![]() Author has written 9 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Vocaloid, Pokémon, and Web Shows. Stories, progress and ideas: - Arthur Kirkland's High School Adventures: This story is being rewritten. - Dance With Me: One-shot for England's fanon birthday. Complete. - Dark Wood's Series: This story wasn't very successful at all... I may re-write it one day. - The Days We Chase: I'm not sure how many chapters this story will have. As long as it remains healthy and somewhat successful, it should continue for quite a while. Hiatus. - The Vocaloid Clan: I don't think this story will end up with any more chapters. - Trust: One-shot. Complete. - Mistakes With Purpose: I have no idea for how long this story will run... - Upcoming project: - I've recently started RPing with Foreign Compromise and I am determined to spawn a story from our sessions! w Bio. Hey, Iggyloid here! I tend to go by Tsukiko and, well, Iggyloid on the internet! As the little flag states, I am British and proud. PATRIOTISM FTW! I'm a girl and I'm still in secondary school for the time being, but that's all the age-related information you're getting... If I were one inch shorter than I am, I would technically be classed as a dwarf (according to Wikipedia...). As you can imagine, I am short. My favourite mangas are Puella Magi Madoka Magica and, of course, Hetalia. My favourite anime is Axis Powers: Hetalia and I am currently persuading my amazing, kind, caring, loving, fabulous big sister to slip me a copy through the post for my birthday. :3 My star sign is Cancer. I used to have a dog called Bruno and he was a Boxer Dog... I love Boxer Dogs. So cute One of the most interesting and most amazing things about me is that I threw up in the middle of an exam. My life is now 76% complete. Pairings I support:
Hetalia: America/England (USUK) Spain/Romano (Spamano) Prussia/Canada (PruCan... though I do like seme!Mattie a lot...) France/Canada (Franada. Still like seme!Mattie though...!) Canada/Ukraine (CanUkr) Russia/China (RoChu) Greece/Japan (GiriPan) Germany/Italy (GerIta) Sealand/Wy Austria/Hungary (AusHun... I think?) PruHun (Sometimes) Sweden/Finland (SunFin) Vocaloid. KAITO/Miku KAITO/MEIKO Len/Miku Len/Teto Len/Luka Len/Piko Len/Gumi Gakupo/Luka Miku/Luka (I find it funny XD) |