Author has written 2 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, and Phantasy Star. Well well... it's been a while since I stopped here... Time to update profile! I'm a 22 year old working girl, yeah, college "fun" is OVER. Time to make my own living now! Unfortunately, this WORK leaves me less time to write as I used to have... I miss it so. I'm your typical 20 something, not much to tell... or at least, not much to tell that's safe to write here ;) So basically, this story is NOT dead. I have Chapter 21 sitting on my comp, unfinished. I've lost direction, but I soon hope to have it back... it'll be almost 2 years since I've updated! Oh my god! What's sad is, I know exactly how this story will end... but getting there is the part that has me stumped. In any case, I want to see this thing through! Bye bye for now! |