Author has written 19 stories for Final Fantasy XIII, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Dragon Age.
Honestly, I am. I haven't forgotten anything and I feel like absolute shit for not writing. Lots of things have changed. I've changed, my job has changed, my life has changed. In the wake of it all, I'm still reminded that people still read and enjoy my fics. Someone just made something awesome inspired by a scene in Misdirection and it's warmed the cockles of my heart.
So. I am going to try and get some writing done.
I'm a geek, a gamer, a romantic, a loud mouth.
I'm a girl, a wife, a sister, and a pain in the ass.
I have big hair, glasses, I love to eat, and I don't smoke.
My favourite Final Fantasy is 3(6JP).
I thought for a minute that FF13 may be my new favourite FF game, but I was wrong. I loved the journey of the game, but the destination was a let down. Still super awesome though.
Mmmm Snow. ;) I used to say I wasn't a big fan of blonds, but I think that only applies to women now. I seem to have a special affinity for big handsome blonds lately.
Oh, and don't hate on Snow! It makes me a sad panda! :'(
WIP Fics
Dragon Age 2
Sister, My Sister - F!Hawke/Bethany - Current WIP!
Don't Forget My Name - M!Hawke/Fenris AU - Current WIP!
No current WIP :(
Final Fantasy XIII
100 Seconds (Working Title) (SnowXLightning A tale spanning over 100 various themes - short chapters, slow building...) - Current WIP
Thank you so much for reading and or reviewing!!!
Courtesy of my husband, and to the tune of 'Backdoor Man' by the Doors:
Wha, yeah!
C'mon, yeah
Yeah, c'mon, yeah
Yeah, c'mon
I am a..
Yeah, I'm a Yaoi fan
I'm a Yaoi fan
The kids don't know
But the fujoshi understand
Hey, all you people out there watching Bleach
I'm writing fanfics on the meme that's kink, yeah yeah
'Cause I'm a Yaoi fan
The kids don't know
But the fujoshi understand
All right, yeah
You kids eat your Ramen
Watch your FMA
I slash more bishis
Than any fan ever seen, yeah, yeah
I'm a Yaoi fan, wha
The kids don't know
But the fujoshi understand
Well, I'm a Yaoi fan
I'm a Yaoi fan
Whoa, baby, I'm a Yaoi fan
What you don't know
Is I just slashed you with your friend