![]() Author has written 7 stories for Howl's Moving Castle, Final Fantasy VII, Maximum Ride, and Hobbit. HELLO. It looks like you've found me! And here I am in all my weirdness. Please feel free to explore. :) In Recent News -- Just wanted to let everyone know that I do see your reviews, I do see the "please update soon!!"s and the "I really hope you update"s and "OMG THE TENSION"s ok maybe not that last one but like you get the picture. I see them! And I love getting messages like this! And! Since y'all heard from my last I have graduated from college (!) and moved countries (!!!) to start my first job after graduation, which as expected has been WILD! So I've been setting up a new life in a non-English speaking country and starting work and trying not to be completely socially isolated OTL which had been a lot to handle. But I've been re-reading lately and trying to squash bits and pieces I've written into comprehensive chapters, and as I have declared this the year of kicking my own ass, things should be moving along soon. And that's the scoop on that! Concerning specific updates (as of January 2018) -- I do indeed have a deviantart! Right now it consists of doodles, little sketches, and some inspiration art from my own fanfics. http:/// if you feel like investigating! And now I will attempt to summarize myself. Current obsessions: Ballet. Archery. Classical music. Hamilton. French rap. Opera rock. Ink drawings. DIY fashion. Red scarves. Baking cookies. Basics about run4life: Gender: Female Age: Post-college, having graudated by some miracle. Occupation: English (as a foreign language) teacher! Aspiring author/polyglot/general badass, and not necessarily in that order. Favorite fandoms include: The Hobbit/LotR, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Being Human (UK version is best version), anything Disney, Final Fantasy VII, Fullmetal Alchemist/FMA Brotherhood, Vocaloid, Fairy Tail, Howl's Moving Castle/Spirited Away/anything Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki, Princess Tutu, Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, Bleach... open to others! :D Music I enjoy: Hamilton, French rap and opera rock, Breaking Benjamin, Paramore, Shinedown, 12 Stones, Evanescence, everything Vocaloid, Hurts, 30 Seconds to Mars, My Chemical Romance, Mindless Self Indulgence, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Within Temptation, Linkin Park, Vic Mignogna, Three Days Grace, catchy anime openings because they're fantastic... I like my music with a lot going on. I go off what makes my ears happy, really. Horoscope sign: Cancer. Tough on the outside, squishy on the inside. I'm pretty logical and can make logical removed decisions, and if someone tries to mug me I will kick their ass, but I'm really a disgustingly optimistic realist that can be quite squishy although I don't recommend trying to make an appetizer out of me O_0 Likes: good food (I've been extremely spoiled by my parents in this respect), writing, piano, Pepsi, snow, pole vaulting, chocolate, socks, thunderstorms, rock climbing, dancing, skiing (XC and downhill), running fast, goofing off, drawing in any and all ways, shapes, and forms, making bad attempts at gymnastics, laughing, pranks, friends...many things! My Myers-Briggs personality type is INFP, or introvert-intuitive-feeling-perceiving (silly psychologists; that doesn't start with an N). In other words, I do well on my own and I'm not particularly dependent on other people. As a side effect, I'm really bad at asking for help. I prefer to sit back and observe most of the time so I'm not a natural leader, but when I do speak up, people sit down and listen since I tend to see things that others don't. I get really strong instinctive feelings about things and people with a little ESP thrown in. I'm also very good at perceiving others' motives and opinions, so I'm really open-minded and can be decisive where other things might get in someone else's way. But don't worry, I do have values! I'm really happy and very stress-free and laid-back, and very rarely get flat-out angry, but if you mess with someone I care about then you'd better hope I never have the good luck to catch you. Even my friends are scared of my rage mode. And I don't really do the princess-waiting-to-be-rescued-by-a-knight-in-shining-armor thing. I'd probably steal his horse. I appreciate it when guys are nice and considerate, but that's called being human. Also, I'd rather just split the bill. I try to be nice to everyone I meet, just because that's how I like to operate -- and I don't like mean people, although I do appreciate it when people just go ahead and say what they mean instead of hedging or being passive-aggressive. I believe that everything has significance and that things in life happen for a reason even when they suck. I'm afraid of very little, if anything, simply because most of the time there's no point, the way I see it. As a result, I'll be honest, I have pretty much zero respect for irrational fears. I don't fear the future because I figure that by the time I get to a crossroads or a wall, I'll be ready for it. I love to have good clean fun and have a lot of energy, and I'm really expressive. My friends are continually entertained by my weird storytelling facial expressions. I enjoy goofing off, watching the world stare in mild horror, and laughing my butt off about it. I have a tendency to cackle extremely loudly right smack in the middle of an entire roomful of Awkward Silence. Doing funny stuff and acting like it's crazy-super-illegal is also a fantastic form of entertainment, as are well-executed, harmless pranks. Oh yes, and I'm tall and athletic with blue-ish eyes and brown hair that's currently trying desperately to grow out of a pixie cut. I usually wear glasses and a lot of jewelry, and that just about does it! So that's pretty much the best I can do at myself in a nutshell! :) To the stories! The good stuff. Ongoing Stories: Fearless: FFVII Believe in Me: The Hobbit Her name is Eisa (say it EYE-sah). She's a bit of a big old mystery, since her mother took off not long after giving birth to her and she never knew who her father was. Born in a city in Gondor, she was raised by a collection of staff members at the tavern where she was born and learned a variety of skills. Once she was of age, she began to travel since she never felt like she belonged there. Eventually, some years later and quite content staying almost constantly on the move, she comes to the Shire and stays a while. She's just leaving when a certain Company of dwarves catches up with her, and they're going the same way. For some reason she begins to grow close to a few of them, and for the first time in her life, she feels an inexplicable connection that makes her not want to leave them. She doesn't fight it, but eventually it begins to terrify her because she doesn't even know what to call it. Her, the fear-no-evil, friendly, unexpectedly witty, solitary wanderer, so caught off guard by something as harmless as what might possibly be affection? Perish the thought. She'd rather not think about why she feels this need to be accepted, quite frankly, since never settling down or building relationships has never bothered her before. And never mind that she finds herself unable to focus and keeps staring at a certain dark-haired dwarf prince; it's all entirely ridiculous. However, not everyone is willing to put up with the presence of the strange female. Even if she does wander into previously unchartered social territory in order to prove her worth, will Thorin and the others ever accept her? And what of the secret quest to Erebor? Upcoming Stories: [possible] A Change of Plans rewrite/take 2: Howl's Moving Castle Any ideas for a clever second title while still using the original to signify that it's the same story? [Untitled: FFVII. The suspense! o.O I'm actually quite looking forward to starting this up once Fearless approaches its conclusion. It's going to be a bit lighter; no horribly agonizing pasts, no terrible war themes; but the honor and friendship ideals have just always gotta be there :) What do you do when someone (possibly insane, but still, someone) presents you with an impossible but somehow - crazily - logical explanation to the questions you don't even realize you've been asking? And why, at this specific moment in time, do so many people seem so eager to get their hands on the girls and their families? [Untitled: Fullmetal Alchemist. And so the crack commences. Every character bounces in and out of this one, and this poor girl is suddenly turning everything (subtly, like everything she does) completely on its head! Non-pairing as of yet, but I may just give in to the Roy/Riza hinting. Also haven't decided whether to run a parallel to the FMA/FMAB storylines. Let the games begin. Test the Skies (a.k.a. cliche working title) : Treasure Planet. So the premise for the impending fanfic is my slight disappointment that Jim has no love interest, not even implied. Looking back, it would totally ruin the movie as it was based on family and a father-son relationship, but hey, what is fanfiction for? :3 To make crap more complicated, of course!! (I'm freakin' good at that.) I don't have any semblance of a decent summary yet, but here's what I'm running with right now if anyone's interested: So that's the plan! Oh, and Cass has long dirty blonde hair that she braids to keep it out of the way, brown eyes, a couple freckles, and perpetual cuts and bruises from her tendency to rebel via things that she's never been told a thing about (i.e. the solar surfers/vehicles...see where this is going?). She's about 5'5" and is in good shape but isn't a stick -- she isn't exactly curvy but doesn't look like a boy either. She wears a loose pale blue shirt, brown breeches and black knee-high boots, and ties a navy blue bandana around her head to keep the remaining stray hairs out of the picture, although she has one little uncooperative, gravity-defying strand that tends to spring out over it. She always has on a silver necklace with a circular pendant, has three piercings in each ear (again with the egregiously underinformed methods of rebellion), and wears a wide leather bracelet on her left wrist. I think that's it for now... Anyway! That's in progress. Once I get everything back in running order in terms of stuck plot points and get a decent amount of this written and edited, I might start posting this. :D 'til later! [Untitled: Being Human [Untitled: Spirited Away OC INTERVIEW (Fairly) new OC that I'm wicked excited about: Eisa. Fandom: The Hobbit. 1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname? 2. What's your race and gender? 3. What about your family? Any siblings? 4. Interesting... what's your current age? 5. Uh-huh. What's your favorite food? 6. And your favorite drink? 7. Confession time! Who's your crush/lover? 8. (evil grin) Have you two kissed yet? 9. All right, all right, fine! What's your favorite color? 10. Do you have any friends? 11. Um... Well then, have any embarrassing experiences in your past? 12. How convenient. Who's your hero? 13. Okay, who is your worst enemy? 14. Interesting... What would you do if you met your creator? 15. What's your worst nightmare? 16. What's your lifelong dream? 17. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true? 18. Okay, where's your favorite place in the world? 19. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing? QUOTES TIME! It's you and me versus the world. We attack at dawn. Everyone has skeletons in their closet, but mine are the only ones that found the boombox in there and started a rave. Drunken sod #1: Was that a threat?! All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. -Gandalf/J.R.R. Tolkien In International Lestrade: There's something else that we haven't thought of. A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it... he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. Yeah. A heart made Fullmetal. -FMA George: You see what you've done? You've turned us into a hello-how-are-you program with the whole sodding neighborhood. Mom: There was way too much swearing in that movie. "But I'm done! I'm done with hiding! With fearing! With...dreaming. Look at us! We've been living half in our own heads! We're all staring at the darkness and hoping that some day it'll give us an answer. We're looking at options A, B, and C, and we can't make ourselves choose any of them. We're looking north, west, and south and not liking any of our options. What the hell have we been doing all this time? We're done! I'm done! Done with hiding, and fearing! Done with dreaming! WAKE UP! Turn from the dreaming, and look towards the day! If we'd only stop staring at the fading stars and look, we'd realize-- The sun is rising. The night is darkest just before the dawn. We have to look towards the future. We have to pick a direction if we're ever going to start walking! And as long as we walk straight towards the sun, we can never get lost! I'm going to walk straight into the light. If a wall stands in my way, I'll punch and kick and fight like hell, until I knock it down. And if I ever meet a wall I can't knock down... Then Cloud will carry me over it. I trust in that. I trust in him. ... Fiat Lux." -Tifa; Credit goes to the incredible Osiris's Consort and her story Welcome To Fair Help Center for FFVII. Officer, I swear to Drunk I'm not God. "If you wanna be a hero, you gotta have dreams." -Zack Fair (duh ;) "Threats are the last resort of a man with no vocabulary!" -can't remember, possibly a Tamora Pierce book "Always be kind and polite and have the materials to build a bomb." -Tom from Being Human Dean: Oh my god, did you see that shot?! I'm Batman! "I feel that we are good enough straight friends that when we are together and creepy guys hit on us at the bars, we can pretend to be each others' lesbian lovers and it won't be weird." -A conversation from long ago at a sleepover far away "I don't know if you've been keeping up with the news, Leonard, but there have been some amazing technological advances in the field of torture." -Sheldon, Big Bang Theory Yuffie: Wow, so, uh, you actually did run out of places to hide the bodies? "Yes, she had a rant session in my kitchen involving glorified pyromaniacs and many, many circles. You've created a monster." -about my FMA rants "Gonna go grab some cheeseburgers and some pie." -Dean in UnderdogAngel's Supernatural fic Watch the Sky (hint: go read it!!) Earthquakes seemed a highly unlikely coincidence at this point, so she took the liberty of concluding that they were all in very deep shit. -Fearless This is life. Nothing comes in simply black and white. ...Not even the newspaper, 'cause I will have spilled coffee on it. Cloud (reading off a fortune cookie): Do not despair, for size is not everything. (thinks of his height and makes a face) My dad: Yeah, he seemed kinda smart - you know how you can just kinda tell when someone's really on the ball? "You have socks melting in your siiiiiink...!" Nothing in life is to be feared, only to be understood. -Marie Curie Friend: She just screamed your name across the cafeteria and made us look like freaks! Angeal: What the—Diana? Genesis: Fair blabs. Angeal listens. Angeal talks. I hear things. -Fearless Hughes: Oh, is it over now? Mustang: If you got out more you’d have a few journalists stalk you yourself. Max: He made a flamethrower? Wicked! Friend: Why would someone do that?! "We eat. We plot. We rock." -Zack in Fearless Havoc: That psycho just stormed the building! Well, the chocobo's out of the bag now—our favorite heroes are going barhopping. Everyone hold onto their pants. -Author's Note from Fearless "My peanut." -Captain Jack Sparrow King Bradley (to Basque Grand, about Mustang): You wanted him here to keep a closer eye on him, so don’t tell me that all of a sudden you’ve remembered he should scare the shit out of you. -At Gate's Edge by Winds of Water Angelica: I was ready to take my vows! And you--you had to come in and ruin everything! What were you doing in a Spanish convent, anyway? friend: You should've had a twin brother. "Oww! …I guess it was a bit much to jump from the eighth floor." -Bleach Ed: Tell him: fine, there’s no way I’m dying before you do, you morally bankrupt colonel with a god complex. Riza: I should get in some target practice. Lyric Quotes! I'm a nightmare, a disaster--that's what they always say. -Me Against the World by Simple Plan Have you no honor? / Have you no soul? / What is it we're dying for / Do you really even know? / Have you no backbone? / Have you no spine? / Whatever happened to / 'No one gets left behind'? -No One Gets Left Behind by FFDP (sounds like Angeal, don't it? :D) Time will heal the scars / Be proud of who you are / I came from nothing; here I am / I won the war in my head. -That's What the Wise Lady Said by Angtoria This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will; 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name! -Remember the Name by Fort Minor ft. a lot of other people At the end of the day there's another day dawning / And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise / And the waves crash on the sand / Like a storm that'll break any second / There's a hunger in the land / There's a reckoning still to be reckoned / And there's gonna be hell to pay / At the end of the day! -At the End of the Day from Les Miserables Show me what it's like to dream in black and white. -Unknown Soldier by Breaking Benjamin Stay real. Stay you. Love yourself, and when you can't then I'll do it for you. run4life |