Author has written 3 stories for Okami, Supernatural, and Fallout. I don't really write a whole lot of fanficton, but I do enjoy reading the contributions other skilled and creative writers add to their assorted and beloved fandoms. Personally, I just don't have the time or patience to write down the ideas that go through my head. Although, perhaps I should try it more often. I usually try to draw my ideas, but it just doesn't seem as efficient considering how fast I can type. We'll see. I'm also on Deviantart Tumblr twice for Art and Casual and AO3 now too. Feel free to find me and chat. If I don't respond, it's not because I hate you. It's because I'm forgetful and I might not even know/remember you contacted me. Thank you (Oh thank GOD I came on this website to clean it up. My profile was outdated, unprofessional... and LOLZRANDOM. Now if only I can clean up my old usernames, I should be set to pretend that I might just be a respectable human being. Doubtful. No one who uses Tumblr is 100% respectable.) |
RaitonWolf (7) |