Author has written 53 stories for Harry Potter, Circle Opens, Teen Titans, Song of the Lioness, Hobbit, Immortals, Tamora Pierce, Circle of Magic, Hunger Games, and Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series. Hi there! :) I'm Ana. Pleasure to meet you! If you want some light reading, check out bubblecloudz. She's amazing! About me: 1. I love weird/unusual/unexpected/not overly done pairings. As a result, most of my favourite pairings have very few stories. Some of the pairings I'd love to see are only in my head. Yes, very strange, I know. I seem to like curious, unloved things. 2. Side characters are awesome, mostly because that means I can take them and twist their stories to suit whatever phase I'm going through. I love giving characters a different perspective/angle and, hopefully, interesting/entertaining views. Their opportunities for humour make me feel happy, so there. 3. Review, flame, totally ignore me - you do you! :) How I see it, I just have crazy ideas that are hit or miss. I shall try to return the favour, but lately I've fallen slack on my reading of fanfic. Sowwy X.x 4. Even though I've been gone, I am open to requests and/or challenges. Review or send me a PM. It can be a pairing, a prompt, whatever. If you like my writing style, I am up for anything. Except I suck at writing M-rated fics T_T haha 5. I don't particularly like OCs, but I can put up with moderate OOC-ness and well-balanced OCs, as I myself attempt to write that. However, go ahead and bash my OCs as well. That's the whole point of the writing and reviewing and revising and repeating process xD My muse is fickle and baffles me 80.02% of the time lol My favourite quote: "The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal." First line from Kurt Vonnegut's short story Harrison Bergeron, my favourite sci-fi, dystopic short story. Pairings & Characters: I don't ship many pairings. I love certain characters, but I'm open to almost anything. I don't have a strong bias for anything except well-written fics xD lol Please believe me that most of the stories I write, I like the pairing. But it doesn't mean it's set in stone. Feel free to play around with them, too! Here's a list of characters I love to read/write, if you wanted a small glimpse at how my mind works :3 Harry Potter: Angelina Johnson, Montague, Miles Bletchley, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, Blaise Zabini, Cho Chang, Oliver Wood, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Gilderoy Lockhart Circle of Magic: Trisana Chandler, Kethlun Warder, Kirel, Frostpine, Crane, Niklaren Goldeye, Briar Moss Tortall series: Alanna, Alex, Raoul, George, Gary, Onua, Sarge, Keladry, Cleon, Ali Mukhtab Abhorsen/Old Kingdom series: Lirael, Nicholas Sayre, Sabriel, Hedge, Disreputable Dog/Kibeth Teen Titans: Raven, Cyborg, Slade, Adonis Hunger Games: Johanna Mason, Cinna, Finnick Odair, Effie Trinket, Beetee, Wiress, Boggs Fire Emblem: Lyndis, Hector, Eirika, Ephraim, Heath, Jaffar, Innes, Joshua, Matthew, Rath, L'Arachel Before I get ahead of myself, I know this will not impact a lot of people. However, this task is important to me. I have never and will never believe that anything I create and write is perfect. Everything can be improved, even if it's something minor like an incomplete sentence or a word choice that changes the meaning of the story. I have realised that many of my old stories need some polishing up and, as I endeavour to complete this task this calendar year, I shall be updating, removing and actually organising my page. I am attempting to be proactive in starting at the beginning (also, my OCD tells me to start there.) I am starting with the pieces I definitely want to keep, so if things disappear, move or are otherwise altered, that's the reason why. It suits my muse to organise and make sense of chaos and tidy things up for the sake of cleanliness and the higher writing powers that be. Those pieces with lots of reviews may be kept as much in their original form as possible. Idk, we shall see. I am guided by the whim of a tricksy fairy. To do list: WRITE the Cho/Roger prompt for genevieves15. I AM SO SORRY I NEVER FINISHED IT X.X I will write it and make it a masterpiece just for you, even if you're not around. Because you are awesome and deserve so much Roger/Cho fluff xD Write for the amazing bubblecloudz because I can't do more on here to show our friendship :) Organise. rewrite/revise and clean up stories Post song on youtube for bubblecloudz hehe this made it on my to-do list!! :D-hugs and glitter anyway- x.X I am the sorriest little ana-kins with sprinkles and sugary fluffy sadness... NB: I am so sorry I have been gone. I keep appearing and disappearing just like the Invisible Girl. I am so sorry if my absence impacted you at all negatively. Life gets in the way of my internets and I need to take breaks from cyberspace sometimes. As of this update, I am here and available until further notice (ie if you see me last logged in several weeks ago, then presume I am gone from internet world for awhile.) I am writing this because I am an overacheesing, overcompensating person who is more concerned about the well-being of others than herself and therefore often gets into situations where she is taken away from the internets because reality calls... blah sometimes living in a world of my own doesn't sound so bad. Right, Alice? |
AlhanaStarbreeze99 (43) bubblecloudz (12) Cupiditatis (23) danger.angel (24) | Kitty Ryan (77) Nevar12 (54) redcandle (143) SaaraAndBooks (0) | shadowycat (58) whimonda3110 (13) Yue Sai (25) |