Author has written 25 stories for Burn Notice, Robin Hood, White Collar, Naruto, Lord of the Rings, Avengers, Rise of the Guardians, Captain America, Thor, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I'm of the female species. I like cake. And White Collar. And other things. Honestly, if you wanna know about me, go to my tumblr. It has more of the shiz I like and it's certainly updated more. So here. Also, here's a guide to some of my stories, since I'm rather lazy and forgot to put sequel indicators into some of the summaries. Awake and Alive Don't Wake Me Done Hanging On Never Too Late What I've Done Pretty much any of my other Avengers stories could maybe fit into the same 'verse, but they really don't have any order or anything. What I've Done is pretty much on hiatus right now, because I can't get inspiration for it, which sucks. And there are two versions of it, because I don't really want to delete the old one. My only other true series is my White Collar one, which is on almost permanent hiatus until/if I get inspired, and goes as follows Before the Anklet Federal Cooperation I think that's pretty much everything you need to know about my stories... So have fun and all. |
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