A/N: Please just try to excuse me from missing the prologue. I realize I promised you all it, but I haven't found time to complete both that and my other chapter due. I promise you that I will have it posted tomorrow, though.

This is only the tribute list and character summaries. Some of you asked if you could wait until you see who the other tributes are before you decide on who you want your tribute to ally with, etc. Well, I hope this is enough information for you, then.

Chapter 1: The Tributes

Nix Palais, 18, Recent Victor (District 11)

From what I can tell, District 1 seems to be rather typical as their backgrounds seem to open up.

The male is Eden Night this year, one of the older tributes at the age of seventeen. It's clear that he's your average Career tribute, a bright smile hinting at major arrogance and a demanding personality. It's clear that he'll strive for the position of the Career's Pack leader, however this may not turn out the way he'll want it to.

Storey Kalak is another story. A Volunteer she is, Storey seems to lack the stereotyped strength of a Career. She's quick, nimble in fact, yet her speed can only get her so far. Judging by the bright grin on her face, Storey is bubbly ad outgoing. Just what District 1 needs again, for last year's female wasn't enough.

District 2 has often been notified as a favorite, especially when it comes to the excited freaks of the Capitol, and this year's tributes are no exception.

Alden Sinclair is clearly a softer kind of tribute than in previous years. The males from District 2 are typically brutal and sadistic, but there is no suggestion of bloodthirst in Alden's appearance. He'll clearly go for a charming approach when it comes time for the Interviews, and as long his personality is just as perfect, Alden should have no issue with receiving sponsors.

I can't say that Adrian Parker is any different, however I can only question the true habits of the girl. They often say that a pretty face is where many issues begin, but Adrian looks to not have too much of a problem with others. In truth, she looks rather shy and accepting, and I would have found her innocent if I hadn't learned anything from last year.

I'm not entirely sure if I even want to see who District 3 has stumbled upon this year. As expected, the tributes normally shy away from fights, depending on their intelligence or inventions.

District 3 has found yet another one of those, as Volt Aldrin is rather young and far too small to fight back directly. It's usual that the tributes of Three take much pride in their abilities, and Volt clearly does. I imagine his arrogance can rise too high, and that might just be a liability when in need of allies in the Arena.

AnneMaria Fidle resembles a tribute from last year in both appearance and demeanor, for she is clearly just as petite as her district partner. Though her cherubic smile reveals an innocent angel at heart, the fact that AnneMaria is capable of exploding with what fury she can hold in her small body may end up surprising.

It's no surprise that District 4 has obtained yet two more interesting tributes. The Fishing District has been known for their intriguing competitors.

However, I'm unsure if Lloyd Persingar can be classified as one of the charismatic types. By no means is the boy wearing a warm grin, and he seems to be as equally cold as District 1's Eden Night. I don't doubt that Lloyd will have varying arguments with his allies, however I have yet to see if he decides to play it bloodthirsty or remain almost lifeless.

Without a doubt in my mind is that Araxie Brimlad will make all hell for her allies, as well. I imagine that behind such a face, you'll only receive lies and blackmails, and that's exactly what I expect from this seventeen-year-old. Though it's been known that District 2's male is typically the Career leader, Araxie might just try to shift expectations around this year.

I've expected high standards for District 5 tributes in the last few years, and the two competitors this year are no different.

I'm unable to compare Chet Davis to any other former tribute, as his history is diminished to almost nothing after two years back. Whether this be because of his lack of memory or not, Chet could easily take advantage of anyone he desires, and it would clearly be best to keep your distance from both him and his past.

Yet Robyn Marrawinn is not the same, for, despite her anger being easy to flair, it is at least possible to be fond of her. Perhaps her sharp tongue is something to admire if you're candid, and the fact that she's cunning can easily be of use in the arena. It's often the sneaky ones that get away with the most kills, and Robyn could possibly be the same.

Fortunately enough for District 6, they happen to have two more tributes that could prove well in the Arena this year.

Though Lucanus Hartman isn't a Titus like a few year back, his anger can be sparked simply by a loss of someone he cares for. It's tributes like him, loyal and conservative, that receive helpful and sympathetic sponsors. There's not a doubt in my mind that this guy can get far, yet the overwhelming disappointments of the Games could easily get to him.

It's actually nice to see that Erin Sloane isn't as defenseless as previous tributes in the last few years. As many Six tributes are presumed to die in the bloodbath, Erin can prove herself different. She's confident, much like headstrong tributes, and is actually easy to befriend. But whether or not she is intimidated by her threats determines if she fights.

District 7 is known for their strength and agility, and, like typical, it is never too easy to bring their tributes down.

Perhaps last year's Bloodbath brought upon the death of both tributes from Seven, but Jay Sconni, I believe, can easily escape the massacre with no issue upon him. The boy's clearly a silent killer, and he'll be willing to perform any task to earn the title of the Victor this year. He'll end up as a difficult opponent to evade if he isn't hunted down.

Liz Garner differs highly from her district partner, though, as the friendly fifteen-year-old contains not the slightest bit of remorse or hate in her. In truth, it's a wonder how she manages this, but the girl is far too gullible to make it too far. Many tributes are sly this year, and Liz will clearly not be able to distinguish between their lies and truths.

District 8 hardly ever gets through the initial Bloodbath. Whether their tributes this year will change the fact or not is unknown.

It's rather uncomfortable to say that Lance Grey may not. Resembling many other tributes, he is too kind to kill, but he hasn't always been this way. At the age of eleven, Lance experienced a rather horrific event, shifting his personality completely. He was once brooding and dark, always keeping to himself, but he soon decided that he was in need of a change.

Cyra Owerin is not exactly the same as him, though. While she is rather quiet and intellectual, Cyra has been known to be stressed easily and gradually. She'll end up revealing her worries at her times of being upset, and if she were to obtain allies, she might not take it too well. Cyra has experience with this, however, as she's lost a loved one to the Games before.

No one sees District 9 as having a Victor this year, as in previous Games, they have either been too small or too unexperienced with weaponry.

Only James Lando is neither feeble nor entirely hopeless. It's obvious that if this guy gives you a threat, he'll do anything to act it through. In his world, he's in control, and he'll show anyone this rather quickly by a series of a kills or commands. James will most likely enjoy the thought of killing others without a punishment, but it's likely he'll be targeted by many.

Though she isn't as arrogant as Careers, Alla Barrow has much pride in herself. She's actually trained quite a while now, and her intelligence can clearly serve her well. Yet it's a wonder if she can get too far without much knowledge on survival skills. Her studies of the Games will lend the girl assistance, for Alla is experienced enough to be accepted in the Career Pack.

District 10 has been known to have stimulating tributes, for in the last few years the competitors had made it surprisingly far despite unfortunate events.

Yet, there have been no such events for Angus Bauer. The seventeen-year-old is often passive and bleak when it comes down to it, but perhaps it will not affect his choices that he will act on in the Arena. I imagine that he can be rather candid, not specifically concerned with other beings, however he'll serve well in the Games if he runs into a decision that he'll be able to ponder about.

But despite this, Dakota Landrail is questionable. The girl can either be described as odd or almost distant, as she is fond of pointing out bizarre statements of one's aura and spiritual nature. She's not much of a fighter, however the girl is only fourteen, so it's likely she will refrain from killing. I'm not entirely sure if she'll even be able to gain allies...

And then there's me, thanks to President Snow and the rest of the Capitol. Unfortunately, that means I'll have to manage to miraculously survive once more, but if I have anything to do with it, I'm not participating in the Games fairly this year. If the Capitol thought it was hell to have Nix Palais in the Games two years back, they're in for an interesting time this year.

Zaelynn Summerfeild might just encourage the thought of playing with the Capitol's rules, as she is audacious and witty unlike much of our district. Zaelynn is by far a tomboy, and finds trouble quite easily with her smart comments, earning her plenty of punishments. Though she isn't accepted by many girls, Zaelynn learns much by putting herself in with the guys of the district.

Many citizens of the Capitol don't expect much from the tributes of District 12, however, last year has clearly changed the view of the competitors.

Though I'm not entirely positive, Cinz Hemming might live up to a great expectation. The kid might be rather small, but he is aware of what to expect from the Gamemaker's tricks. He's rather intelligent when it comes to strategies, yet this probably can't make up for his lack of strength.

Holly Finch isn't the same as the little kid she has as a district partner, for the girl has proved herself to be rather cold and unflinching. At one time, she must have been as friendly and caring as many of her district, however this could possibly the year in which she proves who she is behind her passive emotion.

Unfortunately, the tributes this year will only have the dangers escalate in the Arena. Besides, there's always the twist this year that will influence their actions. There is no single Victor but five survivors. What the catch may be is beyond my knowing, but I expect it isn't what many of the tributes will want to hear.

Thank you all for your lovely tributes, though. I had complained that I didn't receive many fighters last year, but this...certainly made up for it.

I'm not sure how I'll do the next few chapters. I'd really hate to do the Reapings, but I can't just do the Goodbyes. I might simply do one tribute's reaping and the other tribute's goodbyes. I'll figure it out soon. Also, the Arena has yet to be determined, but my cousin and brother are filling my head with ideas.

If you have any questions about the twist this year, PM me. I know, I never did have it announced (other than the last line), for the prologue has not been put up yet. Bear with me, it will be soon. Have a good day/night!
