Title: A Kind of Comfort in You (4/4)
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Swan Queen (Emma Swan/Regina Mills)
Spoilers/Warning: None. Tooth-rotting, tummy hurting fluff!
Summary: AU-ish Storybrooke. Let's pretend there is no curse, no magic, and Regina is just a mayor and Emma is just a sheriff. This is a SQ baby fic, but it is not your typical SQ baby fic. But maybe I'm deluding myself and it is. (After all a baby fic is a baby fic is a baby fic). You'll have to decide yourself.
Disclaimer: This is purely fictional. I own none of it.


A/N: Ack. This should've been put up weeks ago, it's been ready and everything, sorry. I've just been really out of it (and stuck in a loop of angst so this was pushed temporarily aside). Also, very sorry for being unable to reply to your reviews. Anyway, tardy excuses aside, here's the final part. Tada.

Thank you Pesterfield for pointing out some typos and errors in the previous part; they've been fixed. English isn't my first language and sometimes some things slip notice even after my best efforts, thank you for letting me know. Also, there's good news for all ye who'd been dreading the ending as much as me — (so not ready to let go of Allison!) — Beanz (that's my beta to you) and I came up with a couple (dozen) more scenarios, plenty of fluffy mush, involving our favorite family, so you'll be seeing more fics set in akociy verse sometime soon. The only thing I'm wondering about is whether I should put them up separately or start a new series or use them as a continuation of this (even though they'll be all over the timeline). What do you guys suggest?

Now, on to the last three parts. Here ya go.


At the head of Storybrooke's Town Hall was the table where the Mayor sat — but today the center of attention was not Mayor Mills, but the newly turned three-year-old who greeted each council member very seriously by shaking their hands, and showing them the masterfully crafted drawing of a bright orange dolphin (which looked more like a giant piranha) surrounded by several dangerously tilted and impossibly tapered candles, and proclaiming that it was her 'burfday'. They all agreed that the dolphin was, indeed, very interesting, to say the least, and wished her a very happy birthday, commenting on the big, frosty cake sticker Mrs. Poppins, her teacher, had put on her Oscar the Grouch t-shirt. Allison grinned from ear to ear.

"All right, Allison, darling, settle down," said Regina as she prepared to call the meeting to order.

Allison made her way to the chair at Regina's immediate right, which currently held several of her art supplies.

"She's going to stay during the meeting?" blurted a councilman.

Regina gave him a gimlet-eyed stare. "Is that a problem?"

"N-n— I mean — it's a budget — ma'am — n-no, no problem at all."

"The Sheriff is busy, so I picked her up from school. She will come for her in a while. Now, shall we begin the meeting or would you also like to know why I am wearing a white shirt and not a blue one?"

"Yes, ma'am." Regina raised an eyebrow; there were snickers across the hall. "I m-mean, no ma'am. Yes, we should start the meeting now, ma'am."

Emma came for Allison half an hour later. The whole council watched wide-eyed as the Mayor got down on her knees for a goodbye hug and kiss.

"Henry would be bringing your presents later, baby, okay?" She told Allison.

"And you'll come, too?"

"Of course, I will."

Emma picked Allison up and gathered her stuff. "Don't be late, okay?" she said to Regina.

"Yes, I know. Now off with you two, I'm in the middle of a budget report."

"Yup, leaving. Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Emma said to the councilmen. "Come on, Al."

It was a quarter to midnight when Regina finally put the last paper in the last file and locked her office for the night. Driving was a chore; it was late and the streets were empty. She drove past 95 Mifflin Street in guilt-ridden silence.

A shadow moved on the Sheriff's porch as Regina drove by, but perhaps it was just her tired eyes playing tricks on her because the rest of the house was shrouded in darkness. She sighed as she fixed her attention back on the road and in trying to park her car straight. She stumbled up the porch; her heels were killing her. Somehow the process of unlocking the door and entering the foyer was completed; she threw her bag on the nearest flat surface and was just unbuttoning her coat when there was a soft knock on the front door. Worried, she jerked it open to find the Sheriff standing there with a serious expression on her face.

"Emma," she said, taken aback. Apparently her eyes hadn't been playing tricks when she had seen that shadow. "Why are you still up?"

"You didn't come."

"I, uh —" For once Regina was silent.

"She waited. She waited for hours."

"I — tried. There was just too much work to do. I mean, going through and rounding off the budget statements for the last six months—"

"Well, then, you should've just — you said — you told her you'd be there. You let her believe you'd come!"

"I wanted to! I was going to — there was just — the work—"

"You could've called. Or texted. Or picked up one of mine, Henry's dozen calls."

Regina winced. "My phone was on silent for the meeting, I think it's in my bag somewhere."

"I even tried calling the office—"

"I'm sorry; it's the biannual budget report. You know how ugly it can get."

"No, I don't know," Emma said, and, to her horror, felt her voice begin to waver. "Regina, you can't love a kid so much and then not turn up on their birthday party. No one cares about those budget reports except you, and it could've waited a day."

"I'm not willing to slacken my standards, and you know that."

"I'm not asking you to. It was just for a few hours. I think Allison deserved that. She kept asking for you. I don't give a damn about your budget reports. You should've been there."

"I'm sorry. I tried, I really tried, I just kept getting caught up in it."

"You should've tried harder!" Emma thrust the plate of cake covered with a clear sheet of plastic into her hands. "Enjoy the cake. She saved some for you," she said, before turning around and marching back down the street towards her house, ignoring Regina's exasperated shout of, "Emma! Emma, listen to me!"

It was a weird, horrible feeling and Emma did not even know why she was feeling like that. She just knew that deep down, on some level she hadn't yet recognized, it had been important for her that Regina be there when Allison cut the cake for her third birthday. It was not just her daughter's fallen face and questioning eyes that had made her feel like that; she wasn't sure why, but there was something else: a bitter disappointment that Regina hadn't been there, an unwarranted anger that she hadn't tried harder, a strange resentment that a stupid budget report had been more important, and regret that she had missed such an important moment of Allison's life, and hurt. And a kind of bewilderment over all of it. Why did she feel like sitting down on the stairs and crying?

She stomped angrily up the porch, mindful of the rapid tap-tap of the heels on the tarmac behind her.

"Emma!" the Mayor caught up with her just as she wrenched opened the door to her house; dim, yellow light spilled out of the foyer. "Listen to me!"

"Go home and go to sleep, Regina. You had a long day."

"No," said the Mayor, reaching out to grab her wrist with one hand, the other still carrying the plate of cake. "You're right, I should've tried harder. I should've—"

But Emma was shaking her head even before the sentence was finished. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have expected — I had no right — you're the Mayor, you have a busy schedule —"

"Emma," Regina said softly, sadly. "Don't."

Emma looked up at her and bit her lip, looked down for a moment at Regina's hand still holding on to her wrist and then looked away.

"I'm very sorry," Regina said. "But don't — don't reduce me like that." Emma opened her mouth to speak but Regina shook her head, stopping her from speaking. "No, I should've been there, it's simple as that. I wasn't, and I truly regret it. Please forgive me."

Emma looked at her, trying very hard to suppress a suddenly wobbly lip.

"I'm sorry," Regina mouthed at her, face lit softly by the light from the foyer, and Emma finally nodded.

"Come on," she said as she gently tugged at Regina's hand. "You look very tired. Have you had anything to eat? I have mountains of leftover food."

"I should really get back and change—" Regina said, but followed Emma inside anyway, unsure of the precise moment when her grip on Emma's wrist had turned instead to Emma's fingers entwined with her own.

The Sheriff paused in the hallway. "Take off your heels."

"Are you joking? Do you have any idea how hard it'd be to put my feet back in when I go home?"

Emma let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll lend you my slippers. Now take them off and let your poor toes breathe. Socks, too! And give me this coat. And your jacket."

The items were hung securely, without further ado, on the coat rack. Regina looked a little lost, standing barefoot in the hallway in her semi-crumpled white shirt and dark pants; it made Emma smile.

"C'mon," she grabbed the Mayor's hand again. "You need food, and a glass of wine. And maybe a back rub and a foot massage."

Regina moaned as she allowed herself to be led towards the kitchen. "Don't make me offers I cannot refuse."

Emma smiled as she sat Regina down on a chair and busied herself with food and plates and microwaving.

"I could, you know—"

"No," Regina said firmly, giving in to the fatigue as she leaned back and propped her feet upon a chair. "Food and a drink will just be enough."

"Why, Madam Mayor, you make me feel like an undervalued housewife. So Neanderthal of you."

"Rrrgh," Regina made a half-hearted attempt at a caveman's growl, leaning her head back and running a hand through her hair. Emma looked away from the exposed neck. "So how did it go? The house looks cleaner than I'd have expected of you."

Emma rolled her eyes. "I'm not that bad. But Ruby and Mary Margaret helped. And I kinda took my anger out on the trash, you know, collecting and dumping. So satisfying."

"At least it was on something constructive," Regina said as Emma placed plates piled with food in front of her and sat down next to her with a large piece of pie in her own plate. Regina looked at it and then up at Emma, eyebrows raised.

"What?" Emma said around a mouthful of pie. "I'm keeping you company."

"Of course," Regina shook her head, picking up a fork and a knife. "So tell me about the party."

"Well," Emma took a deep breath before launching into a mini-tirade. "What do you wanna know? The organization and games and the party favors were a nightmare! I don't know how you can do it so effortlessly, the management part in everything! Mary Margaret was a lifesaver. Ruby helped with the food and catering mostly, taking care of all the mountains of food and the cake that Granny's sent over. Ashley took care of the children." She shuddered. "Didn't envy her. Leo was on a massive sugar high, and poor Lexie had a bit of cold. The older kids kept popping the balloons until Leo kicked one of them very hard because it was making Allison cry."

That made Regina smile as she chewed. "He never lets anyone else do that."

"Oh, yeah, he likes to be the sole perpetrator, but he can be sweet, too," Emma made a face. "I was the one who had to deal with the kid's mom who thought her son was going to lose a leg or something."

"Well he should've thought of that before he popped Allison's balloons!"

"She kept waiting for you, kept asking me," Emma's lips tilted downwards. Regina put her fork down and bit her lip. Emma sighed. "It was hard, okay. It made her sad. I don't like seeing my baby sad."

"Neither do I," Regina said softly, looking her in the eye.

"I know. I had to tell her four stories and read that wretched Little Miss Sunshine book twice to get her to brush her teeth and go to sleep!"

"She needs new reading materials," Regina laughed.

"She won't let it go! God, she knows every word of that book by heart but she won't let me throw it away!"

"That was Henry with The Polar Express," Regina shook her head. "I think he still has it stashed somewhere in his room."

Emma smiled. "Did he want a bell to go with it?"

Regina rolled her eyes, also smiling. "I was supposed to pretend I couldn't hear it."

"Kids, I swear," Emma said.

"Oh, I remember having a particular fondness for Dr. Seuss books myself," said Regina.

"You must've been a regular bookworm."

"You have no idea."

"Well, I liked fairytales, for a while," Emma said. "Rapunzel, with her long, golden hair, locked in a life she didn't want, until one day a Prince came along and stole her away."

"And then?"

"And then," Emma stood up and started gathering the dishes. "I grew up."

"Oh, Emma," Regina said softly.

Emma bit her lip and shrugged. "I was a stupid kid — wishing on stars, believing in princes. In real life, stars are just faraway things in the sky, and the only thing princes steal is expensive watches, and then run away while you are left behind to take the rap for them and end up in juvenile jail. Sucks."

Regina made a sympathetic face. "I wish it hadn't been like that."

"Well, if wishes were horses. Though I suppose," Emma said as she began to wash and dry the dishes. "I shouldn't complain — no, god, sit back down, woman! You're not touching these dishes, gimme that plate! Now, go away! — I mean, I did get Henry from it, and ended up here. And I got Allison. So, I guess it's a win-win."

"Silver linings," Regina nodded, leaning against the counter.

Emma dried her hands on a towel and put the dishes back. "Yeah, small favors," she said. "Come on."

She made her way to the lounge; Regina followed, and plonked down on the couch.

"Now, how about that promised glass of—" Regina began.

The door to the lounge swung open and Allison pattered in, trailing a frayed edged cashmere blankie behind her and clutching a notch-eared, bob-tailed stuffed cow.

"Mama," she said, blinking sleepy eyes. "Rolfo can't sleep."

"Hey, baby," Emma said. "Look who's here to see you!"

Allison looked up; Regina bit her lip.

"Hello, little one. What's wrong?"

Allison expression went from sleepy to wide-awake-and-ear-to-ear-smile happy.

"You came!" And the next minute she was climbing up Regina's lap, holding out the cow. "Rolfo can't sleep," she said after Regina had gathered her to herself and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Well, why not?"

"He's cold."

"Well, he — is a cow, but we will put him under your blankie." Regina wrapped her arms around the little girl to keep her warm.

"He's thirsty."

"Are you thirsty, too, Al?" Emma said from behind. "Do you want some water?"

Allison nodded.

"What do you say?" Regina prompted.


"All right, kiddo," Emma bumped a finger against her daughter's nose, and went into the kitchen to get some water.

Regina smoothed back Allison's hair and placed another kiss on top of her head.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there, sweetheart."

"Mama said you were busy. Were you very busy?"

"Yes. I am so sorry."

"I saved you cake."

"I know you did. It was very good. Thank you."

"Did you eat it all?"

"I ate all of it," Regina patted her stomach and Allison beamed.

"So how was your party?" Regina asked. "Was it fun?"

"Yes!" Allison beamed, almost jumping up and down in her lap. "I got presents! And we had a jumpoline. And Leo kicked the mean boy."

"Which he shouldn't have done!" Emma said, coming back in, Allison's sippy cup in her hand.

"But he was busting my balloons!"

"Still doesn't mean Leo should've kicked him." Emma gave her the cup.

"But they were my balloons," Allison pouted at Regina.

"He was a very bad boy," Regina nodded sympathetically.

"Hey, don't do that!" Emma said.

"Do what?" Regina said. "He shouldn't have touched her balloons."

"That. I don't want her going around kicking people."

"She wouldn't, would you, sweetheart?" Regina looked down at Allison.

Allison shook her head, sipping from the cup.

"See," said Regina.

"I'll ask Leo," said Allison as she swallowed.

"Ohkay!" said Emma. "No."

Regina opened her mouth, and closed it.

"Baby, you can't do that," Emma told her.

"Look," said Regina. "If you need to kick someone, you come to me. Or your Mama, all right?"


"No but," Emma said. "Now, why don't you tell Regina about your wishes?"

"I made three wishes," Allison raised three little fingers. "Mama said I could. Because I am three now." She frowned a little as she thought over that. "Because I'm a big girl now."

"Yes, you are," Regina kissed the top of her head.

"One for Mama," she counted on her hand. "One for Henry."

"And one for you?" Regina said, but Allison shook her head as if that was the silliest idea in the world.

"One for you," she poked Regina in the shoulder.

"Oh," Regina said, unable to say anything as Allison nodded. "Oh," she said again, looking up at Emma who smiled at her. "Well," Regina said, trying to pretend that her voice wasn't shaking a little. "I, ah, thank you. You're the best little girl in the whole big world."

"And the best little girl now really needs to get back to bed if she wants to go to school tomorrow!" Emma said.

"I don't wanna!"

"You have to, baby," Emma told her.

"But she just got here, Mama!" Allison said, and squealed when Emma pounced on her, tickling her.

"No excuses!"

Allison burrowed into Regina to hide, and as a result the three of them ended up in a tangled mess of limbs on the carpet.

"Really, Emma!" Regina said, cheeks flushed, chest heaving.

Emma laughed, condition similar. "Go put her to bed! It's your turn to tell her a story now!"

"All right," Regina said, sitting up. "Come on, baby girl, kiss Mama good night."

"Don't you make that face!" Emma laughed as she kissed Allison's pout once, twice, thrice. "Regina will tell you a story, okay?"

"Come on," Regina picked Allison up and made her way to the little girl's bedroom, all the while whispering in her ear and making her giggle.

Emma smiled as she watched them go.

Slow piano chords played in the background when Regina entered the living room again, and Emma handed her a cup of cocoa.

"How many 'Miss Sunshines' did it take this time?"

"Just one," Regina chuckled. "Hey, wasn't I promised a glass of wine?"

"Hush, this is so much better!"

Regina sat down on the couch. "Well, that's a matter of —" she paused and cocked her ear at the music. "Is that Chet Baker?" Regina asked as the singer's voice reached her ears.

Embrace me, my sweet embraceable you
embrace me, my irreplaceable you…

Regina almost laughed, incredulous. "Is Emma Swan listening to Chet Baker?"

Emma flushed slightly. "Emma Swan can listen to Chet Baker, all right! I'm not that hopeless. And frankly, after eight hundred renditions of the birthday song that Henry played today, I think a little soothing music is in order. I'm surprised you know of him."

"I'm surprised you think I wouldn't!"

They listened to the soft, clear notes for a while.

"Al likes it, that part about being a naughty baby," Emma told her. "She likes to dance to it."

"How can you dance to this?"

"Slowly," Emma said as if that was obvious. "That's probably why she mostly falls asleep in the middle." She chuckled.

"Still," Regina said, taking a sip of her cocoa.

"C'mon," Emma suddenly stood up. "I'll show you."

"No, thank you! I'm fine here."

"Come on!" Emma laughingly pulled at her arm. "I know you don't dance but you owe me this one, Madam Mayor."

"Fine," Regina put the cup down and stood up. "On your head be my swollen feet!"

"Imagine!" Emma laughed as she snaked an arm around Regina's waist, using the other to drape the Mayor's arms around her neck. They swayed a little before Emma wriggled her feet underneath Regina's.

"Oh," Regina said, cottoning on and stepping on them. It made her tall enough to rest her chin on Emma's shoulder. She hesitated a beat before dropping her head there lightly, and hiding her face in Emma's neck. Their movements were slow and slightly clumsy with Emma supporting both their weight.

Too soon the song ended and the only sound was the scratching of the needle on the vinyl, and Emma's soft sigh as she held Regina against her.

"I ought to get home," Regina finally mumbled against her neck.

"Yeah, all right," Emma reluctantly pulled away and Regina stepped off her feet. "Come on, I'll give you shoes."

"Seriously?" Regina stared at the flip flops Emma presented her with. "I think I'll stick with my Choos."

"Those feet ain't going in no Choos, Madam Mayor. Look at them."

Regina looked at her swollen feet and sighed.

"You know," she said as she slid her feet into the flip flops. "I can say with utmost certainty that you, and you alone, Sheriff, do bring out the gypsy in me!"

Emma chuckled. "But you still love all the many charms about me, I know."

Regina rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Come on, I'll walk you home," Emma said. "Mostly to make sure you don't switch from my flip flops to your Choos in the middle of the road.

"Such a gentleman you are, Sheriff. I think I'll leave them here for the night."

"Still walking you home."

The flip flops went slap-slap on the tarmac. Regina groaned.

"Dear God in heaven, I hope no one sees me wearing these!"

"Shut up or I'll take a pic and send it to the Mirror. Imagine the scandal: 'The Mayor of Storybrooke caught red-handed in flip flops! Sheriff suspected!'"

"Maybe red-footed would be a better word, if it is a word at all."

"Hmm," Emma's hand slipped easily into Regina's as they walked towards 108.

"Well," Regina said turning around on her porch to look at Emma. "Thank you, for the food and everything."

"Yeah," Emma said, and waited a beat before raising her hand and brushing a lock of hair from Regina's face.

Regina's breath hitched slightly as Emma bent closer but Emma just kissed her cheek — a very lingering kiss.

"Go to sleep. You had a long day. Good night."

She turned and walked away, and Regina watched until the hedges hid her altogether.


The Sheriff's station was ringing with gleeful laughter.

"Allison! You are not supposed to put your head between these bars, honey. It might get stuck and then — stop laughing, I'm serious! — we'll have to cut that pretty little neck and then what will I do?"

Allison blinked big blue-green eyes at her mother. "But you can cut the bars, Mama!"

"You are too smart for your own good, you know that?" She growled and Allison laughed. "When is Mary Margaret picking you up?"

Allison shrugged, hanging from the bars like a little monkey. "Leo had to get sti — sto — stitches from the hop — hoppytail."

"The hospital?"

Allison nodded. "He fell from the swing again."

Emma's heart clenched in fear as Allison climbed higher. "You climb back down right now, Al! I don't want to be taking you to get stitches!"

Allison climbed carefully down and then ran to Emma, resting her elbows in her lap.

"Does it hurt, Mama?"

Emma looked at the concern in her eyes. "Yes," she said, and saw her daughter's lip tremble. "But only a little bit," she added hurriedly. "So you have to be very, very careful, baby, okay?"

Allison nodded somberly and then proceeded to climb up her mother's lap like she was scaling a mountain.

"Hey! Hey, you little monkey!" Emma said, but settled her in her lap, arms secured around her, and dropped a couple of kisses on her head.

"Can I draw a fish for you, Mama?" she said, eyeing Emma's office pencils and papers.

Emma laughed at this phrasing. "Okay. Here you go." Emma gave her a blank paper and a pencil.

"I want a pen! That one!"

"No. Mama needs that pen for work, sweetheart. A pencil is all you're getting."

Allison pouted but picked up the pencil. Emma watched as wavy squiggles and wobbly little boxes appeared on the paper, all painstakingly drawn.

"What is that?"

"It's a train."

"Ohkay. Weren't you going to draw me a fish?"

"I like trains," Allison said as if that was all the explanation required. "Do you like trains, Mama?"

"Hm. Yes, I suppose. That's a very pretty train."

"Trains are not pretty, Mama, trains are cool," Allison explained patiently.

"Really? Who said that?"

"Leo." She paused for a moment before turning a worried face towards Emma. "Will they give him a shot?"

Emma didn't have the heart to tell her that they most probably would. "He's going to be okay, baby," she said, instead. "His Mama's with him."

Allison nodded as if that made perfect sense, and went back to her train, which looked like it had grown a dozen triangular wheels under each wobbly, little box. The phone rang and Allison perked up.

"Can I say hello?"

"We'll see," Emma said, pointing to the paper. "Back to your train." She picked up the phone. "Sheriff's Station."


"Hey, kid. What's up?"

Allison squealed with joy. "I wanna talk to Henry!"

"Just a minute, baby. What is it, Henry? Don't you have baseball today?"

"Yeah, I do. Listen, did you see my Mom today?"

"No," Emma said. "I haven't. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I don't know, she came home some time ago. She looked — weird."

"What do you mean, weird? Was she hurt?"

"No. I mean — I don't think so."

"Hey, it's Census Week. I think she must just be tired. Let her rest."

"No," Henry said, getting agitated now. "You're not getting it. This was different. She came home a couple of hours ago, looking all funny. Like she looked at me but it was like she wasn't even seeing me, like she didn't even know I was there. And then she went into her study and closed the door behind her, and hasn't come out since."

Emma was at a loss at that. She had never heard of or seen Regina acting like that. She never ignored Henry. "Maybe she is working?"

"No, she isn't! I peeked in, and she's just standing by the window."

"Okay!" Decidedly weird.

"Can you come over and talk to her, Emma, please? I'm worried," Henry said and Emma could feel it in his tone.

"All right. I'm coming over, hang in there, kid, okay?"

"Thank you," he said and she could hear the relief in his voice.

"Yeah. Relax. Go have a soda or a glass of milk or juice or something, okay?"

"Yeah. See you soon."

"Yeah." Emma put the phone down.

Allison pouted. "I wanted to talk to him!"

"We're going there, baby," Emma said as she began to gather her stuff with one hand while dialing Ruby's number with the other. "You can talk to him all you want, okay?"

She picked up her jacket and Allison's backpack as she explained things to Ruby, asking her to come in, and to call Mary Margaret to tell her that she didn't need to pick Allison up from the Sheriff's Station, and then they made their way to the Sheriff's car. She made sure that Allison was buckled in and then sped out of the Station's parking lot and towards Mifflin Street. The streets were relatively clear at this time of the day and it didn't take her long.

They found Henry waiting on the porch, long, lanky arms bent awkwardly, hands in the pockets of his jeans, and shoulders bunched up with worry. Emma messed up his already messy hair and gave Allison's hand into his.

"I'm sure it's going to be all right, kid."

He nodded, frown still intact, though the knot in his shoulders seemed to ease a bit. "She's in the study."

"I'm on it."

Just as Henry had said, Emma found Regina standing by the window, staring outside, still as a statue. Late afternoon light streamed in through the glass panes, tracing dappled patterns on her grey-green dress. She seemed to be deep in thought and did not even look back when Emma closed the door and the lock clicked gently into place. Emma laid her jacket on a chair and walked around the desk and towards the Mayor, reaching out a hand to touch her softly on her arm.


Regina started, whirling around to look back. "Emma!" she exclaimed.

But Emma was looking at her face which was pale and shadowed, and eyes that were rimmed with red.

"Regina!" She took another step closer, searching the other woman's face and body for signs of injury and finding none. "What's wrong?"

The Mayor shook her head. "Nothing."

"Tell me! Why are you so upset?"

"I'm not — upset, no, really. And nothing is wrong, per se."

"Then what is it?"


"Is it the census thingy? Is it tiring you out?"

"No, I'm—"

"Maybe you can get volunteers? Kathryn said she'd help. She's a lawyer, after all, and—"


Emma stopped talking.

"Nothing is wrong, I promise you."

The effect of this statement, though, was rendered somewhat void by the tremor in her voice, the trembling lips, and the tears that suddenly filled the Mayor's eyes. Anguish clawed at Emma's heart as she grabbed Regina's hands.

"Please, tell me what is it?"

That made Regina take a shuddering breath and the tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Dear God, Regina," Emma stepped closer, fingertips brushing lightly over the Mayor's cheeks, wiping away the tear tracks. "You tell me right this instant what happened, you hear me!"

Regina gulped and looked down.

"I — I was going through the records — you know, births and deaths over the last few years—"

"For the census thing?"

"For the census, yes. And — and I—" Regina's voice shook again and she stopped to take a deep breath. Emma waited patiently, never letting go of the Mayor's hands, allowing her to collect herself before continuing. "And I saw a copy of Allison's birth certificate." Regina took another deep breath and looked outside the window before looking back up at Emma, whose heart pounded and sank at the same time, afraid this was going to be about Graham.

"You—" Regina began and stopped. "You named her after — me."

"Oh," Emma's whole body almost sagged with relief. "That's what — oh. Regina. There's no need to cry over that."

But this was like a cue because that was when Regina Mills, Mayor of Storybrooke, Maine, broke down in Emma's arms.

"Hey. You insane woman!" Emma said as she wrapped them around Regina and held her close. "You absolutely insane woman! That is not a thing to cry about!"

The only reply she got was a hiccoughing sob and the wetness soaking through her shirt, so Emma gave in and just held the other woman, an arm around her waist and her cheek resting against Regina's head, a hand softly stroking through dark hair, just like she did with Allison. Finally Regina stopped crying but did not move away; she just shifted her head a bit so that she could raise her eyes and look at Emma.

"You idiot," Emma whispered softly when she found tear-filled brown eyes gazing up at her, and brushed her thumb across Regina's cheeks to wiped away the tears. Regina sniffed in reply and Emma shook her head. "What am I supposed to do with you?"

Regina gave a weak smile.

"You scared the living crap out of me and Henry."

"I'm sorry. I just — I saw it and I didn't know what to do."

"Were you upset?"

"No, I was — I don't know. I was overwhelmed, I guess."

"Which was stupid."

"You named her after me. Before — when she was born."

"I did."

"How could you have named her after me? Back then? We weren't — we were almost enemies."

"Really? Enemies?"

"Well, there was, as they say, no love lost between us."

Emma frowned. "It wasn't that bad."

Regina let out a watery laugh. "Speak for yourself. We hated each other. We couldn't stand each other back then. And then you go and name your daughter after me?"

"Look, you brought her into this world. Really, Regina, without you neither me nor Allison would be here today. If you hadn't been there, she wouldn't have been born."

"I had no choice—"

"You did. And you chose to help me."

"But I—"

"What's so surprising, anyway? You deserved it."

"No. I didn't. I wasn't — I wasn't a good person. I am not the kind of person who can so easily — I mean. Emma, people don't name their daughters after me."

"Regina, hey—"

"I'm a stubborn, obsessive-compulsive tyrant! I cannot imagine—"

"Your stupid, tyrannical habits saved my daughter's life and mine. I get it. You're not an easy person to be with. But never, ever think you're not worthy or important because you're important to me, Regina, and don't you ever forget that!"

Regina cried some more; Emma let her, for a bit, before speaking.

"It has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Allison Regina Mary Swan."

"Maybe not the Mary part," Regina sniffed into her shoulder. Emma laughed.

They stayed like that for some time, and then one of Regina's arms snaked around Emma's waist, drawing her closer, and suddenly Emma was very aware of the Mayor's presence in her arms, of her warm, steady weight, the subtle perfume of her skin, the curve of her waist beneath Emma's hand, the warm smoothness of her cheek on Emma's shoulder, the dark eyes, teardrops still glistening on lashes, gazing upwards — and then Emma's fingers were trailing along the Mayor's jaw.

Without letting go of her waist, Emma reached out and softly brushed the dark strands of hair plastered to Regina's cheek by the wetness left by the tears; she tucked them behind an ear and gently traced her fingertips over a cheekbone, wiping the moisture that remained. She cupped Regina's cheek, thumb moving in a soft, stroking movement, and then she bent her head a little and placed the softest kiss on the corner of Regina's mouth.

Regina's fingers clutched Emma's shirt tighter as she leaned into the kiss. They stood like that for a very long moment before breaking apart slightly.

"Oh," Regina said softly.

"Yeah," Emma touched her fingertips to Regina's lips, licking her own. "Salty. C'mere," she said before kissing Regina again, deeper, much harder this time, both breathing a little fast when the kiss broke. "Finally I can do this!" Emma said, before frowning a little. "I can, right? You're not freaking out, are you?"

Regina shook her head; Emma laughed again.

"You're freaking out a bit, aren't you?"

"I — we — kissed!" Regina was still not very coherent.

"Okay, you know what?" Emma pulled away a little, tucking Regina's hair behind her ears. "We're gonna take this very, very slow. One step at a time. Neither of us is going anywhere. There is no rush. Does that make you feel better?"

"Yes," Regina said, slightly hoarsely.

"Good. Because I wanna do this right. I want this to work. Do you?"

Regina nodded.

"Good," Emma repeated. "Now, if it's all the same to you, I'd really, really like to kiss you again, please?"

This time it was Regina who leaned forward. This kiss was longer, more relaxed. They parted only when the door creaked slightly, and they looked around to find Henry, Allison on one hip, and eyes slightly wide.

"Henry!" Regina disentangled herself from Emma's arms and walked briskly towards him; she cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead. For once he did not protest.

"Are you okay, Mom?"

"I am sorry for worrying you; I'm all right." She only let go when he smiled at her, and then she took Allison from him. "Come here, you! How was school today?"

"Good!" Allison wrapped her arms around Regina's neck. "We read about Pooh. And honey."

"That seems very interesting."

"And Leo's Mama took him to the hoppytail because he fell from the swing again. Nurse said he needed sti — stitches. Mama says it hurts but only a little bit."

"Oh. Well, I'm sure he's going to be all right."

"And Mama said if my head gets stuck between the bars at her office, she'll have to cut my neck!"

"She said that, did she?" Regina glared at Emma who face palmed.

"I told her she could just cut the bars!"

"See, dear, it's just that your Mama's not as smart as you or me."

Emma lightly punched Regina before turning to Henry. "Shouldn't you be at your practice now?"

"Yeah, but I'm already late. I think I'll skip today."

"Come on, I'll drive you," Emma said.

"Are you sure she is fine now?" Henry asked as soon as they were seated in the car.

"Yeah, kid. Do you really think I'd leave her alone if she wasn't?"

"Why was she upset?"

"She wasn't really … upset."

"She wasn't?"

"No. Just a little, um, emotional."

"Emotional? Why?"

"Because," Emma said. "She found Allison's birth certificate."

"So? Is that bad?"

"No, why would it be bad. She just saw Allison's full name."


"So — kid, you remember the day Allison was born? It was just me and Regina—"

"—in your old office, yeah."

"And we weren't exactly the best of friends."

Henry snorted. "You hated each other's guts!"

"Everyone keeps saying that," Emma scowled. "Hate is such a strong word."

"Okay, but what's that got to do with anything?"

"Thing is, Henry — your Mom helped me. She didn't have to, she most probably didn't want to, but she did. She saved my life, and Allison's."


"Yeah. So that was a pretty big thing for me, see. And even though I thanked her later and all, it didn't seem enough."

"So what did you do?"

"I, uh, named Allison after her."

"Whoa," Henry whistled.

"Yeah. Her full name is Allison Regina Mary Swan."

"No wonder Mom was so emotional."

"Yeah, well. She earned it. I didn't know we would become friends. And I wanted Al to know that the woman who brought her into this world was one of the bravest — and most stubborn people I know."

Henry laughed. "Bet you told her that."

Emma smiled. "I told your Mom that many times. You know, it takes some time to get past that high and mighty wall of hers, but when you do, you find out that some of the things that pissed you off the most when you didn't know her are her greatest strength when you become her friend."

"I think that was too grown up for me to understand."

Emma laughed. "I probably don't understand it much myself. What I mean is, it gets better once you know her. If you stick it out long enough, it's worth it."

Henry nodded thoughtfully before looking obliquely at Emma.

"So, did you guys kiss?"

The car jerked and Emma stammered. "W—what?"

Henry had an evil grin plastered on his lips. "C'mon, I was right at the door, remember?"

Emma debated for a moment before biting her lip and nodding, a blush spreading on her cheeks and a secret smile on her lips.

"I knew it!"

"What do you think?"

"I think Ruby owes me a week's worth of French fries!"

"What!" The car almost spiraled on the road as Emma's head jerked towards Henry. "You've been betti — oh my God!"

Henry just grinned broadly in reply. Emma smacked his arm.

"We are your mothers!"

"Exactly!" he said happily.

They drove in silence for a while before Emma spoke.

"So you're okay with it?"

"Duh! Hey, if you wanna do something special, I can take Allison out of your hair for a few hours in the evening, you know. For a handsome tip, of course."

"I already pay you to babysit her!"

"But I babysit in the house, mostly. I could take her to the playground, leave you to your … devices."

"Jesus! No! Stop talking like that!"

"Suit yourself," Henry shrugged, looking out of the window.

Emma made a turn and parked the Bug in the field's parking lot. They sat in silence for a while, Emma's fingers tapping a tuneless rhythm on the steering. She took a deep breath before turning to look at her son.

"Maybe on — on, I mean, um, day after tomorrow?" She blushed crimson. "You and Al could go to the park?"

Henry beamed at her. "I knew you'd come around. I need to tell you, I take cash up front. Although I would gladly accept your MasterCard."

Emma hit him squarely on the head. "Get out of my car, you are becoming a monster!"


"Go, play. We'll discuss day after tomorrow later."

Henry grinned as he got out.


It was Sunday and the clock hadn't even struck seven yet so almost everyone was still asleep. That is, everyone except Regina, busy in the kitchen at this ungodly hour, surrounded by all sorts of baking ingredients and equipment, and several pots and pans. But it wasn't long before there was thump thump of little feet on the stairs, and Regina turned around just in time to see a white pajama-clad, blond-haired little ball come hurtling at her at full speed, colliding with her legs and almost knocking them from underneath her.

"Hey," Regina laughed, bending over to pick up the giggling little girl wrapped around her legs. "Guess what day is today?"

"It's my birthday!" Allison squealed as Regina nuzzled her neck, inhaling the soft buttermilk scent, and pretending to bite her.

"Oh, it's your birthday, is it?"

She received a vigorous nod in reply.

"Well, in that case, can you guess what I am doing?"

"You're making me a cake!"

"Yes, I am. Are you hungry?" Allison nodded again and Regina sat her down on a chair and proceeded to give her her Special Birthday Cereal, which was basically just an eye aching combination of raisined Froot Loops, Frosties, Rice Crispies, and Choco Puffs. "Are you sure you want to eat that, honey?" Regina eyed the colorful concoction with trepidation.

Allison nodded. "Mama said I could on my birthday."

"Yes, well," Regina sighed. "You do get your sweet tooth from her." Allison beamed at her and Regina gave up. "Let me cut you some strawberries in, at least?"

Allison considered this for a moment before nodding. "And bananas."

"Bananas, of course."

The fruits were duly added and Regina watched with a smile as Allison dug in, lips already red from the Froot Loops (which was the big attraction, actually, second only to raisins). She poked out her tongue to show how red it was.

"Ba thung is wed!" she announced.

Regina laughed and Allison turned her attention back towards her.

"Are you going to make a big cake?"

"The biggest!" Regina said, and Allison beamed.

"With chocolate and chocolate chips?"


"And stoberries?"

"I can put strawberries on the top. Right next to your name."

"It will have my name!" Allison jumped in the chair.

"Of course it will. It will say 'Happy Birthday Allison'. Now, careful! Don't spill your cereal."

Allison settled down. "And bananas?"

"We'll have bananas and pineapples inside."

For a couple of minutes Allison was too happy to do any talking at all.

"I will be — one, two, three, four!" she counted on her fingers proudly.

"We will put one, two, three, four candles on the cake."

"And I can have four wishes this year?"

"You can have as many as you want."

"Oooh," Allison's eyes went wide. "Really?"


"You are the best Mommy in the whole world!"

"Hey!" Emma walked in, fully dressed for the day which was an unusual occurrence at this time of the morning. "I have dibs on that!"


"Oh, dear!" Emma put a hand to her heart. "Who is this little monster with such red, red lips and tongue!"

Allison laughed. "Mama! It's me, it's Allison!"

"So it is! But is it somebody's birthday today?"

"Mine! Mine!"

Allison climbed on the chair and launched herself at her mother. Emma caught her.

"Baby, someday you're gonna — break — my — neck!" The intervals were punctuated with kisses. "Happy birthday."

"Mommy's making me a cake!" Allison announced.

"Is she?"

There was enthusiastic nodding. "With chocolate and stoberries and bananas. And it will have my name on it! And I will have four candles!" She held up four fingers.

"That is so awesome! She never bakes me cakes with four candles."

"That's because you're not four!" Emma was presented with impeccable logic. "You're —" Allison tried to do the math in her head but gave up after a while. "You're loads of years old!"

"Humph!" Emma said, making a grumpy face. "She makes me sound like I'm an ancient relic or something!"

"Where are you going?" Regina frowned.

Emma made a face. "Duty calleth, my darling!

"But it's Sunday! You're supposed to be off duty today!"

"Justice never sleeps blah blah."

"Can't Ruby handle it?"

"Ruby's the one who called. Someone vandalized Granny's last night and Ruby has her hands full with her grandmother and the café at the moment."

"Are they all right?"

"Oh, yeah, it was just the windows and the door. Ruby said to tell you that there would be no problems with the catering tonight. But I still have to check it out, lodge their complaint, all that shizz."

The expression on Regina's face was pouty, to say the least.

"I'm sorry," Emma moved forward swiftly, shifting Allison to the other hip and putting an arm around her wife's waist and drawing her close. "I'll try really, really hard to be back home soon."

"I just — I wanted all of us to be together for a day," Regina said in a small voice.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'll be back before you can blink." Emma leaned forward to place a small peck on Regina's lips, and then a much firmer one. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. I'll make Leroy acting Sheriff if I have to, but I'll be back!"

"Dear Lord! Don't do that, please," Regina's expression was horrified. "Just be back soon. Now put down your daughter so that she can finish her breakfast."

"Won't you be eating with us, Mama?"

"I'm sorry, baby, but Mama needs to go to work."

"But — but you said—"Allison's eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, hey!" Emma could feel chainsaws cutting at her heart. "I'll be back so soon, you won't even miss me!"

"Mommy!" Allison looked entreatingly at Regina who sighed.

"It's all right, honey, Mama will be back soon, I promise! If she isn't, I'll go out and drag her back with her ear."

Allison giggled a little before becoming serious again. "You will cut the cake with me, Mama?"

"I will," Emma squeezed her tightly for a moment. "I promise. Both your mommies will cut the cake with you!"

Allison nodded, satisfied, and Emma put her down on the chair. "Now finish your breakfast, all right?" She said as she grabbed Regina's hand and pulled her out of the kitchen for a proper farewell.

They were barely halfway through kiss number one when Henry traipsed down the stairs and let out a squeak when he saw them.

"Oh my God! My eyes! My eyes!"

"Oh, shut up!" Emma rolled her eyes, breaking away from Regina but not letting her go.

"I'm scarred for life! And it's not even eight AM!"

"Your son is such a drama queen, Regina."

"Well," said Regina. "Nurture can only do so much, I suppose."

"Oh my God!" Emma feigned horror. "She just — she just—"

"She did," Henry said, shaking his head sagely; and then he noticed Emma's clothes. "What's that? Where are you going?"

"Work," said Emma, and winced as she saw Henry's face fall a little. "I'll try to be back as soon as I can."

Henry sighed and nodded. "Where's the squirt? She up already?"

"In the kitchen."

"She let you go so easily?"

"There were tears," Emma sighed.

"Why don't you go sit with her, dear?" Regina said. "I'll be there in a minute."

"All right," he said as he bumped fists with Emma. "You guys go. Kiss. Whatever."

"There's no privacy in this house!" Emma said loudly to his retreating back.

"Get a room!" he called back.

Emma laughed, turning around and wrapping her arms around Regina's waist. "Now that we have His Majesty's blessing — where were we?"

There was a squeal of "Henry!" from the kitchen, followed by a scuffle and, "That's mine! Gimme back!" Then there was laughter, mixed with little screams of, "No! No tickling!"

Emma smiled into the kiss as she pushed Regina towards the foyer. They paused as they reached the door and Regina wrapped both arms around Emma's neck.

"You know," Emma began, turning her head aside a little and planting a soft kiss on her wife's forearm. "I've been thinking."

"Mmhm?" murmured Regina. "You do such dangerous things, darling."

"Shut up," Emma said. "I've been thinking about another baby."

"Another baby?" Regina was taken aback. "Since when?"

"I dunno. Since this morning? Our babies are growing up."

"Allison is still too young."

"I didn't mean right away. But sometime in the future, you know. When Henry goes off to college and Al's grown up. Maybe then."

"Let's not talk about that yet, all right?"

"Babies?" Emma frowned.

"No, about — birds leaving the nest. And things."

"Oh," Emma said, and pressed Regina gently into the door. "That's why we need another little one. For our old days."

"You will be the one following it around on creaky knees, then. I won't."

"Fine. I will. But you better lend your uterus this time. I'm tired of carrying your children for you, woman!"


"No, not really," Emma smiled against Regina's lips. "Never really."

They kissed lazily for a while until Regina broke it off.

"Aren't you getting late?"

Emma made a whiny sound in the back of her throat.

"Gives them more time to miss me. Gives you less." She kissed Regina again.

"Get going," Regina broke off again, trailed kisses along Emma's jaw and nipped at her ear; Emma growled, wanting more.

"Entirely unfair! This kind of behavior towards the Town Sheriff should be unlawful!"

"Oh, Sheriff Swan, are you going to arrest me now? Tie me up, hands cuffed behind my back?"

Emma's breath hitched. "Woman!" she said, voice slightly hoarse. "Stop giving me ideas! I got work to do!"

Regina laughed, low, and it thrummed in Emma's entire body.

"Then go and do it, Sheriff. I was just giving you a glimpse of what is to come later at night if you're back in time."

"Mmhm?" Emma nibbled at Regina's lips. "Is that so?"

"And," Regina pushed her away; Emma staggered a little. "What might be denied to you if you're not."

"I'll be back in time!"

Regina's eyes flashed. "You better." She opened the door. "Out! I have to feed our children."

Emma stole a last kiss before going through the door. Regina watched, a smile on her face, until Emma was hidden behind the hedges before closing the door to go back inside to her daughter, and to make breakfast for her son.


*I imagine Regina giving the stink-eye to nascent councilmen like him, and it amuses me to no end.
Little Miss Sunshine's Happy Little Day Out' doesn't really exist, but 'The Polar Express' does.
*Allison and Leo are best friends, and they go on play dates with Lexie Hermann (who, for the purpose of this fic, is the same age as them). Leo Nolan, Allison Swan, and Lexie Hermann will sometimes be called the Terrible Trio, and will get into all sorts of shenanigans together, and grow up as best buds, and — now I'm having second generation feels. I should stop.
*Most of the baby conversations/things are based off of actual conversations and observations. Al is a precocious baby like some I've seen.
*Al's in pre-school here.
*And, yes, that's the baby blankie Regina gave.
*A lot of Allison (and her development) is based on three adorable nieces of my friend, and our next-door neighbors' son who just started school, and who is the cutest thing ever. I tried to keep the age markers constant. While we're at it, a lot of Henry (not just here but in most of my fics) is derived from my ten-going-on-eleven cousin (who is actually a girl, but, well, that doesn't count cause she's such a tomboy). She's a perfect example, though. She thinks she has the weight of the world on her shoulders and she's adorable!
*I just really like Chet Baker, all right. You should listen to
Embraceable You, and imagine SQ dancing to it and you'll see what I mean.

*Yes, Kathryn is a lawyer, bless her.
*I love writing teen!Henry/Emma conversations, it's just too much fun. He is around fifteen here, and turning into a lanky, messy haired, cheeky monkey, and he just wants his two moms to be together — with a little profit on the side for himself, of course.
*And God, that kiss was a long time in coming, wasn't it? And I wanted Regina to freak out a little, her being already overwhelmed and everything.
*I tried my best to get the census thing right but I'm afraid I'm a little off. See, in my country we have a census week/month and a team of people go door to door in every area, collecting data and getting forms filled. And even that hasn't happened in a very long while so maybe I'm misremembering. :/

*A lot of the last part was written at a very unhappy, trying time, so I really hope the tone of it turned out okay.
*It was supposed to end at 'both your mommies will cut the cake with you', so you should consider anything that comes after it a bonus.
*Oh God, we used to have these
'Dracula Candies' when we were young, and we weren't supposed to eat them because the resulting red, blue, green tongues and lips really freaked my mom out. So it was a real treat whenever we could sneak it past her.
*Well, maybe another little baby will be in order soon? Who knows? ;)

Acknowledgements & Thanks (yes, multiple):
All of you
for sticking it out, reading, reviewing, fav'ing, for your overall appreciation. This fic was a real labor of love and it means so much to me, and your response made it worth it. I'm just very happy that I could make you all smile.
Beanz for betaing (as always) and putting up with my incessant whining, fangirling, intermittent squeeing over Allison (I just love that baby, okay!), and general insanity. No one understands my crazy like you do, ma petite mangue.
Hunyum for everything baseball in this fic, various attempts at brainstorming, and a late night discussion about the American and Canadian census systems. And for suggesting the Council Meeting scene.
My friend — oh, let's just call her
90! — for being a sounding board for all pregnancy/baby/medical problems and outrageous solutions, her adorable nieces (F, A & S — age-wise) for being the 'blue-prints' for Allison, and her nephew A for some inspiration regarding Leo.
My neighbors' son
M, also for being the basis for Allison.
My cousin
K for being the adorable (and perfect) basis for Henry.
My friends
94 and 45 (and her absolutely gorgeous little daughter — my God, you don't know how sentimental I was when I saw that baby for the first time, or held her for the first time; it's a beautiful feeling) for genuine pregnancy feels.
Random parents and kids I've been seeing everywhere (and squeeing over) for the past few months.
mother for general baby/mama advice. She passed away in October last year. I wish we'd had more time together, or that I'd been able to share this with her. But, well. This one's for you, ami jaan.