracks for a moment, but seconds later he pressed ahead with what he had to say, although his tone was a little abrupt. "All I was going to do was ask a question. Would that be alright, or should I just shut the hell up, pay the bill, and head up 235 toward Sodom on the Potomac?"
Skates was staring down at her hands, but she did nod.
"Can we talk about this, this thing, or whatever it is that trails us around?"
"No Harm, I don't think we can talk about it," she whispered. "In fact, I know we can't talk about it right now because I don't want to be cross examined, and you know we've never been able to talk about things that were closely held without a lot of other stuff coming into the conversation." Her voice got stronger as she continued. "We're like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. When we're good, we're really good. In fact, no one is better than we are when we're really clicking.
"When we're bad, we're really bad. The hell of it is the total lack of any middle ground in our lives. The only good thing is that we're generally really good, and that's saved our ass on more than one occasion. Did you know that at one time the CAG was going to send us to Top Gun? The only reason he didn't was that it would have set a 'bad precedent' according to NAVAIR.
"Remember the one-v-three episode (one aircraft vs. three) that time we were at Nellis (Air Force Base)? That was Adm. Boone's deal, and I didn't know about it until a few months ago. Since the deep thinkers at NAVAIR wouldn't go along with a female wearing fighter weapons school patch, he wanted to make a point. I don't know how the deal was set up, but the three guys who jumped us up at north range were some heavy hitters from Miramar."
That memory brought an involuntary smile to Harm's face. "Yeah, that was some workout if I remember correctly. That was originally briefed as a 2-v-1 training exercise to look at some tactical deals and turned into a free-for-all with a 'pop up' bandit. I'm still not sure how we managed to slide out of that deal without getting zapped."
"Aw, come on Hammer. We got 'out' the old fashion way. Under my expert guidance you shot the one guy in the face at arm's length and then just out turned and burned the two other guys. Simple. The kicker was that the last guy who had the Sidewinder (heat-seeking air-to-air missile) stuck in his ear was the reigning Top Gun kill leader.
"That was an awesome night at the club too wasn't it? The sorry suckers had to slink back home and we had a clean sweep. Apparently the Air Force was also in on the deal, because, if you remember, someone had hung a broom on the back wall. Who would have thought?"
Skates' rendition of the story had a couple of details that were new, but Harm wasn't going to be diverted into telling old war stories. "Liz, that was probably one of our finest hours, but what's that got to do with today?"
"Damnit counselor, why the interrogation? What is it you are so goddamn determined to accomplish here? We've got what is it more than 10 years of history? What's different today from three and a half years ago? Or five years ago, or seven years back? Let me help you out: Nothing is different. Nothing."
Taken by surprise Harm tried to get back into the conversation, but she held a hand up to stop him from speaking.
"Harm, we've both gotten older and with any luck smarter, so please, please don't move our recently concluded aerobic exercises into something on an ethereal plane. You want to know how I see us? It's very basic. We're very, very good at virtually everything we do because we are consummate actors playing roles in some kind of Greek tragedy or comedy. That part is still unclear to me. I can't tell you why sex is part of the equation at times and not at others. Maybe it's hormones or pheromones or something. I just don't know. But there is something I do know.
"If incredible sex, gut wrenching fear, the smell of jet fuel and sweat, and the sweet sensation of cheating death were all there was in life we're on the fast track to heaven. That's why we're this way, but I'm reliably informed that there's more to life in the real world.
"We share a common trait you refuse to acknowledge. We're adrenalin junkies pure and simple. Now, one, or both, of us needs to grow up."
August 11, 2001, 1730 Hrs Local, Flag Country, USS Stennis, CVN-74, Arabian Sea
Bud walked into the battle group commander's office and came to attention at the admiral's desk. "Lieutenant Commander Roberts reporting as ordered, sir."
"At ease Commander Roberts! Mr. Danner has been delayed slightly, but he will be along in a few minutes. Pull up a chair. Coffee?"
Recently nominated for a second star, the admiral had well deserved reputation as an affable, but hard nosed commander. Once coffee had been served and the steward dismissed he came quickly to the point. "Mr. Roberts, your reputation proceeds you, and you are indeed welcome on board. I am hopeful that you will be able to shed a little light on Washington's thinking about our mission and what's ahead.
"Gen. Buckner had high praise for your briefing at the 3rd MEU, and I understand you did a good job with the hungry lions at the conference at Diego Garcia. When Mr. Danner arrives all we have on the agenda right now is a quick grip and grin. Then Adm. Boone has asked that you call your office as soon as you've 'made your manners' here. As usual he wasn't very big on the details and just wanted you to get on the STU as soon as possible." By the time the admiral finished his intelligence chief, Capt. Abraham Danner had entered and the formalities were quickly dispatched.
"Abe, the commander needs a secure office and a STU ASAP to palaver with his higher headquarters. So, we'll shove our discussion back until 1830."
It only took a couple of minutes to get Bud squared away in a secure location, and within another few moments Jennifer Coates' voice was clearly audible on the STU. "Adm. Boone's office. PO Coates speaking. This line is secure. How may I help you sir?"
"Jen, good morning. Everything peaceful in Washington today?"
"Oh, good morning Commander Roberts. Admiral Boone wanted to be sure you had escaped from the Marines and made it back into Naval custody safely. I also have a new guidance document to pass along. Can you access the ship's secure network?"
"Jennifer hold on for a minute while I check to be sure the network connection in this office is secure and boot up my computer."
It only took Bud a couple of moments to connect his laptop and the internal protocols confirmed the security of the ship's onboard network. "Okay, as long as the satellite gods do their thing, the ship's network is secure. Fire away."
While the encrypted e-mail message worked its way through cyberspace from the Pentagon basement to the middle of the Arabian Sea the Jennifer caught Bud up with the latest from the office. Two beeps from the computer indicated that a secure message was in the mail queue. Once Bud entered his password and a level of authorization appropriate to the message it was translated and appeared on the screen.
"Okay, Jen message received and acknowledged." Twelve more keystrokes and the message was officially acknowledged. "Thanks, and when you call Harriett tell her I will track her down later today."
"Yes, sir."
August 11, 2001, 1825 Hrs Local, Flag Country, USS Stennis, CVN-74, Arabian Sea
When Bud made his way back into the admiral's office a steward was setting dinner up on the conference table. Before he could come to attention the admiral was quick with an "at ease Mr. Roberts" and gestured toward a chair. Capt. Danner was already seated, and the admiral moved to join them.
"Gentlemen, with the changes taking place in the geopolitical world today, we're really between wind and water here. Our friends in Iran and Iraq are both keeping the pot boiling, and we keep getting indications that repeating the Cole (incident) is high on the local terrorist hit parade. I am anxious to hear what the big cheeses at the puzzle palace have in mind, so Mr. Roberts the floor's yours."
Bud took a long moment to look at Capt. Danner and at the admiral gathering his thoughts before proceeding. "Gentlemen, I'm not going to be much help here because right now we're probably got the wrong force structure in the wrong place with inadequate prior mission planning. There is a growing body of opinion that neither Iran nor Iraq present a direct state-sponsored threat to American national interests, but that they are supplying intelligence and logistical support for transnational groups who seek to strike at western interests in the Gulf and around the world.
"With that overarching thought the Pentagon has been directed to develop two alternative strategies for dealing with the threat. One avenue has been a sharp step up in intelligence activities aimed at preventing terrorist activities, and you will be receiving specific tasking in support of this work. I can't be specific as to that tasking right now, but guidance will be forthcoming within the next few days.
"There is also a review being conducted within the DOD to create a new 'blueprint' for force structuring. If you want to take the time I have briefing materials that can shed more light on this program if I may be excused for a moment to retrieve them from the CDO (classified document officer)."
After exchanging glances with his intelligence officer the admiral shook his head. "That won't be necessary Mr. Roberts. Adm. Boone was kind enough to back channel your briefing materials to me last night. It's good stuff, but at this point it's thinking that's a mile wide and a foot deep...if you get my drift." Bud picked up his right hand to make a point but Capt. Danner cut him off.
"Mr. Roberts, I don't think there's much doubt in your mind, or more importantly in the minds of Adm. Boone, Capt. Rabb, Adm. Chegwidden, the SECNAV or anyone else that significant changes are going to be hard to drive down the food chain. We've been preparing to fight another large- scale conventional or nuclear war, and that's not in the cards, at least for the foreseeable future is it?"
Silence dropped over the table like a dark, wet blanket as the waitress cleared away the last of the dishes, and the two normally loquacious aviators just sat lost in thought for a couple of minutes before Harm leaned forward to speak.
"Hammer, you need to watch what you say next very carefully. If it's maudlin I'm going to smack you, and if you're going to be philosophical I'm not going to be held responsible for what happens next. So proceed with great caution."
That stopped Harm in his tracks for a moment, but seconds later he pressed ahead with what he had to say, although his tone was a little abrupt. "All I was going to do was ask a question. Would that be alright, or should I just shut the hell up, pay the bill, and head up 235 toward Sodom on the Potomac?"
Skates was staring down at her hands, but she did nod.
"Can we talk about this, this thing, or whatever it is that trails us around?"
"No Harm, I don't think we can talk about it," she whispered. "In fact, I know we can't talk about it right now because I don't want to be cross examined, and you know we've never been able to talk about things that were closely held without a lot of other stuff coming into the conversation." Her voice got stronger as she continued. "We're like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. When we're good, we're really good. In fact, no one is better than we are when we're really clicking.
"When we're bad, we're really bad. The hell of it is the total lack of any middle ground in our lives. The only good thing is that we're generally really good, and that's saved our ass on more than one occasion. Did you know that at one time the CAG was going to send us to Top Gun? The only reason he didn't was that it would have set a 'bad precedent' according to NAVAIR.
"Remember the one-v-three episode (one aircraft vs. three) that time we were at Nellis (Air Force Base)? That was Adm. Boone's deal, and I didn't know about it until a few months ago. Since the deep thinkers at NAVAIR wouldn't go along with a female wearing fighter weapons school patch, he wanted to make a point. I don't know how the deal was set up, but the three guys who jumped us up at north range were some heavy hitters from Miramar."
That memory brought an involuntary smile to Harm's face. "Yeah, that was some workout if I remember correctly. That was originally briefed as a 2-v-1 training exercise to look at some tactical deals and turned into a free-for-all with a 'pop up' bandit. I'm still not sure how we managed to slide out of that deal without getting zapped."
"Aw, come on Hammer. We got 'out' the old fashion way. Under my expert guidance you shot the one guy in the face at arm's length and then just out turned and burned the two other guys. Simple. The kicker was that the last guy who had the Sidewinder (heat-seeking air-to-air missile) stuck in his ear was the reigning Top Gun kill leader.
"That was an awesome night at the club too wasn't it? The sorry suckers had to slink back home and we had a clean sweep. Apparently the Air Force was also in on the deal, because, if you remember, someone had hung a broom on the back wall. Who would have thought?"
Skates' rendition of the story had a couple of details that were new, but Harm wasn't going to be diverted into telling old war stories. "Liz, that was probably one of our finest hours, but what's that got to do with today?"
"Damnit counselor, why the interrogation? What is it you are so goddamn determined to accomplish here? We've got what is it more than 10 years of history? What's different today from three and a half years ago? Or five years ago, or seven years back? Let me help you out: Nothing is different. Nothing."
Taken by surprise Harm tried to get back into the conversation, but she held a hand up to stop him from speaking.
"Harm, we've both gotten older and with any luck smarter, so please, please don't move our recently concluded aerobic exercises into something on an ethereal plane. You want to know how I see us? It's very basic. We're very, very good at virtually everything we do because we are consummate actors playing roles in some kind of Greek tragedy or comedy. That part is still unclear to me. I can't tell you why sex is part of the equation at times and not at others. Maybe it's hormones or pheromones or something. I just don't know. But there is something I do know.
"If incredible sex, gut wrenching fear, the smell of jet fuel and sweat, and the sweet sensation of cheating death were all there was in life we're on the fast track to heaven. That's why we're this way, but I'm reliably informed that there's more to life in the real world.
"We share a common trait you refuse to acknowledge. We're adrenalin junkies pure and simple. Now, one, or both, of us needs to grow up."
August 11, 2001, 1730 Hrs Local, Flag Country, USS Stennis, CVN-74, Arabian Sea
Bud walked into the battle group commander's office and came to attention at the admiral's desk. "Lieutenant Commander Roberts reporting as ordered, sir."
"At ease Commander Roberts! Mr. Danner has been delayed slightly, but he will be along in a few minutes. Pull up a chair. Coffee?"
Recently nominated for a second star, the admiral had well deserved reputation as an affable, but hard nosed commander. Once coffee had been served and the steward dismissed he came quickly to the point. "Mr. Roberts, your reputation proceeds you, and you are indeed welcome on board. I am hopeful that you will be able to shed a little light on Washington's thinking about our mission and what's ahead.
"Gen. Buckner had high praise for your briefing at the 3rd MEU, and I understand you did a good job with the hungry lions at the conference at Diego Garcia. When Mr. Danner arrives all we have on the agenda right now is a quick grip and grin. Then Adm. Boone has asked that you call your office as soon as you've 'made your manners' here. As usual he wasn't very big on the details and just wanted you to get on the STU as soon as possible." By the time the admiral finished his intelligence chief, Capt. Abraham Danner had entered and the formalities were quickly dispatched.
"Abe, the commander needs a secure office and a STU ASAP to palaver with his higher headquarters. So, we'll shove our discussion back until 1830."
It only took a couple of minutes to get Bud squared away in a secure location, and within another few moments Jennifer Coates' voice was clearly audible on the STU. "Adm. Boone's office. PO Coates speaking. This line is secure. How may I help you sir?"
"Jen, good morning. Everything peaceful in Washington today?"
"Oh, good morning Commander Roberts. Admiral Boone wanted to be sure you had escaped from the Marines and made it back into Naval custody safely. I also have a new guidance document to pass along. Can you access the ship's secure network?"
"Jennifer hold on for a minute while I check to be sure the network connection in this office is secure and boot up my computer."
It only took Bud a couple of moments to connect his laptop and the internal protocols confirmed the security of the ship's onboard network. "Okay, as long as the satellite gods do their thing, the ship's network is secure. Fire away."
While the encrypted e-mail message worked its way through cyberspace from the Pentagon basement to the middle of the Arabian Sea the Jennifer caught Bud up with the latest from the office. Two beeps from the computer indicated that a secure message was in the mail queue. Once Bud entered his password and a level of authorization appropriate to the message it was translated and appeared on the screen.
"Okay, Jen message received and acknowledged." Twelve more keystrokes and the message was officially acknowledged. "Thanks, and when you call Harriett tell her I will track her down later today."
"Yes, sir."
August 11, 2001, 1825 Hrs Local, Flag Country, USS Stennis, CVN-74, Arabian Sea
When Bud made his way back into the admiral's office a steward was setting dinner up on the conference table. Before he could come to attention the admiral was quick with an "at ease Mr. Roberts" and gestured toward a chair. Capt. Danner was already seated, and the admiral moved to join them.
"Gentlemen, with the changes taking place in the geopolitical world today, we're really between wind and water here. Our friends in Iran and Iraq are both keeping the pot boiling, and we keep getting indications that repeating the Cole (incident) is high on the local terrorist hit parade. I am anxious to hear what the big cheeses at the puzzle palace have in mind, so Mr. Roberts the floor's yours."
Bud took a long moment to look at Capt. Danner and at the admiral gathering his thoughts before proceeding. "Gentlemen, I'm not going to be much help here because right now we're probably got the wrong force structure in the wrong place with inadequate prior mission planning. There is a growing body of opinion that neither Iran nor Iraq present a direct state-sponsored threat to American national interests, but that they are supplying intelligence and logistical support for transnational groups who seek to strike at western interests in the Gulf and around the world.
"With that overarching thought the Pentagon has been directed to develop two alternative strategies for dealing with the threat. One avenue has been a sharp step up in intelligence activities aimed at preventing terrorist activities, and you will be receiving specific tasking in support of this work. I can't be specific as to that tasking right now, but guidance will be forthcoming within the next few days.
"There is also a review being conducted within the DOD to create a new 'blueprint' for force structuring. If you want to take the time I have briefing materials that can shed more light on this program if I may be excused for a moment to retrieve them from the CDO (classified document officer)."
After exchanging glances with his intelligence officer the admiral shook his head. "That won't be necessary Mr. Roberts. Adm. Boone was kind enough to back channel your briefing materials to me last night. It's good stuff, but at this point it's thinking that's a mile wide and a foot deep...if you get my drift." Bud picked up his right hand to make a point but Capt. Danner cut him off.
"Mr. Roberts, I don't think there's much doubt in your mind, or more importantly in the minds of Adm. Boone, Capt. Rabb, Adm. Chegwidden, the SECNAV or anyone else that significant changes are going to be hard to drive down the food chain. We've been preparing to fight another large- scale conventional or nuclear war, and that's not in the cards, at least for the foreseeable future is it?"