Author has written 4 stories for Rosario + Vampire. Why I'm Here Okay, first off I'm definitely here as an aspiring writer, ultimately my life's goal is to become a novelist. Generally, I'm seen as a writer who exceeds the level of a normal persons skill, but I've recently been doubting my abilities, so, in an attempt to prove myself, I began writing for online communities, as well as working on my own novel. I think I'm a skillful enough writer, but I do tend to get a little wordy. This should be a good thing, but sometimes people say my work is to complex and can drive away less avid readers. I try to maintain modesty, but like many people I can be a tad arrogant, particularly when it comes down to my writing. That's part of the reason I'm here. I hope to prevent my head from swelling by getting critical, though polite, reviews. I try to be supportive of the other writers I associate with, and I think that my input can be of use. anyone who likes my stories is welcome to ask for my input, I find that collaboration is a great way to gain experience. Well, I guess that sums up the "Why I'm Here" section, so let's continue. Who I am Well, first of, I'm sixteen years old and currently a junior in high school. My school schedule is rigorous, consisting of as many AP classes as I can stomach, many of which being subjects which I have no interest in whatsoever, but like every other overachieving high school kid, I'm killing myself so that I can go to college. This is ironic actually, as college strikes me as nothing more than a waste of money that high school graduates use to escape the real world for several more years, get drunk, and get laid. Sad, crude, but also the reality of the matter. I get ok grades, but my strong point, aside from my writing ability, is my test taking skill. My sophomore year of high school I took a pre SAT test and scored in the top seven percent of the country, which shocked me as I barely finished the test at all. Another thing keeping me busy is my new school club, Mock Trial. It's a very involved group, and it really detracts from my spare time. Naturally, there is more to me than the fact that I'm just another white kid trying to get excepted into college. (I mention white because colleges would drule over me if I were a little more ethnically diverse. My biggest intersets are writing, obviously, and music. Sadly, I'm not as musically gifted as I am in writing ability, but I can play some basic elements of the guitar, and I find doing so quite enjoyable. My music interest range from 60's rock all the way up to modern metal/nu metal. Basically, I like things older, such as Aerosmith and Led zeppelin, as well as more modern sounds such as Megadeath, 3 Days Grace, and Disturbed. Some of my favorite instumentalists are Eddy Van Halen and Joe Satriani on guitar. Neil Pert on drums. Things like that, many of them being really well know musicians. Lastly, I'll include a little personal profile here. My personal apperance is a middle weight, long, blonde haired, bearded sixteen year old who is constantly mistaken for a grown man. I simply look old for my age. I have a small family of four consisting of me, my dad, my mom, and my brother. I have quite a few friends, but I'm almost antisocial outside of school so they don't always get much face time. There's not much of interest to me now, but I'm occupied gearing myself for the future and hoping that I'll find something good down the road. Thanks for checking out my profile, I hope to see you on the review boards. Till then, later. |