A/N: So, it's been awhile... Like a long while... My excuse is that I wrote it out, then I accidently deleted it. Piece of advise? Don't write on your computer in the car. It tends to die, then it occasionally deletes all of your work. -_- Anyways, here's the next chapter! I'm trying to keep it funny, but with a little bit of a plotline.

Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings or Naruto!

"What have you done to Legolas!" Aragorn roared, charging out from behind another pillar, his sword drawn. Sakura seemed to be the only one concerned.

"Yo, Aragorn!" Naruto waved with a grin, "Legolas just wanted to know what Saskue's eyes do." Sakura smacked the back of his head.

"Naruto, stop being an idiot. And Aragorn, Naruto is right, we aren't doing anything to hurt him. Saskue is just doing a simple genjutsu." She said calmly. Aragorn lowered his sword, but didn't sheath it.

"Saskue, undo it." Sakura ordered. Saskue gave her a mild glare (for him) and followed the order. Immediately the elf gasped, his eyes wide and a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead.

"W-what was that?" He gasped. Sakura frowned.

"Saskue, what did you do to him?" She questioned as Aragorn moved to support the elf. Saskue shrugged.

"It was the simplest one. A dark chasm, just falling." He replied. Aragorn frowned.

"Elves need light. Without it they lose the will to live."* He said sharply. The three ninja looked sheepish.

"Heh, sorry about that." Naruto said, rubbing the back of his head. Both the elf and the man looked rather pitiful as they walked away, Legolas staggering slightly.

"Er, that didn't go well." Sakura commented.

"Nope." Naruto agreed before his face lit up. "That's right! I forgot to give you guys these!" He started digging around in his many pockets before pulling out a stack of what looked like explosive tags. He started separating them, each stack a different color.

"Alright, these blue ones are flood tags and the white ones are tranquilizer tags. Just don't use those on any allies. I haven't tested them on actual people yet." He handed them each some of the different tags. Sakura looked confused.

"How did you make these?" She questioned. Naruto shrugged.

"Kakashi-sensei has been teaching me, so I started experimenting a little." He said, actually rather serious for once.

"What do those do?" Saskue pointed at some green ones in a pile in front of Naruto. Naruto shrugged.

"I'm really not sure yet. I started trying to develop a new tag, but haven't had a chance to test it yet. I don't want you guys to use it 'cause they might blow up in your face." He explained. The other two looked mildly impressed.

"Wow Naruto, that's pretty awesome." Sakura commented. Naruto grinned.

"Yeah, I know it is." He leaned back a little, then toppled over.

"Dobe." Saskue put his two cents in.

"Teme!" Naruto called from the ground.

"Reinforcements!" The yell came from down below and the ninja were immediately on their feet and at the edge of the battlements. A company of what looked like a bunch of Legolas's in armor were walking in sync up the ramp.

"Well, that should be helpful." Naruto commented.

"And none too soon." Sakura said, pointing at the horizon. A dark horde was pouring over the side of the small canyon, and just behind them were storm clouds. Naruto groaned.

"Man, I wanted a nap!" He grumbled before holding his hands in the familiar cross position. Immediately, at least a hundred clones appeared. Naruto yawned.

"Alright, I want you to divide into four groups and position yourselves across the battlements." He ordered. The clones saluted before hurrying off. Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Show off." She muttered, then started climbing down the tower. "C'mon, we can't fight from up here, let's go down on the ground to meet them." She said. The two boys followed, ready to kick some Orc butt.

"Rasengan!" Naruto drove the swirling blue ball through yet another group of orcs.

"You know, I've been thinking." He commented to Saskue, who was fighting next to him.

"Hn." Saskue just used another fire technique, saving the Chidori for a different time.

"Well, what if we were somehow summoned here?" He suggested, executing a wind jutsu to keep a few more back. Saskue looked thoughtful.

"It is possible." He agreed, "Since this is a different world, it may be that the rules for summoning are different."

"Exactly! Which means we just need to figure out who did it!" Naruto concluded, then glanced around, "by the way, where's Sakura?"

"I sent her to the infirmary. They needed her skills there." Saskue replied, handing him the end of a ninja wire. Naruto took it and together they wrapped it around a group of orcs and pulled it tight. Then one of Naruto's clones drove a Rasengan into it.

"Is it me, or is this battle rather anticlimactic?" Naruto asked.

"Hn." Saskue agreed.

With Sakura…

The medical ward was bustling with people coming in and out, carrying wounded people and healed people leaving.

"Just stay still for a moment." She instructed the man lying on the bed in front of her. She ran her chakkra-covered hands over him and deduced that he had managed to break three ribs. Somehow he had done it without a cut.

"This is going to feel kind of weird." She warned him before directing her healing chakkra to his ribs, encouraging them to knit together.

"Stay here for a few moments, then you can rejoin the battle." She instructed. He nodded.

"Thank you, milady." He said. She nodded briskly, then moved onto her next patient. This one was an elf, and she hesitated for a moment. After Legolas' adverse reaction to Saskue's Sharingan, she wasn't sure about using chakkra on them. She took a deep breath and cleared her mind. She was trained by the greatest medic in the world, she could overcome this.

"Where are you hurting?" She questioned.

"My leg. It was stabbed." The elf replied, his eyes calm despite the pain he must be in. Sakura carefully removed the leg guards, then placed her hands on his wound, carefully directing the tissues to knit together. It wasn't long before he was mostly healed.

"Stay here a few moments, someone will be along shortly to wrap it up so that it won't start bleeding again." She instructed, just as she had every other wounded man. She scowled. Of course, there were no women in this battle. It was aggravating her, the stigma that appeared to be placed on the women in this world. Apparently they did nothing but raise children and obey the men. Although Eowyn gave her hope, Sakura's problem wasn't with the women, but with the men. It made her want to go out there and stomp them into the dirt. Unfortunately, she was trying to help, not hurt them. She sighed and kept healing the wounded men. Hopefully she would have enough chakkra to last.

In Konoha…

"Hokage-sama." Kakashi greeted, bowing slightly. For once, his book was nowhere in sight, proving how serious he was about this situation.

"I want you to find them." Tsunade ordered. She was tired of not having her apprentice around, and it had nothing to do with silly feelings! Sakura just knew how to treat someone with a hangover.

"Hai. I have my pack working on tracking them down." He told her. She nodded.

"Good. If that doesn't work out, then don't hesitate to take whatever measures necessary." She told him. He bowed again, then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Tsunade sighed and rested her head in her hands. This was the week from hell.