Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. I am an egineering student and I will focus more on my studies than this so I will only write on vacation or when i have some down time. The Unforgotten Chronicles: 1) Narutos begining: The Chosen One will fight for himself, but will meet the Unforgotten. 2) The tournament. A champion shall rise above all. And a new Jubi will be born. 3) The last great war. The tails and wings will join the fight. And a new threat will arise. 4) Demon days. Once hells gates open, Insanity will rule all. Couple of things I wanna say. This chronicle has been on my mind for like 2 years now. I have litearlly rewritten this story at least twice so some updates might be shorter then others while others might take up to a week. I try to make the boring chapters sweet and short, and certain chapters, I hope, will go over the 10k mark. I just hope by the time the retreival mission comes people wont get bored with this story. I want to say that I am not sure when Chapter 24 will come out for TUC: Narutos Begining. Hopefully I can write it out during vacation but I am not sure what I might be doing during that time. So please be patiant with the next chapter. Innocent After a crime Naruto is sent to prison, and after someone how felt obliged to help naruto out he gets released. After that i just go with the flow. There will be a spin off. probably shorter version soon. I feel that fanfic is dying (for me). To me especially Naruto. No matter what there is at least 5 sasukexnaruto stories and its fucking annoying. The summery is awsome but then the pairing...uhhh. Maybe its just me but it's slowly killing my motivation, and not a lot of good fics get updated like before. |
el mano (5) | Ihateheroes (13) | StealthMaster (4) |