Author has written 16 stories for Inuyasha, Fushigi Yuugi, xxxHOLiC, Tsubasa Chronicle, and Pokémon.
Profile Last Updated - October 17th, 2010: ... good God, I really need to revamp my profile.
Well, my old profile was really childish and plain uninteresting, a reflection of the writer within way back when I first joined this website. I'm still a big kid, but I think I have improved quite a lot over the years, so I thought it was about time to give this page an upgrade.
Originally, my penname on was Ruby Moon - yes, THAT Ruby Moon from Card Captor Sakura. A while later, the staff's new policy was not to have more than one user with the same penname, and much to my dismay, there were quite a few other Ruby Moon's on the site, so I became... Ruby Moon006. Gah. -shivers at the memory- That was when I decided to have my own, unique penname, and so Sweet Ruby Moon was born. Dig my originality, you fools. xD
Obviously, I love to write. I wouldn't go as far as saying writing is my life, but it is a very important part of it. I've been writing fanfics for many years, like, since I was around 13 or 14, though I had no idea my stories had a especial name for them; I only came across the term 'fanfiction' a couple of years later, and I have not stopped writing ever since. I'm glad I joined fanfiction.net, otherwise I probably wouldn't have taken my ficwriter 'career' much seriously, and I wouldn't have made this many good friends either.
I'm not as somber and serious as most of my works. In fact, I'm a bubbly, hyper little banshee trapped in a body too old for my mental age - no, I'm not THAT old, but you get the idea... xD; And yes, I have a tendency to use smilies sometimes.. er, quite often... usually... Okay, I'm a smiley freak! Sue me! xD; I'm usually nice to talk to, but I can be a bitch sometimes. Hooray for the Bitch in Pink. xDD~~ Oh yeah, in case you didn't notice, I'm not a native speaker of the English language; I'm from Brazil, and for the last time, WE DO NOT SPEAK SPANISH! IT'S PORTUGUESE, PORTUGUEEEEEESEEE...!1!11oneoneleven!1! x_x;
Ahem. Sorry about that. xD;
As for character, pairings and the likes... Well, they're just too many to list! I read/write mostly about anime series, such as Inuyasha, Fushigi Yuugi and others, but with Ruby... you just never know. x3~~ Just to name a few, though... I :heart: NakuruxTouya (Card Captor Sakura), NakagoxSoi (Fushigi Yuugi) and of course, SesshoumaruxKikyou (Inuyasha), the one pairing that made me somewhat famous among the fandom, lmao. (By the way, if you happen to have crossed this SesshxKiky website called Hidden Hearts... yes, that's mine. x3 If not... YOU GO CHECK IT OUT NOW! -- http:// -- Omg, what a shameless plug xD!
As of recently, I have also taken a huge interest in Reed Clow x Ichihara Yuuko (Card Captor Sakura/xxxHOLiC crossover... kinda. Not.) Up to now, I've only written drabbles and crack!fics, but that is soon to change... Hee. x3
My Stories (in chronological order):
1. Fighting for a Golden Heart
Series: Pocket Monsters/Pokémon
Status: Complete. Not posted.
That is, as far as I recall, the first fanfic I ever finished. Definitely not my best work, but amazingly enough, it had a decent plotline, considering my age and lack of experience back then. It's old, in Portuguese, old, not-so-well-written, old, about the Satoshi(Ash)-gumi and...have I mentioned old? Yeah? Good. xD;
2. The Pokémon Trilogy - Crystal Clear, Through the Mirror and Sweet Surrender.
Series: Pocket Monsters/Pokémon
Status: Complete. Not posted.
The few people who actually read it described it as beautiful and heart-felt; I call it cheesy. xD It was about Shigeru (Gary) and this made-up character of mine... Back then, I didn't know what 'Mary-Sues' were, so now that I know, there's no way I'm showing those fanfics to anyone! xD; I really liked the titles, though...o.o~~
3. Jokémon
Series: Pocket Monsters/Pokémon
Status: Incomplete. Not posted.
A Pokémon parody that is almost as crazy as this Ruby. Almost. xD; Too bad I lost my Pokémon kick...xD;
4. Crossed Paths
Series: Pocket Monsters/Pokémon
Status: Complete. Not posted.
A short one-shot about the Mary Sue (xD) and Gary (Stu? XD;). It doesn't have much of a plot, and it's full of words and sentences in Japanese here and there... Omg, can't believe I used to think that was so cool...xD;
5. Under the Red Moonlight
Series: Card Captor Sakura
Status: Incomplete. Not posted.
An attempt at a serious NakuruxTouya fanfic. I even had a friend of mine write an insert song for it and all... I should definitely work on that...x.x;
6. Angel Tears
Series: Pocket Monsters/Pokémon
Status: Complete. Not posted.
One word: Suefic. xD It's the sequel to the Trilogy... But it's too angsty and sad, even for my standards...o.o~~ And it's weird. Like, really. You don't wanna read that. xD;
7. Unraveling Melody
Series: Inuyasha
Status: On hold/under new planning.
My very first SesshxKiky fanfic, and one of the most popular, God knows why. There was nothing special about my writing style back then, and the plot isn't even that great... BUT. Since so many people seemed to like it, I'm re-planning the whole story and filling up all the gaps and plot-holes here and there. Be happy, you rabid SesshxKiky hos! XD
8. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Inuyasha Style
Series: Inuyasha (no, really..? ¬¬)
Status: Incomplete/Banned from .
All your usual pairings - InuxKag, MirxSan and SesshxKiky (What? It's usual for me! xD) in a very unusual, humorous remake of Shakespeare's famous play. I loved that fanfic, but 's "No self-insertion" rule got it banned. Puu. ;.;~~
9. Quando Campânulas Sorriem (When Bellflowers Smile)
Series: Inuyasha
Status: Complete.
A SesshxKiky one-shot in Portuguese, just because my fellow Brazilian fans were about to leap at my pretty throat...xD It's basically about Sesshoumaru trying to make Kikyou smile without losing his cold attitude. A challenge? Hell yeah. xD;
10. Ventos da Ironia (Winds of Irony)
Series: Inuyasha
Status: Complete.
Another SesshxKiky one-shot in Portuguese - they're so easy and fun to write. This one is extra-long, though... o_o; Plot? A very furious Kiky, getting jealous of... Oh, just read the title, the reference is so clear...xD;
11. Forever my Bellflower
Series: Inuyasha
Status: Complete.
That is probably my best SesshxKiky fanfic, and my personal favorite, too. Oh, it was also my first time trying to write a lemon... The results? Better than expected.
12. Sayonara
Series: Inuyasha
Status: Complete.
What happens when Ruby can't bear to have a sad ending for the previous fanfic, as originally intended? Ruby writes another one, with a tragic ending. Based on eps. 124 and the beautiful song "Sotsugyou Sayonara", performed by Tackey and Tsubasa.
13. Laços de Prata Estelar (Star Silver Bonds)
Series: Inuyasha
Status: Complete.
Yet another SesshxKiky one-shot in Portuguese. This one had a nice, light-hearted ending, yet it still managed to make a few people cry. Go figure. o.o;
14. Wings of Destiny
Series: Fushigi Yuugi
Status: Under new planning/Back in the works.
This was supposed to be a multi-chapter fanfic, but... let's face it, I can't keep up with those. So. I figure I'll just do the same as I did with Forever my Bellflower: have a one-shot of sorts, with a prologue and epilogue. Yeah, that'll do the trick. Pairing? You take a wild guess... x3
15. Fate
Series: Gundam Seed Destiny
Status: Incomplete/Back in the works.
A GilbertxTalia one-shot. This was supposed to be a Christmas gift for a friend, but then I lost inspiration... Gah, MUST FINISH! ù.ú
16. Whispers of the Winter
Series: Inuyasha
Status: Complete.
I was supposed to have retired from the SesshxKiky writing fandom, I really was... But I was forced to reconsider my decision after various death threa-- er, I mean, friendly requests... :D And, in all honesties... I just CAN'T get away from my beloved fandom on a permanent basis, ne? x3
17. Strawberry Fun
Series: xxxHOLiC
Status: Complete.
My first-ever attempt at Clow/Yuuko. Drabble, 200 words - and I was aiming for 100, but hey, I'm known for rambling on in my stories. It's hard to get used to the shortness of a drabble. xD Fluffy crack for the fans, yay~
18. Falling Memories
Series: xxxHOLiC
Status: Complete.
Oh, wow. I actually finished a real Clow/Yuuko fanfic? That's shocking. xD On-and-off inspiration and writer's block aside, I had so much fun writing this! Must write more Clow/Yuuko!
Future Plans:
Oooooh, you won't believe what I have in mind... A new fandom that I have never (oficially) worked with, even though it's my oldest obsession - older than Pokémon, even. Boy, boy... so much fun... 3
One last shout:
I'm a review-whore, people. You wanna make me happy? You know what to do. x3~~