A/N: Dark Bonnie. Nuff said. Special Disclaimer: This story involves violence/torture. Not suitable reading material for those under 18.
Disclaimer: These characters are the creative property of LJ Smith and The CW. No copyright infringement is intended.
A coin toss? That was how they decided her mother's fate tonight? A fudging coin toss! Bonnie stomped back and forth across the floor in her bedroom occasionally flicking her eyes to the still form lying in the center of her bed. Her mother's chest wasn't moving. Her neck was awkwardly contorted like a marionette whose strings had been prematurely cut. She had only been reunited with her mom for a month, and during that month they spent that time trying to find a way to scrap whatever magic lingered in Abby Bennett out.
Tears flowed unchecked down her caramel cheeks, ruining her mascara and eyeliner, not like she cared one iota about her appearance tonight.
Tonight everything that happened a thousand years ago would have been reversed, eradicated, vanquished. Klaus and his siblings alike would have been wiped from the face of the earth and Bonnie would have been able to skip off happily into her future. Everyone on her side of the spectrum would have won.
But naturally things did not go down that course. Elena, of course spilled the beans to Elijah who then took her hostage and then forced Damon and Stefan to find a way to stop Esther from carrying out her plan, or he'd give the order to Rebekah to kill Elena if they failed to do so.
And of course Bonnie had been selected to be the unlucky winner tonight.
This is what Bonnie wanted to say to the following people and in this order.
Rebekah: You're a crazy bitch but you had a point. It is rather annoying what lengths people will go to to save Elena's life. Bra-freaking-O, maybe when this is over we can go clubbing.
Esther: It was nice knowing you but we should have had a better plan.
Finn: For once I found myself understanding a vampire. Although it was kind of sad you were willing to die only to right the misguided wrong your mother created. But wait…we kind of have that martyrdom complex in common.
Kol: Glad I never really had to talk to you and more than likely I wouldn't have like you anyways.
Elijah: I hope you get sodomized by a porcupine.
Klaus: Either grow a pair and be completely bad-ass because the love unrequited look does nothing for you.
Stefan: You better look both ways before you cross the street.
Damon: I am going to One)defang you. Two)slit your damn throat. Three)cut off the penis you are so obviously proud of and love to spread around. Four) wear your day walking ring around my neck like a trophy after hog tying you to a wheelchair and rolling you off a steep cliff at high noon.
Caroline walked into her bedroom shattering Bonnie's dark fantasy. With her she carried two blood bags. Just eyeing those things made Bonnie's anger resurface and consume her every waking thought. She watched as her only friend sat them down on the bed side table. Caroline hovered near the edge of the bed looking over Abby's still form. Bonnie wasn't exactly sure what Caroline was looking for, but she honestly was glad she was here.
This wasn't something she wanted to go at alone.
"Everything is going to be fine, Bonnie. I know you're worried, but I'm here, and we're going to get through this together."
Caroline's soft voice was meant to be comforting and reassuring but Bonnie's insides didn't want everything to work out, to be fine, because she wasn't fine.
Vampires took her grandmother, almost took her identity, and now…
They, or he, she should say took her mother. Abby wouldn't want this. She wouldn't want to be made immortal and have to drink human blood in order to live. Just as she had found someone who could help her with her power, Bonnie was inexplicably made to walk the earth alone-again.
"We won't know how anything is going to turn out, Caroline," Bonnie said through the raw burn of her throat.
"No, we won't," Caroline conceded yet mustered on. "But thinking positive is the only way you're going to be able to get through the next few days."
Bonnie snorted and walked over to the window and looked out. Her entire street was silent. The world twirled on its axis and everyone was left none the wiser.
Bonnie turned away from the window and stared at her friend. "What if she doesn't want to transition?"
Caroline felt the pain of her question because not that long ago she had to sit and watch her father die. Caroline bit her lower lip and crossed the room to stand in front of Bonnie. She clasped her by the shoulders.
"It's her choice, and we're going to have to honor it."
Bonnie's chin quivered. She couldn't lose her mother for the second time in her life. Abby left when Bonnie was a toddler and she had no memory of her, flash forward fifteen years and she found her only to drag her into the supernatural BS that happened on a daily basis. Abby was now collateral damage. Elena lives. The love triangle gets to continue on another day, and Bonnie was the one left to wade her way through constant shit.
"I don't want to lose her, Care. I just found her."
Caroline nodded her head and pulled Bonnie in for a hug. The two girls embraced and then an audible gasp sounded from the bed.
Bonnie ripped herself away from Caroline and rushed to the side of the bed. Abby looked around, her eyes wild and bewildered.
"What's going on? I feel…I feel different…wrong…Bonnie…?"
Bonnie swallowed her sobs and gently laid her hand on her mother's shoulder to get her to rest against the pillows again. She didn't want to tell Abby what happened to her tonight, but there was no point in keeping the truth from her, from delaying the inevitable.
So she decided to give her the abbreviated version of what happened. Abby for her part sat and listened like a child who was being told a bedtime story. What happened didn't really happen to her but a character in a movie or a TV show. No, it wasn't possible. She couldn't be a….
Abby's thoughts shifted trajectory sharply as she smelled such a mouth watering scent coming from her immediate right. Her eyes landed on the blood bags and then a painful throb began to pound in her gums.
Abby clutched her mouth in a poor attempt to ward off the pain. Caroline understood what was happening and stepped forward.
She picked up a blood bad, and pulled the top open. "This is what your body is craving, and only what your body will crave…forever. But the decision to complete the transition is entirely up to you, Abby."
Abby stared at her daughter imploringly. "And if I don't drink that…I'll die?"
Bonnie quickly nodded her head as more tears rolled down her face.
"I-I can't leave you, Bonnie. I only just got you back," and her voice broke on that.
The dam broke and Bonnie's face crumpled as heart wrenching sobs was torn from her core, the very center of her life.
"I don't want you to die, mom, but I don't want you to be a vampire either."
Abby wiped her own tears away with the back of her hand as she ignored the alluring call of the blood.
"I'm dead either way," she said. "I'm too old to be a vampire."
Bonnie chortled, Caroline smiled, and Abby kept her eyes on the blood bag. Slowly she reached for the bag and Caroline, after checking with Bonnie, handed it over to Abby.
"If I do this," Abby finally looked away from the bag and darted her eyes between her daughter and Caroline, "you'll help me?"
"Yes," Bonnie answered, her voice finally finding conviction. "I'm not going to lose you again."
Abby swallowed and winced. Her throat was so dry it was like she did nothing but eat sand all day chased with tumbleweed and ash.
"Will this change…what's happening between us?" Abby questioned.
Bonnie shook her head. "No, it won't change anything," that may have been a partial lie. Of course things were going to change, but Bonnie couldn't lose her mom again. If she had to be a vampire—well it was a small step above being dead, but still…this wasn't what she wanted for her mother.
"I love you, Bonnie, know that I do."
Bonnie nodded her head. She wasn't quite ready to repeat those words yet. Abby was still virtually a stranger, but one day she knew her love for her would come.
Abby looked at her daughter one final time before closing her mouth over the opening of the bag and consumed the entire contents.
Bonnie felt her flesh crawl while she watched red veins undulated under Abby's eyes, and the whites of her eyes turned blood red. It was over. Abby was a vampire.
And Bonnie was once again alone.
Five days later…
There they are, Bonnie thought as she strolled into Mystic Grill. The last few days had been tough, that was a given, and Bonnie finally freed herself from the confines of her house. Her days had been spent listening to Caroline explain the odds and ends of being a vampire to Abby, while the two of them went out at night to hunt furry little animals.
Bonnie had offered to make a day walking ring for Abby, but she didn't trust herself around humans just yet and didn't mind being shut away in the house. Bonnie figured it was all for the best.
Several heads turned in her general direction as Bonnie headed over to the take out counter to put in an order. She had forgotten what voracious appetites vampires had. Caroline and her mother had cleaned out everything in the refrigerator, freezer, and the cabinets.
Bonnie paid very little attention to the people gawking at her as she strolled up to the counter where Matt stared at her a bit surprised to see her out and about. His eyes screamed pity and sympathy and she had a mind to slap him upside the head.
Last she checked she hadn't gone to any funerals.
"Bonnie, hey, how are you doing? I heard what happened."
Bonnie slid on to the stool and took off her leather jacket revealing the heavily detailed corseted top underneath. Matt's eyes kind of bulged because Bonnie tended to dress on the conservative side. It was hard to miss the subtle changes she had done to her appearance. Gone were her long, wavy tresses, her hair now stopped at her shoulders with dark red streaks peppered throughout. Her lips weren't covered in their customary clear gloss but with blood red lipstick as if she dipped them in paint. And her green eyes simply popped against her thick dark lashes.
Matt liked the look—a lot. It made Bonnie look dangerous and sexy at the same time but more than likely she was tilting towards the dangerous side more than anything else.
His eyes flicked over to the Salvatore boys who were consciously aware of the fact Bonnie was in the building.
"I'm sure you did hear what happened, Matt. Once again a perfectly good plan to kill Klaus backfired. And you want to know why? Elijah kidnapped Elena and presented the Salvatore douches with a choice. Who to save and who to sacrifice. And well, that seemed like a no brainer for them, they chose to screw me and my mom, and guess what Elena lives, and they're both still alone—girlfriendless!" she slapped her hands down on the counter top. "Kind of seems like a moot point don't you think?"
Bonnie picked up the menu, examined its contents before slapping it down and staring at Matt whose jaw was hanging open by its hinges.
"Bon, I know that being a vampire is the last thing you'd want for your mom, and I understand you're angry that everything seems to boil down to saving Elena…"
"If the words 'she's your best friend' is about to come from your mouth, I suggest you shove them down your throat. I know exactly what she is. Elena's only concern is choosing which Salvatore she wants to dally with today whereas me and Caroline have to teach my mom the ropes of being a vampire. Don't you see the distortion, Matt?"
He numbly nodded his head. He really had no idea what to say. Bonnie was entitled to her anger. If he were in her shoes, he probably would have already staked both Stefan and Damon in their sleep. The fact they were still alive, proved how really generous Bonnie was being. For the time being that is.
She scoffed. "You know what…I think I'm going to go to the grocery store instead."
Bonnie picked up her leather jacket and was prepared to walk out of the restaurant when her path was blocked by two figures.
"Move," she said.
"Bonnie," Stefan began in that lets make love not war voice. "I am sorry about what we had to do…"
She held up a hand to silence his words. Stefan immediately stopped talking. She forced herself to look at Damon. He didn't look sad, sorry, repentant, or smug, he was just…Damon. He was probably hoping his dashing good looks and bedroom eyes would be enough to get him off the hook.
"The both of you are dead to me. If I could punch my fist through your chests, your hearts would be in my hands this instant. We are not friends. We are not associates. We are not acquaintances. We are not partners in crime. You are my enemy, and I plan and will kill you both. Might not be today. Might not be tomorrow. So my word of advice is, live in fear, gentlemen. Live. In. Fear."
She slapped them both of the cheek, smiled brightly before shouldering her way past them to make her exit.
Damon turned to his brother. "Well, that went well."
"Shut up, Damon," Stefan said and walked out of the Grill into the rays of the unrelenting sun. He couldn't brush off Bonnie's vow and act cavalier like Damon. He felt the truth of Bonnie's statement grip his heart and that's why he searched the parking lot covertly as he headed over to his brother's parked vehicle.
Damon prided himself on fearing no one, but he saw the rage lining Bonnie's eyes. Sure he's seen her mad and pissed off several times because usually he was the cause of it, but what he saw in her eyes gave even him the chills. He too was checking out the parking lot and walking a little less confidentially towards his car.
Just as he reached the trunk, his car exploded. Glass and metal instantly embedded into his skin and he was tossed backwards in the air some ten feet. He groaned loudly as he landed on the pavement. His ears rang, smoke clogged his dead lungs, and he felt the world spin.
Damon groggily looked around and saw that Stefan lied unconscious on the ground, half of his face was burned, and smoke rose from this clothing. As he continued to look around Damon saw—with his good eye- a figure standing not far from him—smirking.
Bonnie slipped her shades on, climbed gracefully into her car and pulled off. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911.
"Hi, I'd like to report a car fire at Mystic Grill…" she smiled.
Two hours later Damon stormed into the boardinghouse with his cell phone pressed against his ear. Stefan flashed up to his room, too perturbed to say anything but mutter to himself. Damon could really careless.
"Answer the phone," he said through gritted teeth and sighed when the line finally clicked on. "You need to get your friend under control."
There was silence on the other end before her raspy voice filled his eardrums. "She won't talk to me, Damon and quite frankly I'm tired of being put in the middle."
"She tried to kill me this afternoon and nearly succeed."
"Call this karma, Damon," Elena said unsympathetically. "But…she wouldn't be trying to kill you if it weren't for me…"
Damon scowled, "Yes, yes, yes, everything is your fault, great, but you need to pucker up those lips of yours and kiss some major ass and get Bonnie to give up her kill Damon and Stefan crusade."
"Here's a radical thought, have you tried apologizing for what you did, maybe explaining why you and your idiot brother made the decision you made?"
"Bonnie doesn't want to sit around and have a table discussion about that. She's out for blood."
"Not that I blame her," Elena attempted to say under her breath but Damon heard her anyway. "She was right. Every time I try to intervene she's the one who always ends up getting hurt. So I'm staying out of it, Damon. You're on your own. Good luck!"
Dial tone.
Damon stared at his phone as if it suddenly turned into a leprechaun before he chucked it across the room.
A thud sounded from upstairs.
Damon had a mind to go and check up on him, but he wanted a drink more. So once he made the decision to make one, something pricked him in the back of the neck.
"The hell," he said and extracted whatever it was. "Dart…" he said just a moment before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he landed on the hard floor below.
Sometime later…
His head was pounding and Damon groaned. He experimentally tried to move his body only to find out he couldn't.
He leaned his head back until it bounced against the high back chair. "This again, really?" he said to the dead air in the room. "Stefan!"
"I wouldn't waste my breath calling for Stefan. He's currently indisposed."
Damon was fully awake and alert now as he stared at Bonnie. "What the hell are you doing? Where's Stefan?"
Bonnie lifted a shoulder. "Locked in the basement with enough vervain in his system to keep him knocked out for a day or two. That gives us so much alone time, Damon."
"Bonnie," Damon squirmed against the shackles around his wrists and feet. "This isn't you. I know you're pissed about what I did and you have every right to be, but you don't torture people, you don't kill people."
"You're right, Damon I don't kill people. And guess what, vampires aren't people. They're creatures, abominations. Screw ups of nature."
Damon licked his lips nervously as he watched Bonnie slip her hands into a pair of black latex gloves.
"You know the first time I attempted to burn you alive, you were wearing far too many clothes."
His eyes widened considerably and Damon infinitesimally looked down at himself. He was tied stark naked to the chair. So that's why he was feeling a friendly little draft down below. When he wiggled his fingers he realized his ring was gone.
He began cursing over and over again in his head.
"Bonnie…" he attempted to rationalize with her but stopped when he noticed that his day walking ring was dangling around Bonnie's neck like a pendant.
"I've always been curious how a vampire's skin holds up against fire," she started up a blow torch. "Let's find out."
Chapter end.
A/N: I cried a little when Damon turned Abby into a vampire because I was like one) she just found her mom and two) well there's never going to be any Bamon now. Bonnie is not like Elena who forgives him for every kill. Bonnie will more than likely hold on to her anger for a VERY long time. If you found this story to be OOC-whatever. Bonnie would have her evil way with Damon, but I haven't decided yet what his fate will be if I decide to continue this. But I couldn't not comment on tonight's episode. The blondes ruled tonight-Becks and Caroline. They said what we've all been saying for a very long time. Klaus is annoying and Elijah, so wanted to punch him the face. And Alaric...can dude catch a break. Jeeze. But anyways let me know what you think and have a wonderful night. Love you guys!