![]() Author has written 10 stories for Twilight. Well, in a nutshell, I'm a WoW playing, Doctor Who watching, Harry Potter and Twilight reading, D&D dice rolling geek (and sometimes a super hero). A bit about me: The very first fan fiction I read was a story called The Book of Morgan Le Fey by Lavender Brown over on years and years ago. Like way back in the day. We're talking 2002/2003. I was instantly hooked on Harry Potter fanfic. It wasn't until 2008 that I read Twilight. I can honestly say I wasn't all that impressed and that's when I took to Twilight fanfic and never looked back. I'd never thought about trying my hand at writing a fanfic until a co-worker convinced me to. It's absolutely terrifying! Yet, I love it. I love reading and writing Edward/Bella. I also enjoy reading Bella/Jacob or Jasper or Emmett. I will admit right now I was and still am Team Jacob all the way, but I find it easier to write Edward/Bella stories. Someday, I might try my hand at a B/Jacob story. I'm a sucker for HEA. Don't get me wrong. I love drama and angst, but in the end, I want my happy ever after. I'm in my mid-thirties, live in the Midwest, work for a deals website, been married for forever, and have a black cat named Sirius. I'm obsessed, and I mean obsessed, with Doctor Who and Harry Potter. My collections of both are quite large. I love crime shows. Criminal Minds, CSI (any of them), White Collar, anything on the ID channel. I blame my mother. She's a criminologist. I have many, many blogs. I update none of them. *shrugs* Short attention span. I have tumblrs. Again, I don't keep up with them. If you want to follow me on the few places I do update feel free. https://twitter.com/Bookwormeg My motto: If you roll down the steps you get to the bottom quicker. It's true. I swear. I learned this valuable lesson my freshman year of college. |