Author has written 10 stories for Slam Dunk, Diana Wynne Jones, Harry Potter, and Naruto. So, why are you called Artemis Obscure? Basically, I love Greek Myth. My favorite deity would be Artemis, the goddess of the moon and the hunt. My given name is a variation of Artemis, and had always felt an unexplained yearning to the name. Perhaps names have power, and perhaps this name chose me, I didn't choose it. Obscure because I think it's just that people see me as someone unimportant and don't really notice my presence. I'm not totally invisible, just someone who's there, but faded in the background of people. Hence I'm obscured to them. Put them together, and Viola! Artemis Obscure. In real life, I live in a big city in a small country in Asia. I read books and watch movies and catch trains, and travel around the world when fate (and finances!) dictate. I travel a lot, and don't get the chance to write as much as I'd like, but I still do write the occasional fanfic. My interests are numbered and various. I think in disjointed phrases. I love food and am studying something not as frivolous as I'd like. I need coffee in a way that it borders on a serious addiction. Anything else you'd like to know? |