Author has written 5 stories for Twilight. I'm a writer, artist and single mom who had a torrid affair with Twilight a few years ago. It made me happy and I regret nothing. I swore I'd never do fan fiction, but I became so smitten with the whole community – writers and readers alike – that when I was struck with a twisted B/E idea, I opened The Family Business. Although I completed that amazing experience several years ago, there are still several outtakes and franchises floating around different computers and flash drives. (As you can see by the recent update.) Neon Forks is the seed for an original story that I hope will see the light of day eventually. Sure To Be Broken is a one-shot and it's a little dark and different. It's a complete short story. I can't believe I can go to Target now and see not one, but many books that started as fanfic, or authors that discovered their passion on the pages of . It makes me treasure the Twilight days even more to see those gifts realized. And it's all because of you, avid readers and lovers of alternate universes. You are amazing and appreciated. I have a blog that I don't visit nearly enough: http:// and I still live on Twitter where I get my news, my laughs, my inspiration, and especially my community. Follow me at @suzspetals. |
algonquinrt (0) AngstGoddess003 (5) donnersun (5) eddiescherry (0) EZRocksAngel (10) | hmonster4 (9) hunterhunting (1) kharizzmatik (1) LolaShoes (0) Mrs.TheKing (4) | notjuststring (0) tara sue me (4) tby789 (0) TexasKatherine (0) |