Author's Note - March 27, 2018: Welcome to The Bane! I appreciate that you would take the time to stop by! This story was started six years ago after I first beat Skyward Sword. All of the games in the Zelda series are special, but Skyward Sword in particular struck a chord with me. Six years is a long time to have a story that has not reached a conclusion. Despite all the life events I've gone through in that time, there is something about this story that I can't give up on. That is why I have decided to rejuvenate this story with a clearer vision through refined writing. It is my hope that starting this story from the beginning with stoke the fire that Skyward Sword lit for me years before. Enjoy!

The Bane

The final battle that would define the past, present and future had ceased. Fate had sided with the hero of destiny. It was he who defended the surface from plunging into the gaping jaws of chaos. Demise, the Demon King had been vanquished.

The mirror-like realm created for battle, once surging with electricity and power was no longer ripe with energy. The charcoal clouds of the violent sky shifted to ivory. Their wispy shapes no longer obscured the dawning truth of victory. The crystalline floor reflected the brightening sky with exactness, the border between above and below indistinguishable.

The Demon King, his robust figuring once exuding domination was battered, nearing collapse. He stood with what remaining power flowed through his veins, his massive shoulders hunched in stubborn defeat. His darkened flesh was branded with deep strikes; strikes of the holy blade, scarlet life-force oozing from the wounds. His blazing locks were no longer reminiscent of the fire that burned in the fallen king's expression. His eyes were as black as cooled coals.

"Unbelievable," Demise growled, the weight of his frame supported only by his vicious blade. The spirit within still thirsted for blood. "You are a paragon of your kind." His gaze was unmoved from his conqueror – a mere boy garbed in green. "You fight like no man, or demon I have ever known…"

Link, the hero of legend stood opposite the demonic being. Valor draped his visage like a cloak. But this triumph went beyond his own personal glory. His success was also of his people. The youth continued to clench his master sword.

"Accept your defeat." The boy spoke firmly. Fear no longer caused his voice to tremble. He had become a man.

"Dog of the goddess," the Demon King spat. "My hate never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle without end." Link pressed on, his blue eyes showing through the sweat and blonde hair matted to his brow.

"Our fight is over. You aren't strong enough."

A pause grew between the foes.

A sound emerged from Demise's throat like the rumbling of the earth. The Demon King was laughing. His laughter's piercing tones rippled the watery floor like a skipping stone, stretching into the farthest recesses of the realm.

"Foolish mortal. This is not the end for me – only for you."

Raising his evil blade in his giant hand, the Demon King punctured the floor's surface, shattering its serene façade like glass.

"As long as I draw breath, I will drag you down into the abyss!"

The space shook with tremendous quaking. The agony of splitting matter bombarded the hero's senses. The trembling struck him to the core. The storming clouds were engulfed in a whirlwind, the gale forcing Link to his knees. Fighting against the ground, he used his free hand to steady himself against the thunderous tumult. Shocking and unimaginable hues flashed before the human's sights.

Demise released his weapon from duty, the dark metal evaporating into a sea of diamonds. The bruised ground beneath his feet splintered. The cracks tore in all directions. Their sharp, jagged edges expanded like the gnashing teeth of a carnivorous beast whose wrath had been fully exposed. Within its depths, an everlasting pit of shadow spilled forth in turbulent waves.

"Fi!" Link called out, the trickling dark gliding towards him. The darkness climbed Demise's legs like malicious vines. He made no attempt to resist. Instead, he allowed every extremity to be consumed. The human was unable to pull his vision from the nightmarish sight. The demon's laughter was lost among the crumbling. His expression was one of deranged euphoria.

Link's body was jerked backwards, his capped head slamming against the foundations. The holy blade fell from his hand, landing far to his side. The metal's ringing only added to the cacophony.

"Fi!" Link cried again, panic growing within him. He was unable to focus his thoughts.

Shadows grappled the youth's strong legs, their toxic hold numbing his limbs. With what remaining determination the boy could muster, he reached his weapon; his guide and companion.

The black crept from his legs to his torso, infecting Link with its poison. It crushed his ribs, suffocating him.

"Fi…" Link choked. His heart pounded in his throat as black engulfed his vision.

"Master," came Fi's distant voice. "Master…"

Unconsciousness was Link's companion. His mind had been severed from the sensation of his body. Just as the chaos of the trembling earth had consumed his being, silence worked to devour his thoughts. There was only emptiness; nothingness.

Link's mind was lost in a labyrinth of nightmares and memories. Fleeing from one terrible recollection would only force him into the arms of another. Each thought was progressively worse than the next. There was so much pain, anguish and loss. To endure these images would be a text of Link's sanity. Where was he? Were all his efforts for naught? Was he even alive? Had he left his friends and loved ones to a world of destruction?

As Link's abstracted reality threatened to isolate Link from the truth, voices floated to his ears. They steadily grew in volume, louder and louder. What were they saying? Who are they? Could they break him from the bonds of his mind?

"Where do you think it came from?" questioned a voice. It was low, filled with curiosity.

"Where else? The surface," replied a second voice with high pitched impatience.

"I've never seen one up close before," a third spoke up. It was rasping with disease. "It isn't in good shape."

"But how did it get here?" inquired the first.

Link became acutely aware of the pounding in his head. The throbbing pain was in rhythm with his furiously beating heart. With every thump feeling returned to his body. How long had he been oblivious of his condition?

"Look at its skin," the first said. "What a delicious source of light it must be…"

"Who said you get to pick what parts you want?" screeched the second. "I was the one who found it! I should have the first choice!"

"The heart is what I want," the third said, more to itself than to the others. "That is where the purest light is."

"Where…" Link murmured, the word forcing his lips open.

"Look!" exclaimed the second. "It's still alive!"

Link was unable to move, his limbs as heavy as stones. They ached with a unique brand of soreness. It extended even to his bones.

"Fi…" Link said again with greater difficulty.

"Let me check," grunted the first. "You're always hearing things."

The hero felt a firm pressure move across his stiff neck, the jabbing less than gentle. It worked about the tendons, pressing deeply until what it was searching for was found. Just beneath the youth's jaw it held firm, his faint heartbeat tapping against the pressure.

"You're right!" the first responded in disbelief.

"Fresh!" clamored the second. "What luck!"

"I wonder how long it's has been lying here," rasped the third.

"Who cares? What matters is that we found it before anyone else," the second continued.

Link's eyelids fluttered open, at last able to see the sources of the mysterious voices. Silhouettes of dark creatures, their flesh like burnt embers came into focus. The largest of the three, undoubtedly the first voice, was the closest to him. Its muscles bulged beneath its flesh. The other two stood further away, though their leaning bodies were piqued with interest. All were male. His surroundings were completely foreign to him.

The land was barren. Dead trees rose from the ground like bony, dead fingers. They reached for the scarlet sky with greed. Sharp mountains rose in the distance, their dagger-like tops scraping where the trees could not reach. Ashen clouds glided overhead. The faint whisper of wind hissed like a serpent.

"It's awake," the third stated. He was the shortest of the three. His spine was bent, his skin lacking the same luster as the first creature. It was thoroughly worn with age, or sickness. However, his glowing eyes were shrewd.

"Look at its eyes," Pointed out the second. He was skeletal, his ribs stretching his skin like a leather drum. His arms and legs were gangly, a crude weapon held in his hand. His expression was one of utmost cruelty. "What a strange shade."

The pounding of Link's head increased with intensity, bringing with it an added illness. Nausea worked its way to his parched mouth.

Link rolled to his side, expelling the contents of his stomach through painful gasps. The vomit singed his throat like fire. His torso contracted, clutching his arms around his abdomen. Sweat trickled down his cheeks.

"It's lucky to be alive," the third started again. His eyes scanned over Link. The other two cackled in unison.

Link's vision was spinning, his surroundings a swirl of greys, browns, and puce. He needed to get as far away from these beings as he could.

Link shifted to push himself to his feet. The palms of his hands digging into the earth, his muscles straining. His weight was more than he could handle, causing his body to crumble into itself. His face collided with rough dirt, the creatures jeering all the while. His mouth gaped, though his heaving did little to relieve his discomfort.

"Wh-where, " Link said. The laughter boomed in his ears.

"What a weak creature," the second mocked. "It can't even stand."

"Who knows why Hylia would protect such scum," the first taunted with disgust.

"We can't keep waiting around," Pressed the third. "Not unless we want someone else to come along."

"Mmm," agreed the largest.

"Don't expect me to carry it," objected the second. "That's your job."

"You aren't in charge of me," Responded the second one with a snarl. "You're lucky you still have all your limb!."

"Your strength is no match for me," retorted the second.

"Quickly!" squawked the third. "You two are wasting time!"

Link felt his body rise from the ground, hoisted as if he were nothing more than a sachel. He was flung across what felt to be a strong shoulder. He let out a groan of pain, his chest deflating. His support snickered.

"Enjoy what time you have left," the third said.

The scent of salty flesh mingled with grime caused Link to sputter. What place had he fallen to? Where was Fi? Fi…

As darkness once again took him into its embrace, Link thought he heard the faint chuckle of a familiar voice. It was a voice he had hoped to forget.

"Welcome, sky-child," it purred as it drew him into unconsciousness.