Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. Hi Everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read my profile, I hope you have enjoyed whatever story it is of mine that you have read. I highly recommend you read 'I Followed Her and She Led Me to You', it is by far my best story, and my favourite. My other stories currently here are also Twilight ones, 'A Life Like No Other' was something I came up with when I was fifteen and struggling with a lot in my life. As such it is not the best work I have ever produced, it contains some strange themes and tropes, and was obviously written by someone very young. I will not be continuing this universe as it is, but sometimes I miss that I haven't actually updated anything or used half of the scenes I thought of. As such, I may decided to post a couple of chapters in a 'one-shot' type format but this isn't set in stone. But please, read anything posted here, give me your feedback, and I hope you enjoy these little snippets into my somewhat strange mind and over active imagination. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in my stories except the characters that I invent, everything else belongs to the original author and I am just continuing their story how I see it should go or changing it bit after asking myself 'what if...?' I realise that 'I Followed Her, and She Led Me to You' has some similar themes in the beginning to a few other Jasper/Bella stories, but this will change as I move through. My thoughts on sex and marriage So in the AN on Chapter 15 of I Followed Her and She Led Me to You I said I would share my thoughts on sex and marriage after I realised I hadn't shared this and my views may be considered a little unorthodox compared to many of my readers. Some reviews and PMs have conveyed the message that they don't agree with how Jasper just 'dropped' Alice when he found out he was close to finding his true mate and how they didn't like that they still had sex that night they broke up. So, firstly, I want to start by saying this is a reflection of my own personal views. I was raised non-religiously by an atheist mother and agnostic father in a fairly non-religious society. I live in the city of churches but growing up I knew maybe three people who attended church so I was never influenced to believe in no sex before marriage. My sex ed at school was medically accurate and fairly comprehensive, and I have just always grown up in an environment where sex is normalised. I knew what sex was for (even if I didn't know the specifics) since I was quite young and while I was taught that it was something you needed to be somewhat careful with, all of the adults in my life were realistic that I would probably have sex at some point and I would need to have information and open communication so I could go to anyone if something went wrong or I needed advice. So basically what I'm saying is I get that for many people sex is almost a sacred act and taboo and not something to enter into lightly, for me it's just sex. It can be fantastic, and enjoyable, and great, but these are just my views. Make your own decisions but please be aware that this is my story and as such is a reflection on my views and this is how I see the characters. Secondly, marriage. I think marriage is great if that's what you want to do, but personally as a non-religious person I don't think it needs to be the ultimate goal for relationships, I don't think it needs to be the be-all-and-end-all, and I don't think it is necessary for having a family. And probably my most controversial opinion: I don't think marriage is automatically for life. If I were to get married I'd write my own vows and have 'til death do us part' replaced with 'as long as the love shall last' because that's what I think marriage should be. As long as you are two consenting adults and want to get married, then do it. If you get married and things go bad then I don't think divorce should be seen as a failure, but more like you have acknowledged there is something wrong that can't be fixed and you both deserve to be happy so part amicably rather than be miserable together. Basically these are just my views, I'm happy to discuss this if you want, but these views are reflected in my stories. I don't want to push my views on others, form your own opinions just like I did. |
AnonymousNerd (3) Breanie (28) | pettybureaucrat (19) pottermommy1118 (23) | the-writer1988 (41) |