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Joined 05-13-02, id: 213418, Profile Updated: 04-10-20
Author has written 4 stories for Saiyuki.

4/10-Currently working on Chapter 14 of the Fallen Ones. Even though I haven't gotten many reviews, I am determined to continue the story.

The story seems pretty grim right now which is a lot different than the past stories, which had more humor to it. But I figure the main focus has been on Serafina and she's not a "cheery" person. The tone should change once the other characters come into play.

If you're wondering about the image I have, it's a painting I made of Daycarthro about 10 years ago. It's done with acrylic paint on a 18" by 24" paper. That's actually a photo I took of it.

The first four chapters of the Daycarthro Chronicles: Samsara have been posted on You can find it here: Basically it's about Evan's past before he is reincarnated. A definite read for any of you Evan-fans.

Now some Background info on me

I got into writing when I was sixteen and have been writing since then. I mostly started off on original works. First 'completed' story was Forgotten Sins. When I got into college, I came up with the idea for the Daycarthro Chronicles and since then I've been focusing most of my efforts on that. I wrote Gods must have been on Crack since I thought my characters and Saiyuki would mesh together nicely.

Birthday: Dec. 8th

Sex: Female

Favorite colors: Blue and purple

Hobbies: writing, drawing, video games. Favorite game is Legend of Zelda. I've passed all of them except for the DS games and Breath of the Wild. Currently playing that game since I have some time on my hands with the Corvid19 situation

Favorite animes: Pretty much everything, except for hentai O_O' Some of my favorites are old-time favorites are Escaflowne, Spirited Away, Saiyuki, unfortunately, I don't watch that much anymore.

Music: Currently I've been getting into the j-rock. Hyde, Miyavi, Girugamesh, Gazette, Versailles, and Maximum the Hormone are some of the bands that I really like. I also like Muse, AFI, Blaqk Audio, Within Temptation and a ton of other bands

Main Projects: Daycarthro Chronicles, though I'm suffering from a major case of writer's block. Also working on a new title, still haven't come up with a name for it that I like, but it's been coming along nicely.

Favorite Daycarthro Chronicles characters: Raven and Evan.

Favorite Daycarthro Chronicles 'villians': Lamya and Gabriel.

Story Status on Fanfiction:

# Eight-Legged Encounter: It was supposed to be a one-shot, but I'm considering writing another chapter if I ever get around to it.

# Esca Yugi: Just to let people know, fanfiction has taken this one off since it said, "Not allowed: mst, chat, real person based, interactive, etc." Even though it wasn't either of these. They probably just read the first few sentences and assumed it was chat based since I wrote that in script format. I know for sure it was not a mst, it was a parody, there is a difference you know. Oh well, I guess that story was cursed anyway. Maybe when I have some free time I'll rewrite it. But for now, this one appears to be in limbo.

# The Daycarthro Chronicles: Gods Must have been on Crack- Crossover between Saiyuki and The Daycarthro Chronicles. Complete. In case you were wondering, Evan's birthday is Feb. 22

# The Daycarthro Chronicles: Merging Paths- Sequel to Gods Must have been on Crack. Status: Complete. The Sanzo-Ikko and Daycarthro characters cross paths again. This time the Sanzo-ikko get dragged to Raven's world where they come face-to-face with a group of demons out to get them. It's a little bit more serious than the first one which was more comedy. It also has a lot of fight scenes which wiped me out...Sorry this one took so long to complete. Knew how I wanted to end up, but was having trouble finding the focus to complete it.

# The Daycarthro Chronicles: The Fallen Ones- The third story in the Daycarthro Chronicles. Once again the Sanzo-ikko and Raven's group find themselves being dragged into a conflict that could destroy their worlds. As the Sanzo-ikko and Raven's group reunite to face old foes, as well as another that could trump all, will they be strong enough to save both worlds? And who is the mysterious little girl that everyone is after? Chapter 12 is up!

Possible future projects (if I ever have the time for them):

# Hand of Fate- A semi-AU and semi-Daycarthro crossover. Basically, takes place in the future where the Sanzo-ikko are reborn and must unite to face a mysterious enemy.

# Driving 101: Humor. Due to certain circumstances, Sanzo, Goku and Gojyo find themselves without a driver and the audience learns why Hakkai is the designated driver. Probably will be about 5 chapters.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Daycarthro Chronicles: The Fallen Ones reviews
Sequel to Merging Paths. Once again the Sanzo-ikko and Raven's group find themselves being dragged into a conflict that could destroy their worlds. As the Sanzo-ikko and Raven's group reunite to face old foes, as well as another that could trump all, will they be strong enough to save both worlds? And who is the mysterious little girl that everyone is after? Chapter 13 is up!
Saiyuki - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 71,691 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 4/10 - Published: 11/20/2012
The Daycarthro Chronicles: Merging Paths reviews
Sequel to Gods Must have been on Crack! This time the Sanzo-ikko are dragged into Raven's world. There they meet Serafina, the no-nonsense warrior and face the demon Zev and the deadly Lamya, Evan's former lover who betrayed him. Will both groups be able to keep it together, or fall apart?
Saiyuki - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 37 - Words: 147,262 - Reviews: 272 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 9/4/2012 - Published: 4/11/2003 - Complete
The Daycarthro Chron:Gods Must have Been on Crack reviews
Two groups of dysfunctional characters come together in what will be an explosion of action, adventure and humor. -Raven the cool-headed Hybrid, his brother Evan the sadist Demon Child, Cassandra the unconfident sorceress, and Warner the not so bright playboy/swordsman. Will both groups survive the demons after them and each other? Contains OC from my original story
Saiyuki - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 25 - Words: 62,314 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 2/17/2003 - Published: 9/22/2002 - Complete
Eight Legged Encounter reviews
Sanzo has a eightlegged visitor. How will our short temper monk react when he comes face to face with one of the most feared creatures around? Rated PG13 just to be on the safe side.
Saiyuki - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 671 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 5 - Published: 10/2/2002 - Complete