Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. I am an avid Twilight-fanfiction reader, venturing into the well-loved world and hoping I don't disappoint. Special Love to Brits23--Epic-Beta-Extraordinare! Snarls and kisses to the Sistah-hood of the Snarl and the Breaking Trinity Twitterazzi! UPDATE Breaking Trinity has returned from an extended vacation. 10/02/2012: Hey guys, i had to undergo some emergency surgery last week and ive been dealing with some issues resulting in it. Im sorry, this was unexpected and I just cant seem to bring myself to write. I will try to get it going once i heal. the next posting date will be between 10/12- 10/21/2012. Thank you for understanding, Snarlie and I will see you soon! Breaking Trinity Forum on Twilighted!! http://www(dot)twilighted(dot)net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=6738&p=751251#p751251 Make sure to leave a comment for Snarlward If your on Twitter and want to come along for the ride, Find me on there at VvDeadRosesvV!! Twilight, It's characters, settings and situations are all belonging to Stephanie Meyer(tm) |
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