Author has written 44 stories for EastEnders, Hawaii Five-0, and NCIS: Los Angeles. I am on AO3 under the same name and ALL my fanfic is there, including stories in Eastenders, Star Trek Enterprise and my current major fandom: Hawaii Five-0. All stories are m/m slash. I encourage you to visit me there as I consider it my home and it will ALWAYS have stories published there first. June 2017: I am in the process of updating my account though not all of my fic will be posted here so as to not knowingly go against the site's rules. I am playing it safe, though some grey area fic may slip through. Please see my ao3 account and the top of each story's first chapter for all disclaimers and extra story info, including original publication dates should they differ from the one. I hope you enjoy what I've written and thanks for stopping on by. Feel free to message me with questions, comments etc. Reviews and everything else feedback-y are greatly appreciated if you are so inclined :) All flames and troll comments will be moderated and deleted, guest or otherwise, along with negative comments that add no value or have constructive criticism. In other words, why bother being mean, I'm the only one who will even see it! Eastenders: (chryed) Chamber of the Human Heart series order: Burning in the Skies - COMPLETE Beating of the Storm - COMPLETE Swimming in the Smoke - COMPLETE Ocean of Debris - (in progress) 14/? please note Ocean is incomplete and pretty much abandoned unless I can ever get myself into chryed headspace again to write it. I apologise for the cliffhanger it leaves it on. xxx all other Eastenders tagged fic can be considered as stand alones. Hawaii Five-0: (mcdanno) Night/Light Glow 'verse series order: Seeing a Light (a Face in the Crowd) - COMPLETE None Like You (You Shine so Bright) - COMPLETE When I Stand this Close (it's Almost Blinding) - COMPLETE Glow 'verse Interlude 2.02 - COMPLETE Caught in a Place (Far Away From the Light) - COMPLETE Glow 'verse interlude: Touch of Death - COMPLETE Part 7 (final): coming soon xxx Scrubbed 'verse series order: Scrubbed - COMPLETE Beware of the Dog - COMPLETE xxx Vegas 'verse series, Vice 'verse series, Body Wars series, There in Five series, Lullaby Bay series, Hyde series, Wavelength series, Fire and Gold series, as well as various one shots (including 'Divided') : available at ao3 only xxx Please note, at ao3, Payment Plan and Snuggle and Seek were originally posted as series, with 10 and 8 stories respectively. For ease, they have been posted at as multi-chaptered, single stories. |
Clarkeyfangirl (7) Jennafleur (11) KittandChips (21) | Landon Richardson (101) Lovesy (11) Mushroom Hair (82) | Treenahasthaal (36) Your Angel of Music (81) |