A/N: So for all of the people who don't know this story line (I know at least one person who needs this, but if you don't, skip to the next paragraph). So Zack is a First Class soldier and Cloud is a Third Class, but they are only like four years apart in age. The army name is SOLDIER (in CAPS). It is a different universe and they fight monsters (kinda like monster control) and are at war with another country/group called Wutai (pronounced wooootayee lol) Mako is a substance that is equivalent to superman in a tube minus the flying. it gives you super hearing, speed, sight, strength, and the ability to heal super fast. Zack is young for a First, but he's just that good :o He is tall and has the build of a soldier, with long untamable black hair, much like a porcupine ;) Cloud is his best friend who has even pointier, crazier, hair that is like one giant cowlick, and he is built like Zack. Both are very attractive, use your imagination. (Sorry, any male figures reading, that's why I didn't go into deep detail. Just be aware that they are indeed very good looking guys. ^^ )

SO! This is going to be a series of one shots that are connected, so idk if that then makes it a story… ANYWAYS. So it is Zack and Cloud goofing off, getting into trouble, and breaking things, intentionally or not. So ya! This first chapter is just an intro to how my writing is (hopefully it will improve as I go) and how this story will be. Also, since both main characters are male, there will be a multitude of dick jokes, just to warn you. "That's what she said"s, awkward looks, that kinda thing. (But NO Zack/Cloud intimacy AT ALL. THIS IS NOT A SLASH FIC!)

"Toss me a Coke?" Zack looked over towards the kitchen, only to find three prongs of chocobo hair sticking up from behind the old fridge door.

Cloud and Zack were sacking out in Zack's apartment after a long weekend of killing hormonal Senaws. Apparently it is a bad idea to try to "take care of" a factory's giant-lemur-with-spiky-tail problem during their mating season.

"Yeah, man," and he tossed it.

The can punched through the window opposite of Zack and left a spider web pattern of shattered glass.


"I'm sorry!" The scared Third backed away from the ancient fridge slowly, hands up defensively. "Thecanwassweaty… anduhh… thenewmako…"

"How could your hands be sweaty? You were in front of the fridge, failing to choose between mushu pork and my attempted lasagna. Both of which are at least four days old, so I imagine they taste about the same." Zack cringed at the memory of the lasagna that tasted of seafood. Odd, since it was vegetarian… He shrugged back into his spot on the couch comfortably, showing his friend he wasn't pissed. Well, not enough to show it.

Cloud sighed and muttered under his breath so even Zack's mako-enhanced ears couldn't hear, "The can was sweating, not me, I do not sweat like an animal." Holding his dish he walked to the giant beanbag chair that sat waiting next to the couch.

"Oh yes you do..." Zack muttered back. Damn it. He heard Cloud.

At the sounds of food-induced pleasure, Zack asked out of boredom, "So what'dya pick?" Cloud tilted his blue-green pottery bowl so Zack could observe the yellowish-red-brown slop slip to the side of his bowl, threatening to spill all over Cloud's pants.


Zack expressed his disgust with a variety of very creative facial expressions.

"What's it taste like?"

That's it for now! Very short and not much comedy but I just wanted to get a start with their friendship and each character's personality in my story. So ya! Comment please? 5 Comments would be really good inspiration for me to write more ;)