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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, and Naruto. Updates and Log Dates 03-19-2015 I've been accepted to my University of choice (ain't that dandy). So, I have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders despite the fact that I still have one more audition to go. All I have to do now is get good grades which isn't too difficult. I'm going into composing (soundtracks, film scoring, orchestral), but I plan on taking writing and editing as a minor, so I really want to write more. I have ideas that haven't been put down on paper because of my priorities, but now, since a new page in my life will be turning soon, I plan on writing a lot more in the future. Maybe I'll even be able to create my own series... one day. I regret to say that I have had no time to write; this is mainly due to classes and University auditions. Things are really stressful right now, and I've had very little time to get any writing done. I do love writing but I have to focus on bigger priorities. After taking a class in creative writing I realized that I really love to edit other people's work; I've learned more about grammar and formatting, and I want to help other people improve their writing skills as well. Some day, I hope to contribute to this site again, but in the mean time, I'll be happy BETA-ing other people's work. 06-13-2016 OMG, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild looks AMAZING!! Ugh, I probably won't be able to get it though. Even the WiiU is half of a full month's rent which I, luckily, haven't had to start paying yet, but considering that my second year of Uni will start in a couple months, that will be something I have to worry about. Writing has been slow–obviously, but I hope to continue with my Avatar fanfiction. I've been slowly trying to put together a portfolio for my composition classes, so there hasn't been a lot of time to work on fictional writing. However, I will be taking English courses in the future, so I hope to write more. I also have to practice...a lot... I have been procrastinating, in fact. I really need to memorize that solo piece, but it's just not sticking with me. Obviously I've been busy, but I have procrastinated a lot as well–I'm doing that right now... 06-25-2016 Uhg, it's almost July. That's a month and a half until move in day at the house I'll be renting. I just hope I can keep up with paying rent which worries me greatly. On another note, chapter 2 of The Last Avatar has been released. I've decided to change the story to a Teen rating since I trust that teens can handle some violence. I know I've read some violent stuff at a Teen rating, but please message me if the story should be moved back into the M rating. Azula makes her appearance, so that's great. She's one of my favourite characters and I wanted to include her which should make other Azula fans happy. I'll try to keep her personality the same, but she's not going to be as messed up as she is in canon. 07-11-2016 For those waiting on the third chapter of The Last Avatar, this update will be slow. The direction for the upcoming chapters has changed which led to a lot of scrapped ideas–no rewriting of chapter three thankfully, but don't expect it very soon. I plan to finish it as soon as I can, but until then, just know that it is not abandoned. About half way through chapter 3 07-15-2016 Chapter 3 is up. Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. I hope I'll get around to chapter 4 soon. 08-17-2016 Working on chapter 4. I had to restart because I changed the direction of the chapter slightly, but it's fine. I'm thinking of publishing this story on Archive of Our Own as well as FanFiction because I want to include my own illustrations, but I don't know when I'll get around to it. I found a handful of typos in the previous chapters and will fix them soon. 09-12-2016 Classes have started. Chapter 5 is about half way finished, but don't expect it any time soon. I'm still getting settled into my house and my class schedule, so it will take some time before I can work on the upcoming chapter. 09-28-2016 Expect Chapter 5 some time soon. I have finished it, but will need to edit it. I found time before my English lectures to work on The Last Avatar which gives me a reasonable window to get some work done. Chapter 4's Author's Note has been edited. There are some things that need to be edited in the chapter itself, but I do not plan on looking at it yet. I will be starting chapter 6 soon, but it will not be finished for a while. 10-03-2016 It's almost Thanksgiving (Canada), and I'm super excited to see my family again since I started my second year at university. I've started chapter 6 of The Last Airbender, so I hope it will be finished sometime soon like the end of October at the earliest or the beginning of November. I will be very busy with course work, but I will find time to work on this little project of mine. The Last Avatar has now been posted on Archive of Our Own, but I haven't gotten around to illustrating it. I want to illustrate it eventually, but that will be in a LONG time. Hopefully when I do get around to illustrating, I'll have time to make it a good enough quality. 10-29-2016 I was planning on finishing chapter 6 this month, but unfortunately due to midterms, I have not had time to finish it. The chapter will be a longer one, and I am only half way through it. It will be finished likely sometime next month, but the exact time is undetermined. I've wanted to work on it, but I just haven't had the time for anything lately besides work and studying. 11-16-2016 Only a couple weeks left before exams, and I have been very busy. I have been able a work on Chapter 6, but it will take a while. It might feel like I am on a bit of a hiatus, but don't worry. I have quite a bit planned out already which will be at least four chapters after this one, so I won't fall victim to writer's block if I can't write for a while. I feel that the story I have planned out so far works, and I want to finish it. So it will definitely be continued despite the delay. I'm going off on a tangent here, but I went to see Dr Strange over the weekend, and it was AMAZING! I'm a big Marvel fan, but this movie surpassed my expectations. If anyone reading this likes superhero movies (assuming that the marvel fans have seen it already), this is definitely a must see. 11-24-2016 Chapter 6 is finally out, and it's the longest chapter to date. Unfortunately it took a long time because I've been really, really busy. I hope you enjoy it for now since I can't start the next chapter until after December exams. I really need to sleep now..it's been a long day. 11/28/2016 One week of classes left, so exams are coming up. I won't be able to start chapter 7 until winter break or maybe if I feel like taking a break from studying. Chapters will probably be more consistet in the beginning of next year, but do expect a pause around March and April since I will be having my final exams and my final jury performance of this year. Katara and Sokka will be here to stay especially since I need Katara for Avatar training. They'll have more secondary roles, but they will have a prominent role throughout the story. Azula will be one of the leading roles with Zuko and Iroh, so expect a lot more of her. 12/01/2016 Okay, I may have started chapter 7. It won't be done soon either way, but I just couldn't help myself. I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm working on the story whenever I have some down time. I'm also going to say this again in regards to pairings. The Last Avatar is not a romance. I will be exploring the relationships between character for development, but I am not pairing anyone together. I would rather this story be neutral. I dont want romantic drama to get in the way, but i don't care about how anything is interpreted. While I see Katara and Zuko in this story as friends, it can be interpreted as something more, but I will not be writing any romance between them. Or anyone else for that matter. I am focussing on characterization and plot. I will be exploring different character interactions and friendly or unfriendly relationships as a way for character development. The main group of characters will become very close by the end like how the Gaang did in the original series, so look forward to a lot of character development in the future. 01/05/2017 Sorry about the complete and utter silence this past month. Unfortunately I have scrapped what I started of Chapter 7 because I have been conflicted over the direction of the chapter which really needs to be resolved before I can write anything. I have been horribly lazy during my winter break after the hellish Fall Term I had, and I haven't been able to pick myself up yet. I have literately been vegging around, stuffing my face with chocolate, and sleeping in. My health doesn't exactly agree with my vacation habits. The Winter Term hasn't even started, yet I'm already behind which is just sad (the consequences of full year courses). What this means for The Last Avatar is that I probably won't been updating for a while. I'm not saying that I won't be working on it, but until I have settled into the Winter Term, I won't know how much time I have to work on Chapter 7. I still have a lot planned for the story for a while, so it's just a matter of getting words down on paper. I would have liked to have finished a chapter during my break, but clearly that didn't happen which is alright considering my tendency to get more work done when I'm busy working under pressure. I hope you all had a great holiday season, and hopefully I'll have Chapter 7 finished sooner rather than later. 01/28/2017 Sorry about the continued silence; I've been up to my neck in work, and I am still. Winter Term decided to be equally as hectic. I have restarted Chapter 7, but very little of it is done, I will do what I can when I have time, but that will take quite the while considering my current work load. I've also been drooling over the Switch and Zelda which has been a distraction these past few weeks. I can't believe it's almost February...I've got rent to pay and utilities. (I really hope the washing machine isn't frozen again, but it probably is). Well, as of right now, Chapter 7 is 500 words long, so at least 2500-ish words to go. 02/09/2017 I've been chipping away at Chapter 7, and it's going pretty good. Hopefully I will be able to finish it by the end of the month (that's being very optimistic, but hopefully I will be able to get the chapter out of the way). I'm still as busy as ever with my course work, but every now and again I am able to continue writing this chapter. I can't believe it's already February, and that means that my reading week will be coming up, so I will have more free time during that time. 03/13/2017 Oh, I am so incredibly screwed right now. The Last Avatar is going to have to wait. This month is literately stock full of things I have to get done including a 10 page paper on Medieval Music of the tenth century, four performances, a composition and a job interview. I am terribly sorry that Chapter 7 has not been finished yet because I really want to get it out of my hair, but until I get all this work done, I won't be able to work on it. I will do the best I can to finish the chapter when I have time. 04/21/2017 I am miraculously still alive after my hellish year, and although I still have one exam left, I don't particularly feel like studying for it. End of the year assignments, applications, and examinations have been keeping me horribly busy, and it's really starting to weigh on my mind that Chapter 7 still isn't finished. Has it seriously been four months since Chapter 6 has been released? That's just sad, and although I've contemplated releasing Chapter 7 early, there simple hasn't been enough stuff happening in it yet (and I've already planned for it to be a big chapter). The point is, I absolutely don't want to release a chapter that doesn't break the 2000 word count at least not when very little has actually happened in it. It would be pretty darn disappointing to have a chapter that is just setting up events that you all have to wait for in the next chapter. It's one of my biggest pet peeves, and while Chapter 6 is pretty much just that, I couldn't justify squishing new characters and a time skip into the events of Chapter 7 because then Chapter 7 would have to break off on a boring point of the chapter. I'm just going to have to get my ass into gear and finish writing the darn thing. It's giving me trouble unfortunately, but if I can push past it, I'll be so much closer to the more important events I have planned. 04/23/2017 Well, it looks like my priorities are officially backward since whenever I have something important coming up, like an exam, I tend to the complete opposite and finish something else. On the bright side, Chapter 7 is finally posted. I'm still kicking myself for taking so long, but I literately had no time during this term — it was insane. Although I just want to roll back to bed, I need to study for that exam, so please enjoy Chapter 7. I will start Chapter 8 as soon as possible, so you don't have to wait four months for an update. 04/27/2017 Guess who's finally done exams. Chapter 8 will be started very soon and hopefully will be released relatively soon. I'm hoping for about a month at most as long as I put a lot of work into writing the chapter. I've started planning out the chapter and will start typing soon, so until then, enjoy your summer weather (if you're in the northern hemisphere anyway) because I am certainly enjoying the nice weather today. 05/30/2017 Chapter 8 should be done very soon. I've been busy trying to score a job which hasn't really been going well...but I've had plenty of time to work on The Last Avatar. 05/31/2017 Alleluia, I did it. Chapter 8 is finally finished. I've been busy with a lot of stuff, but I'm no where near as busy as I was in April. I have plans for chapter 9, but I haven't figured it out completely yet. Hopefully it will be done within the month of June. This is a major chapter in this story and glad I have finally made it here because the plot can only excel from here. I'll need to write less and less exposition and soon we'll be speeding to the end. I don't know how many chapters I'll take or how many months I'll need to write them, but I hope I can keep a steady enough pace. 08/11/2017 Alright I know it has been a long while of silence which that it quite rude of me considering I am providing updates on my own profile; one would think I would be more diligent. However I have been busy with a number of things including my computer taking a huge dump, refusing to even boot up. You may not be surprised to know that I am not at all diligent with backing up my files, so I had to fix the darn thing. And of course, the part I am currently writing just had to be the longest chapter to date. I have posted part of it as chapter 9 even though I didn't particularly want to split it up, but considering the long wait for an update I felt that I needed to post something. I decided on an appropriate spot to cut the chapter–around half of what I have written so far–which ended up being around 2,500 words worth of content. I have a lot to cover in the next part and I will try to release it as soon as possible. Until then I hope you will be relieved to see the silence has been broken and a new chapter has been posted. Now excuse me while I save my data to Dropbox or something. [Edit: I have removed the "about me" section only because I don't feel like keeping all that information up to date. I may replace it with something else in the future.] 08/27/2017 Working on Chapter 10. It's mostly done, but I have to cover some things before wrapping it up. Had a bit of a writer's block on what to do, but I think I've sorted it out and I'll try to finish it as soon as possible. 09/05/2017 Chapter 10 is out! Chapter 10 was already about half finished before I split the content up. Chapter 9 would have come earlier had I realized it was going to be too long earlier, but at least chapter 10 was able to release less than a month after. Chapter 10 is full of violence and fighting which I find difficult to write, so it was really extending the time I needed to write it. It's not edited, so there is likely many many typos and other mistakes, but I'll eventually go through and edit the chapters when I have time to do so. I don't want to cut into the time I have to write new content, so I'm settling with less polished work. Well, I'm back in University and my schedule is no where near as packed as last year thankfully, so I will continue to write The Last Avatar and try to post new chapters as soon as possible. I really want to get to specific points of the story like when Azula comes in but it will have to wait until after the North Pole since it doesn't wake sense for her to be there unfortunately. I have big plans for her and it just kills me to have to wait to write her into the action, but that's just how it has to be if I want to stick to my plans. Toph is another one I can't wait to introduce, and I was thinking of adding her on the way to the North Pole before I remembered that she can't "see" on ice. So obviously she'll have to wait as well. I have begun writing chapter 11 and I expect to have the cast reach the North pole in that chapter. I don't know how far it will go, but there will probably be two chapters after that to wrap up the North, maybe three depending on how much content I need to write. After that we're finally off to the Earth Kingdom. 09/17/2017 Back at Uni, so I'm quite busy, but I've been working on Chapter 11 and I have a good idea of how it'll come together and the details etc. I did have a bit of a scare 'though. My computer started crashing and rebooting, crashing and rebooting, and I thought it was finally dead, but it came back to life somehow and I didn't even do anything to fix it... I was worried that I lost my progress on Chapter 11 however I realized that the bulk of what I have written is actually in a note book, but I will continue to save my work to Dropbox because I know this is going to happen again. The new OS is not agreeing with my old computer and I really should have backed it up to return to the previous Operating System, but if there is anything that's true in my life, it's that I'm not that responsible. 09/25/2017 Hey, I'm writing from my phone right now. You guys are so lucky becaus I just saved Chapter 11 to a USB. My computer stopped connecting to the internet and I just found out that DropBox didn't save the latest version of the chapter but luckily it is now saved externally. my computer really isn't doing well right now. The chapter is maybe half way done. UHG NEVER MIND, THE USB JUST BIT THE DUST. WHAT THE F*CK???! okay new update: I was able to use and Ethernet chord to upload the file to Dropbox. I don't know whether my computer is going to survive long enough to finish this chapter, but it will probably take a while. I'll have to make sure I'm connected to the internet if I'm using it to work on Chapter 11 so I can use Dropbox. I'll sort this problem out somehow, but ill either need to revert to my last backup (2015) or I'll have to wipe the computer. I do have a lot written out by hand, so it's not like I'll lose that progress to a piece of junk hardware, but I'll have to fix my computer if I want to finish and upload Chapter 11. Ill try to fix this ASAP, but it will take a while. 09/28/2017 i have found a solution for my computer woes. It's still dead as a door nail, but I have now downloaded pages onto my iPhone so I can continue working on this little thing. The app is actually better than expected and I was able to transfer chapter 11 to this phone via Dropbox which I was luckilly able to access with an Ethernet connection on my dying laptop. I need to work on a few assignments right now, but I will continue writing chapter 11 whenever I have the time now that I don't have to worry about losing progress or even getting my laptop to start up. Chapter 11 is expected to be a long one since it's a transitional chapter which I generally fill with character development and dialog to replace the lack of action. However I believe there will be a bit of action at the end of the chapter which will give chapter 11 a bit more tension compared to past transitional chapters. We'll see how that turns out. I had the majority of it planned out on paper, so it's not like I'm struggling with writer's block or anything. oh, and please excuse the language of my past post. The death of my USB was quite sudden and I could have lost all of chapter 11 if I wasn't able to access Dropbox and if my computer decided to bite the dust. It was quite stressful, but it's fine now. 10/06/2017 Alright, my computer is now beeping at me whenever I try to turn it on, so apparently there’s something wrong with the RAM. I was hoping I could fix it by reverting it to a previous backup from an external hard drive, but in order to do that I need it to turn on. The question now is whether I should bring it in to get fixed or whether I should just look into buying a new computer... chapter 11 is still on my phone thankfully, so I’ll work on it there, but considering how everything’s a mess right now, it’ll probably take a while before I have the time to finish the chapter. Please have patience. 10/12/2017 Alright, I thought I got my computer fixed up by getting it completely wiped, but unfortunately it has the same problem of being unable to connect to the internet no matter what I do. It had internet for a couple days but now it’s messed up again. ill continue writing chapter 11 on my phone, but admittedly, I’m pretty disheartened over my computer situation. I will have to buy a new one... ill get Chapter 11 finished as soon as possible and just submit it from my phone because there’s no way I’ll put it on a failing computer. The typos will probably be worse considering auto correct’s abysmal editing, but it will definitely be better than nothing. 10/13/2017 Guess what Was finished today! Chapter 11 is now uploaded and available to read. Almost the entire thing was written on my little smart phone, so who knows what’s kind of typos are littered in this chapter. However I think I’ll leave editing for when I get a new computer—although who knows when that will be. I was able to get wifi to work again on my computer, so it should be alright for now. But I’m not going to take my chances. I’ll keep writing on my phone because then there will be zero chance that I lose all my work if my computer dies again. Well I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I unfortunately don’t know when the next one will be finished since I still need to organize and plan some things out. also I realized that I neglected to mention what happened to the rest of Hakoda’s fleet. Our little group of heroes are travelling on a single vessel manned by Hakoda and some of his men. The rest of his fleet have returned to their regular patrols at sea. Let’s say that Bato is leading them in Hakoda’s absence. It wouldn’t make sense for the entire fleet to go to the North Pole, and I don’t want to have to write all of the boats in either. 11/04/2017 Terribly sorry about the silence. I’ve been busy with a performance that had a lot more rehearsals than usual, a handful of midterm exams, assignments, projects and papers to write, so I’ve had little time to work on the upcoming chapter. I’ll try to get chapter 12 finish as soon as possible, but I can’t make any promises on when it will be finished at this moment. (I really have to work on an upcoming paper unfortunately) 01/09/2018 Happy New Year everyone! Although I am terribly late. Sorry about the silence, I had a lot of responsibilities that I was much too lazy to do over the winter break. So basically I’ve shot myself in the food and have been scrambling to get back on track. I did work on chapter 12 over the break—not extensively but enough to warrant a finished enough chapter. So I decided to split chapter 12 into two parts so that you all get to read someting sooner rather than later. Not much happens in the chapter but there’s a good amount of plot content regarding the North Pole and waterbending. “New” characters are introduced and yada yada yada. Spoilers for chapter 13, but yes I am going to have Zuko and Katara waterbending behind Pakkku’s back, but I have plans for the events prior to that which will help Zuko transition into actually waterbending. It is his most difficult element, so I feel that I have to at least represent that in some way. Anyway, that will begin the next chapter for those who are curious; I just have to find time to write it without distracting myself from other obligations. I have to admit that I’m a bit impatient. There’s a lot I want to get to in this story that is a way so away. Unfortunately the North Pole is a major point in the story so a lot of writing will go into it. I did write this update on my phone, but I did buy a new computer which makes my life so much easier. And it saves to the cloud so I have access to my files on my phone as well. I actually finished chapter 12 and posted it to fanfiction on my phone right before I went to bed, so I won’t completely drop working on my phone. It’s pretty convenient even though it can be a pain in the ass. Alright, I will try to work on chapter 13 as soon as possible but until then I hope you’ll enjoy chapter 12. |