Author has written 42 stories for Castle, Romeo and Juliet, Legend of the Seeker, Law and Order: SVU, Robin Hood BBC, Once Upon a Time, Early Edition, Supergirl, Damien, Fosters, Reba, Raven's Home, 9-1-1, and Kate & Allie. Hey!! You can call me SPL. I love to sing... music is my life! I also love writing, photography, and playing with photoshop. You can find more of my work at: Tumblr .:. AO3 .:. FictionPress .:. DeviantArt .:. WritersCafe .:. SoundCloud I also have a joint account with my Bestie, where we will be posting all the fics we collaborate on, so if you're interested, we're TheOnlyDennea :) Current ship obsessions: Fearless Queen, Denna/Dennee, Alex/Astra, Maddie/Chimney, Stef/Lena, Swan Queen, Jo/Mac, Rizzles, Caskett, Brennan/Booth, Toni/Gary, Avery/D.B. Keep On Singin' ;) |
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