Title: An Act of Villainy
Fandom: Pokemon
Characters/Pairing: Cynthia/Lucian [Snazzyshipping]
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: Pokemon and its characters do not belong to me.

It only took one second to end a world.

One moment, they were lively and joyous and full of laughter and innocent mischief; next, they were stationary, frozen in time and uncertainty as his lips tasted ice cream off the corner of hers. There was no need for words then, but her look spoke of such shock and change he could not help but wonder weather it was worth letting a whim guide his choice - and wonder only, for Lucian could not regret it.

There was no place for maybes in their makeshift bubble, no relationship to stretch and not one second to spare on a what if or a could be. Every stolen glance was out of earnest fraternal concern, every good night kiss, a sign of platonic affection and every minute she lingered in his arms was just natural. It was their own little world, so right in all of its imperfection, a sacred set of rules that only the worst of traitors could ever break. It had been enough, once, but today, he was no hero.

And yet there she was, a damsel in no distress, rewarding treason with a smile and villainy with a kiss, so chaste and tentative but for one flash, until no resistance was found. And then they danced and laughed and loved, their old dome crumbling to shards under their waltz and tinting the ballroom with shades of freedom. Time could begin to flow again.

Because it only took one second to end a world, and for another to start.