Author has written 11 stories for Charmed, Vampire Diaries, and Teen Wolf. What should I write? ...That's it... I have a tumblr...if you want to experience me out of the writing zone: Stories and status: Stick With Me: Right now I am having a hard time writing this story. I have literally rewritten the latest chapter three times, only liking the ending. So for now, I am going to put this story on hold. This is just temporary though. But I know for people who come back to this (especially after I go on so many hiatuses) that I am frustrating and all that, so now you know this one is intended (hangs head in shame). I will be writing one shots and possibly starting another story, but I may not, out of respect that I have not even finished this one (that's a long shot though). To Love A Hopeless Romantic: I may or may not start a story based off of this one. Well I am lying, I already started writing for this as a continued story, but I don't know if I will post it just yet. No Turning Back: I am thinking of continuing this one, just because I came up with an ending for it. If I do start it, it will more than likely be posted either this or next Thursday (because then it will coincide with TVD). Well, We Are Friends: This story got out of hand real quick. I wrote myself into a corner I could have gotten out of, but I decided to shrug it off for too long, and now I can't remember, or be inspired to finish it. I am discontinuing it, but if I bring back the idea of Rebekah and Bonnie friendship, I will basically start this story over. Sins Of The Mother: Complete. It was a one shot... Tell Me Silently: In the process. I promise this story will be 30. I am also trying to give three chapters per update. Another Night: Complete. It was a one shot. Just As Charming: Discontinuing, but will be revamping into a TVD-Charmed crossover. I have started writing a TVD-Charmed crossover, basically Bonnie moves to San Francisco for college, and all that...but this will probably not get posted until I have more than five chapters written. So basically I am at a creative mess. I want to write, and I am trying, but it is all kinds of hot tragedy and struggle. I am not taking any stories down (if I revamp Just As Charming, then yeah that one might disappear). Hopefully I can get back to spouting decent writing soon. New updates: 11/29/2012 Stick With Me: Still on hiatus. I have no qualms in saying I got too messy with this story. Hopefully I will update again. I will update again. I just got to refocus. Tell Me Silently: The next few chapters (hoping just six) will be one update. A six chapter update it is looking out to be about Bonnie's return to Mystic Falls. Hopefully will be posted by Thursday or Friday. I am on chapter 4 right now. |