Author has written 15 stories for Wrestling.
Bio: Short and sweet - Jerichoholic, Smoochy Dreamer, Fan of many things that include (but are not limited to): the Marvel Universe, Chris Jericho, Wade Barrett, Nathan Fillion, Supernatural, Uncharted, Music, Writing, and collecting Platinum Trophies on the PS3/PS4.
Quote for the Moment:
"You just made the list!" - Chris Jericho
06-20-16 Another chapter of Paradigm has been posted, with more coming soon...
08-15-16 Took a little longer this time, hopefully it was worth the wait! Check out Chapter 24 of Paradigm.
10-13-16 Chapter 25 of Paradigm is up!
12-25-16 Merry Christmas! Chapter 26 of Paradigm has been posted. :)
They're all listed below. I got tired of having to scroll through my explanations, so I decided to shorten this section a little. Some are much better than others (mostly near the top of the list), most of them are finished, some of them never will be. All stories obey the rule of the General Disclaimer listed below so that I don't have to post it at the beginning of the every chapter of every story.
General Disclaimer:
I don't own any characters/people in these stories that you recognize. I'm merely borrowing them. Characters that you don't recognize (which are generally few and far between) I probably made up to fit the part.