By: Jeokitty
Rated PG-13 for language and other stuff, which I haven't decided yet.
I don't own Final Fantasy 8, Seifer, Fujin, Raijin or anyone. They all belong to SquareSoft.
Chapter 1 – Tempest
A violent wind.
"Look, Fujin," Seifer said, not daring to look the petite girl in the face, "It's over."
Those two words sent a chilling shiver down Fujin's spine. Had she heard what she really thought she heard? Keeping her voice in check, she firmly spoke, afraid that if she wasn't careful, Seifer could tell her voice was trembling, just like the rest of her body. "Why?"
Seifer sighed and walked over to the window overlooking the Balamb train station. "Just because."
Fujin's eye flared with anger, but it was instantly replaced with hurt. You owe me an explanation, Seifer Almasy. "Why?" Back to monosyllables.
"Do you really think this can work out, Fujin?" Seifer asked, still not looking at the girl whose heart he was breaking.
"Well, you're wrong. We can't work out. It was fun while it lasted, but, it's over now."
Fujin had fought countless battles with this blond man, but the wounds sustained in those battles were nothing compared to the pain he was causing her now. But he was a stubborn man, whose mind couldn't be changed, once made-up. Very well, Seifer. Very well. "Good-bye," Fujin whispered, as she opened the front door, took one last look at Seifer and slammed it shut.
Seifer glanced at the closed door, and slumped to the floor.
Fujin walked through Balamb with a look on her face that said 'don't fuck with me'. Most people heeded to the look, except for Raijin, who happily ran up to the pissed off girl.
"Hey, Fujin!" Raijin greeted, smiling brightly.
Fujin looked up at the giant and didn't say anything.
"What's up? It's a great day, ya know? Hey, where's Seifer?"
"We broke up," Fujin said dully, as if stating that the sun was in the sky.
"WHAT?!" Raijin yelled, attracting the attention of several by-passers, who chose to quickly move on, rather than give the giant a weird look. "When did this happened? How did this happened? What HAPPENED?!"
"Look, Raijin, it's nothing. Don't worry about it, forget it," Fujin mumbled, walking past Raijin, her face still saying 'don't fuck with me'.
"Fujin…" Raijin said softly, grabbing her arm, and pulling her back. Fujin looked up at the taller man again, and quickly looked away, tears slowly beginning to slip down her face. "Fujin, tell me what happened. We can go grab a beer, and you tell me everything."
"NO," Fujin stated, trying to get her arm out of Raijin's grip.
"Fujin, I will not let you go until you tell me. If I do, you're just going to end up doing something to hurt yourself."
"POINT?" Fujin asked, still trying to pull her arm out of Raijin's grip.
"Fujin, I am not letting you go," Raijin firmly said. Fujin stopped pulling on her arm for a moment and stood still. Raijin looked to where Fujin was numbly staring and saw Seifer, with his arm around a blonde girl. "Come on, Fujin. Let's get out of here."
"Fi… fine…" Fujin whispered, letting Raijin gently pull her away from the scene.
"What happened?" Raijin asked again, once they were seated inside the dark bar.
Fujin stared at her friend for a moment, and finally dropped all defences. "I… don't know," she whispered, tears running down her cheeks.
"Well, when did it happen?"
"It just happened. Not an hour ago."
"And what did he say?"
"That it was over," Fujin whispered again.
"But, why? Did he explain why?"
"He said we couldn't work out," Fujin mumbled, then looked up with a fire in her eye, "But, obviously, it's so he can be with another girl."
"Don't jump to conclu—"
"Shut up, Raijin!" Fujin snapped, "You saw it too."
"Yes, I did. But, there has to be some reason or…"
"Don't try to defend him. Just don't," Fujin muttered, reaching around her neck and under the collar of her jacket. A moment later, she pulled out a silver chain, with a pendant on it. The pendant was oval, with a blue cross on it, similar to the one on Seifer's jacket. Behind the cross itself were red flames. Seifer had had this custom made for Fujin on her birthday. "Look, obviously, I was mistaken about everything. I shouldn't have been so stupid, believing I could be special to Seifer. Girls are just his playthings. I'd seen how he was with girls before. We were both there and with him when he dated all those hussies. He never felt anything for them. I lost my head for a moment, thinking he would feel something for me."
"No, Fujin, don't sa—"
"Raijin, it was evitable. I was stupid," Fujin mumbled, standing up from the table, "Like he said, it was fun while it lasted." Fujin walked out of the bar, letting the necklace drop from her hands and onto the dirty tile ground.
Author's Notes: Actually, I've really no notes. R/R! ^_^