Author has written 4 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. Hello! You might remember me from the stories I wrote in 2002-2003 that are displayed below. However, I must say... I've matured quite a bit since then and haven't written fanfiction in a few years. In my spare time, I have written many original short stories and learned to draw and sculpt as another form of expression. Now, I look at this account and consider returning to write some fanfiction again... to give thanks to what got me started with all sorts of related activities. Needless to say, I'm not the biggest fan of my own stories but perhaps more of a critic. Now that I look back at them; they were written with very simple language and basic plots. I'm glad they made many of you happy and since I intend on returning now (at least occasionally uploading chapters), I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all those that supported me and helped me start writing. On another note, my old pen name was 'Mariya' but now I've decided to change it to 'Artsy Sheep'. In case it interests you, that is also my AIM name. My MSN e-mail has remained angelicdreamz@ . Thank you for reading and I'm glad to be back. |