Author has written 3 stories for Hunger Games, and Ib. Warning: this profile is really long me and vix make the bitches crawl [11:40:59 PM] hinata hyuga (‿): thats disgusting Though it's unlikely I'll ever use this account again, I'd like everyone I encountered on this website to be aware just how dear I hold you all to me. My friends who supported me even though I was super annoying and constantly overemotional, and the strangers who reviewed on my first few terrible stories: you are all very precious and have helped me out a great deal. If you have my Skype or any other messaging system, feel free to chat me up on there anytime. My tumblr is old-years-eve. Vixxy; [4/5/2013 8:47:31 PM] Vixenator: I was in Chicago at night LMFAO BAD IDEA and like tthese drunk dudes passed me and were like "hey girl come party with uus" and I did (cool) Audz; [1:32:26 AM] Audrey G: omfg i probably sounded like an eskimo child for a second there Teddy; [1/28/2013 7:14:57 PM] Teddy: im in a prostitution-type relationship with rosy Hanny; [12:36:01 AM] Hannah: if we were twilight i would be bella and rosy gets to be da wolf because i like them the best and teddy is ed because hes pale Tommy; [5/31/2013 7:31:42 PM] Ace: does he have tatoos? peircings? is he nice to you? Jake; [4/12/2013 5:52:50 PM] Jake "Ella" Henderson: Rosy is swaggy Jay-son; [6/17/2013 2:46:43 PM] Corey Tatham: you screeched Olly-g; [6/24/2013 12:19:22 PM] Olive: same like she is a starving kid in d10 she is not gonna be a fatass Meggymu; [6/16/2013 3:56:55 PM] Meganaaaa: I LIVE ON AN ARM Immybear; [6/24/2013 12:04:24 PM] The Resident Grammar Nazi: *sense of humour strikes again* Sammy; [4/14/2013 11:21:37 AM] Sammy: you are magic rosy I love each and every one of them so much, and I would be lost without them! a story [5:41:35 PM] Teddy: well there was once a nice, beautiful, and esteemed boy named Teddy ok failures starring Cashmere67 [3/15/2013 10:54:45 PM] Teddy: you'REM AKING UFN OMY MATH [3/15/2013 11:15:01 PM] Teddy: me and her are the rmoe and mjuliet of the 21st century [3/15/2013 11:15:14 PM] Teddy: i am tianiutm [3/29/2013 11:24:03 PM] Teddy: hanah tel men r [3/29/2013 11:50:30 PM] Teddy: ill serneade u [12:04:14 AM] Teddy: GO TO BED HAMN [12:05:23 AM] Teddy: ima call u vcalerie from now on [12:31:41 AM] Hannah: STAPO [12:02:51 PM] Ace: SHIT UP LOl [1:07:29 PM] Teddy: laurel sucfks [6:02:29 PM] Teddy: LMFOA UFCK U [6:08:43 PM] Teddy: she tinkssg shed's funny [6:16:42 PM] Teddy: you redmind me quole issa legit [6:17:26 PM] Teddy: wana comeee aster egg huntign tomorrow with me and trish [6:37:52 PM] Teddy: r u lbind... [6:42:13 PM] Teddy: that would be the funneiestst thing ok [6:52:12 PM] Teddy: ...legit saem [2:51:11 PM] Olive: what r u speking of [3:17:26 PM] Teddy: i bet u beleived fawn [6:10:10 PM] Vixenator: it was a constumed party hai! [8:19:05 AM] Jake "Ella" Henderson: SHIT UP [3:05:19 PM] Megana: did you ehar it [3:10:52 PM] Teddy: int omy van [7:06:14 PM] Teddy: jzt give am ras eason XD:) [7:07:08 PM] Olive: teddy typoe slower [7:11:11 PM] Teddy: we qaz born to die !! [7:11:23 PM] Teddy: no ur just somebodi i justed to know XD [7:11:45 PM] Teddy: baganrang [7:18:04 PM] Teddy: no they're just a gifmrent of tyour iiagmiantion [7:24:42 PM] Teddy: oh my fgucking god [3:25:36 PM] Teddy: im ap roefesional hair cutter ok] [3:27:51 PM] Teddy: rosy tsop [5:14:38 PM] Ace: Im getting shiped out to the UK tomorrow [5:18:40 PM] Teddy: lino king 1.2 [3:00:37 PM] Teddy: let me message ya throat 4 u [8:35:11 PM] Teddy: are you tthateningi me [11:12:58 AM] Teddy: ithces aint shita dn dey ant say anpthing XD [6:18:30 PM] Audrey G: andt he rebellioan twouldn't have strated without her [6:45:00 PM] Audrey G: im relly fglad rosy's not here to record these mistakes on her profile [12:28:41 AM] Sam Sovereign: You snuck guppy took my bedroom? [3:39:57 PM] Teddy: her speeling sucks.. [3:45:54 PM] Teddy: she was intoixciated [3:52:38 PM] Teddy: beidesb ieng written by u [6:17:24 PM] Megan: shoine bright loike a rubeh (rock) [7:21:05 PM] Teddy: dont sp[eak 3 me.. [7:24:26 PM] Teddy: i dont talk to myslef [7:25:12 PM] Jake "Ella" Henderson: i knew you was trouble when you waked in [5:51:57 PM] Audrey G: omfg r u making the blofg [6:27:54 PM] Vixxette: i beestz im fa yrap! [6:30:48 PM] Teddy: you dont Admire Blanrcharad me ;) [6:32:06 PM] Teddy: do i intimdiatme u ;0 [4:58:44 PM] Audrey G: yuor so men to ne [5:03:21 PM] I Am Optimist Vix: who da bby fady hale??? [5:05:35 PM] Teddy: you coudl be primorse [5:05:41 PM] Teddy: Primroes "Rosy" Olivas... [5:10:30 PM] Audrey G: unl3s shemad it out of beriaz [5:16:37 PM] Teddy: do not bring up sivler's naresg [5:19:30 PM] Teddy: almostl ike u [5:27:37 PM] Jake's Concubine Sussana: sgawp usin cheyenne rn [5:29:20 PM] Teddy: ...leave hime alone [5:36:45 PM] Jake's Concubine Sussana: TLLY???? [5:38:22 PM] Jake's Concubine Sussana: I MEANT JOME ALMFAO [9:04:22 PM] Jake's Concubine Vixellette: im tispy dotn kudge ne [10:41:22 PM] Jake's Concubine Vixellette: why r u teddu [11:28:51 AM] Sammy: LOL glorious and heavnly [6:14:06 PM] Scarlett JoVixen: im squralin so much [6:18:19 PM] Teddy: KAWAI [6:45:50 PM] Teddy: ur the bniggest liar [12:28:35 PM] Berlin: wtf did u sya to me [7:45:10 PM] Teddy: i wnat cottaon candy [11:55:57 PM] Teddy: im a beufatufil sinner |
Cashmere67 (7) DarknessSeeps (5) JabberjayHeart (13) jakey121 (12) | Phoenix Refrain (27) pollecat (0) Rose Hunter (9) Rue's Roses (5) | SafeEyesOpen (5) Sgarnett99 (0) smoothglitter (0) zxskunkmuffinxz (2) |