Disclaimer: I own no one!
A/N: Well, again after 18 days of nothingness I return!! Check out the story "Someday", which just got updated!! I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter!! This chapter is, sadly, the last I will post for this story. The story has reached its end and I am sure that not too many people will care if I end it. Thanks to all who have stayed with it and bugged me to update. It's been a blast!!
Say hello to the night,
Lost in the shadows,
Say hello to the night,
Lost in the loneliness.
Chris spent the next two weeks in the infirmary with absolutely no visits from his family. He didn't mind much though. He didn't really want to see them. He hoped that Shawn and Stephanie were doing all right with their new relationship. OK, so he really didn't, but he tried to pretend like he did. Chris was enjoying getting to know Victoria better. They had gone on walks around the base-together since Chris wasn't allowed to be alone anymore.
All the while, Chris was plotting his way out of here.
He had looked at the fence to see which side of the base would be the best to exit from, which parts of the fence were the weakest. He was going to get Victoria to come with him and they were going to get out of here. There was nothing left for him here but death. He was almost certain of that.
The only small problem that he had with all of this was the way he was going to convince Victoria that they could escape. She had tried it before and gotten caught. Obviously, she didn't want to go through that experience again.
"Chris? Are you in there?" Victoria asked, waving a hand in front of him. He blinked a few times and looked over at her. They had stopped next to the spot in the fence that he wanted to exit through.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here." He said. He ran a hand through his hair, which was already a couple inches long again. He'd only been here about a month, and his hair was already growing back. That was why he usually kept it long. He couldn't notice that it was growing.
"What are you thinking about in that huge head of yours?" She asked him. He sighed and looked through the fence. He turned back to face her.
"I need to ask a big favor of you." He started. She started to give him a look, but he went on.
"I know that you've already tried this and failed, but I think that we need to get the hell out of here." Chris said. "I want you to come with me. We can escape together." Victoria was already shaking her head no.
"No way. I'm not going to try it again and-" she leaned in closer to him and lowered her voice, "if they knew you were even thinking about it-we would both in some serious shit."
"But, I have it perfectly planned out. Please. There is nothing left here for you or me. My family has deserted me and you said that you were just here to do the time and get out, right?"
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" she asked him. He grabbed her and made her face him.
"We can get out and disappear. I want to do this with you, and I won't do it unless you're with me. If you want to stay we'll stay, but I'm trying to tell you that we have a better chance at life out there!" He said, pointing past the fence. Victoria sighed and looked at him.
"You're out of your mind." She said.
"Will you at least think about it?" he asked her. She sighed again and looked around.
"I'll think about it, but don't expect me to say yes. Don't guilt trip me into it either, okay?"
"I promise." Chris said. They both began to head back into the building for lunch.
Chris was lying on his bed, with his arm draped over his face, still waiting for an answer from Victoria. He hoped that she was going to say yes. He didn't want to leave her behind, but he didn't want to stay here either. If she agreed to come along, it would make things much easier. He heard the door open and he shot up.
"Victoria, what's wrong?" he asked her. She had slammed the door shut and was sitting on the floor, about to burst into tears. She didn't respond, so he climbed off of the bed and went over to her. He crouched down and she suddenly embraced him.
"I'll go with you." She said. He tightened his grip around her. He felt her tears on his skin.
"Why?" he asked her. She was silent for a moment, then she talked into his shoulder.
"Because you're right. There's nothing left here for us." She said to him. He hugged her for a while longer there on the floor, then he began to explain his plan.
"You sure that you want to do this? You know what happens if we get caught-" Chris started.
"Yeah, and the trick to escaping is to not get caught." Victoria said. Chris smirked at her and grabbed her hand.
"We're gonna make it." He promised her. They both began to quietly make their way across the fenced-in yard. They walked to the end of the building where a sweeping spotlight was examining the lot. They watched it for a few moments to pick up the pattern.
"You ready?" he asked her. She nodded.
"We go on three." He said. "One……………two……………three!" They both began to sprint to the fence. Unfortunately, there was an officer who was watching that side of the building and saw them.
"Hey! You two!! Halt!!" the officer shouted.
"We're screwed!" Victoria yelled.
"Not yet, we can make it!! We can make it!!" Chris screamed. They were about 20 yards from the fence, when all of the lights in the compound suddenly flipped on. By this time, there were four or five officers outside and in pursuit.
"Colonel, do we have permission to shoot?" the lieutenant asked.
"Yes. Aim to kill."
"Yes sir." The lieutenant said. He turned to his group. It was Shawn.
"Shoot to kill." He told them. Hunter, Dave, and Molly all nodded. They raised their weapons.
"We're almost there, we can make it!! I swear we can!!" Chris shouted. A gunshot sounded through the night. Chris reached the fence and looked back.
Victoria was lying face down on the ground with a bullet hole in her back. Chris felt his heart sink.
"Nooooooooooooo!!!!" Chris screamed and ran back to her body.
"Stay where you are!!" Shawn bellowed through the megaphone. Chris fell to his knees next to her. He felt tears coming to his eyes. Hunter, Dave and Molly all walked up to him with guns.
"To your feet!" Hunter bellowed. Chris felt himself slowly stand up. He realized that he had screwed up. This was what was supposed to happen all along. He had continued the pattern.
But not for much longer.
Chris grabbed Hunter and tried to punch him. Dave raised his gun. Chris punched Hunter in the jaw just before hearing a second gunshot. His jaw dropped from surprise. He fell to the ground and dragged his hand over his chest. When he removed it, he knew what he was going to see before he saw it.
He looked at all of the people he considered to be his family standing over him, watching him die and not trying to help. Why should they? It was one of them who had shot him after all. Shot him in the back like a coward. He felt the darkness calling him, just as Stephanie and Shawn stepped into view.
"You shouldn't have tried to run Chris." Shawn's voice floated through his head. His name kept echoing within his head, until he saw nothing but black.
"Chris?" he heard someone ask. He could see nothing but darkness still.
"Chris." The voice repeated. Chris was trying to open his eyes, but he was blinded by a bright light above him.
"He's waking up!" he heard someone say next to him. There seemed to be a lot of commotion in the room, wherever he was. He tried to open his eyes again, but still couldn't manage to get it done.
"-how he managed to pull through that, he suffered severe head trauma. It's amazing that he has stayed alive for this long." Someone was saying.
"Yes, yes, but he is awake!" Another voice said. Chris tried to open his eyes again and managed to get them a little open.
He saw that there were several people crowded around his bed. He closed his eyes and re-opened them, a little more this time. Crowded around his bed were Stephanie, Shawn, Hunter, Dave, Molly, some doctor, and finally……………
"What…………What happened?" he managed to ask. Victoria leaned in to talk to him.
"You were in a car wreck, Chris. Your car ran off the road, because you were trying to avoid hitting the other car that was on the wrong side of the road." She told him. Chris made a few more blinks and looked at her groggily.
"Who was in the other car?" he asked. Victoria looked at Stephanie.
"Stephanie and Hunter."
"Stephanie and Hunter?" he asked, utterly confused.
"Yeah, Hunter, your brother, married Stephanie about a week ago. They were coming back from their honeymoon." Chris felt his heart breaking all over again. "Do you remember any of this, Chris?"
"A little. My head hurts a lot."
"Well, that's to be expected, silly. You about gave me a heart attack when I saw that it was you in the car instead of some stranger." Victoria said. "We're dating, do you remember that?" Chris closed his eyes again. Everything that he was hearing was starting to process. This whole time………the whole time that he had been in all of these other "worlds" thinking that he was married to Stephanie………thinking that he was in the military.
It was all wrong.
He really belonged here, in this time. Severe head trauma, man, that just about spells it all out.
"Chris?" Molly asked. Chris opened his eyes again.
"Do you remember anything about the wreck? Anything about us?" she asked him. He closed his eyes and nodded.
"OK, people, that's enough excitement for one day. Let's let the poor man try and get a grip on reality again. I only want one person in the room with him from now on, okay? So, one of you stay, and the others need to leave." The doctor said before ushering everyone else but Victoria out.
"Chris, do you even know where you are?"
"Yeah………I'm in a hospital. As far as how long I've been here, I don't know." He said to her. He kind of smiled. "You know what."
"What?" she asked him.
"I had the weirdest dream that I think I have ever had."
"Considering that you've been in a coma for about three weeks, and suffered severe head trauma with multiple blows to the head, I wouldn't doubt it." She said, smiling at him.
"Remind me to tell you about it someday, if I remember it."
"I'll hold that to you."
"Good." Chris said. He closed his eyes again. All of the aspects of his dream removed itself from his head and everything from the real world started flooding back in. He heard Victoria go over to the other side of the room.
"Victoria?" he asked.
"I don't know if I've said this recently, but I know that I probably haven't said it enough. I love you." He told her. She smiled at him.
"That's the first time I've heard you say that." He smirked at her.
"There's a first time for everything, you know." He said.
Say hello to the night
Lost in the shadows
Say hello to the night
Lost in the loneliness
Say hello to the night
Lost in the shadows
No one knows
I can't wait
I can't wait
No when I,
I see the lights
In the shadows
One must hide
When the sun gets higher
I don't know what this madness means
Come the night
Bedroom shadows
I don't know where it's coming from
But I, I keep moving on
Till the darkest star makes me want to try these wings
Yeah, Yeah
Say hello to the night
Lost in the shadows
Say hello to the night
Lost in the loneliness
Say hello to the night
Lost in the shadows
No one knows
Loneliness pours over you
Can pull you through
Do you sleep with the light on
I can't wait for this feeling to free me
Yeah, yeah!
Wind blows hard
It doesn't matter
Cause when the sun goes down
Nothing else matters
Lioness with the night light
I will wait outside her window tonight
Say hello to the night
Lost in the shadows
Say hello to the night
Lost in the loneliness
Say hello to the night
Lost in the shadows
No one knows
Say hello to the night
Lost Boys
Lost in the shadows
Say hello to the night
Lost in the loneliness
Say hello to the night
Lost in the shadows
No one knows
Loneliness pours over you
Emptiness can pull you through
Do you sleep with the light on
I can't wait for this feeling to free me
Say hello to the night
Lost Boys
Lost in the shadows
Say hello to the night
Lost Boys
Lost in the loneliness
Say hello say hello to the night
Lost Boys
Lost in the shadows
Say hello say hello to the night
Lost Boys
Lost in the loneliness
Say hello to the night
Lost Boys
Lost in the shadows
Say hello to the night
Lost Boys
Lost in the loneliness
The End