![]() Author has written 8 stories for Lord of the Rings, Dark Angel, Power Rangers, Bleach, Justice League, Arrow, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Captain America. Hello, My name is Jess. Welcome to my profile. Just abit about me, I work full time. I'm old enough to know better, young enough not to care. I've been writing fanfiction for a long time now, and reading it for even longer. I love anime, manga, and comics and mmorpg's. Action, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, mostly. I used to play World Of Warcraft, I play on and off, Star Trek Online, DC Universe, Guild Wars 2. Plus I'm playing Star Wars The Old Republic. Jedi Knight (Guardian) is the best class hands down. Followed after that by Bounty Hunter (Mercenary). Pairings that I like to read: Max/Alec (Dark Angel) Angel/Buffy (Buffy) Kakashi/Sakura (Naruto) Sakura/Minato (Naruto) Ichigo/Tatsuki (Bleach) Ichigo/Rukia (Bleach) Karin/Toushiro (Bleach) Doctor/Rose (Doctor who) Alucard/Seras (Hellsing) Sarah/Jareth (Labyrinth) Altair/Maria T (Assassin's Creed) Abel/Lilith (Trinity Blood) -It's a shame that the anime glossed over this, but in the manga and book they used to be lovers before she died. Kaidan/FemShep (Mass Effect) FemRevan/Carth (Star Wars KoTOR) MaleRevan/Meetra(Exile) (Star War KoTOR I-II) Clark(Superman)/Lois (Superman) Dick(Robin-Nightwing)/Barbara(Batgirl) (Batman) Dick(Robin-Nightwing)/Kara Zor-El(Supergirl) (DCU) Bruce(Batman)/Selena(Catwoman) (Batman) Ezio/Any female character, OC or other. He's Ezio, he'd have it no other way. (Assassin's Creed) Optimus Prime/Elita-1 (G1 Transformers. This had to be the very first pairing I ever 'ship lol) -Looking for a good multi-chapter TFP story with this pairing. Something without any mention of TFA, didn't like that series portrayal of Elita.- I don't know what up with me, but lately I've gone completely off canon pairings. I mean I always was a mild crack-pairing lover, but I could always deal with a canon pairing in a story coz 'hello canon' but now...nope. I start reading a story that has canon pairings in it and I'm like 'Erk boring'. I love crossovers too. So pairings I like to see. Buffy xover character Ichigo xover character Kakashi xover character Revan (Male or Female) xover character Of course Buffy crossovers mean I send some time on Twisting the Hellmouth, some really good stories there. But the site could change it's name to 'THE XANDER HARRIS APPRECIATION FAN SITE' with very little change to the site. It might seem funny to some it seems, but my favourite character in Buffy is Buffy. -I love Naruto/Bleach crossovers, but in my opinion with the exception of a few characters from both anime, it would be a Bleach win in a fight between the two. Not trying to start a fight. It's just when one of the teams has an energy (Reiatsu) that can crash the souls of those of lesser energy around them with just their presence.(Captain's and LT's have to limit their power when going into the real world so they wouldn't course damage, a LT almost died when you felt the soutaichou only go into partial release) You have to think that would be a sign right? Not to mention only heavily reiatsu filled weapons and creatures can kill them (Zanpakuto's, Quincy arrows and Hollows.) Not the mention that Reiryoku and Chakra are completely different things. If anything Reiryoku is opposite to Chakra. Which basically means that a Naruto character can't die and then become the most powerful Shinigami EVER. They would have to learn like everyone else. I suppose the only thing they have going to then, is that they know how to learn energy based attacks. I've developed a love for Genderbender stories. The Always-a type. It just changes the world so much. If they are completely switched, say Superman becomes Superwoman. It's fun seeing how to world would react to the difference, when the man of steel becomes the woman of steel. Or the boy-who-lived became the-girl-who-lived. Of course saying that, there are some characters that just are not meant to be Genderbended. Batman (leaving out Earth-11) is always meant to be BatMAN. There are a few others that I can't think of right now too lol. Although its sad that a lot of the genderbender stories I come across, the warrior/super powered/kickass male character seems to be down powered dramatically. Now I get the whole 'In the real world, men vs woman' difference, but when I'm reading a story about say a tank bench-pressing, bullet proof superhero (see Superwoman) I think the normal rules get thrown out the window. Same with other fandoms out there, like Shinigami (Bleach) Ninja (Naruto) they're powered by an energy (not to get to into it), who's to say that this power can't level the playing field. Genderbending pairings I like: Fem!Clark/Bruce Wayne (DC universe) Fem!Clark/Oliver (Smallville) Fem!Harry/Draco OR Fem!Draco/Harry (Harry Potter) Fem!Naruto/SasukeOR Fem!Sasuke/Naruto (Naruto) Fem!Ichigo/Byakuya OR Fem!Byakuya/Ichigo (Bleach) Fem!Madara/Hashirama (Naruto) -I can't get into Fem!Hashi, Fem!Madara is so much better. Lol it doesn't have to be those pairing but I would probably enjoy the story more if it was. Pairings that I CANNOT stand Anything Slash, Femslash, Yuri, Yaoi. No I don't read it, and No I don't write it. (Nothing against those that do, it's just not for me) Ichigo/Orihime (Bleach) Doctor/River (Doctor who) Sakura/Naruto (Naruto) Alucard/Interga (Hellsing) Buffy/Spike (Buffy) Angel/Cordelia (Angel) Luke/Mara (Star Wars) Bruce(Batman)/Talia Al Ghul (Batman) Dick Grayson(Robin-Nightwing)/Koriand'r-Kory(Starfire) (Teen Titans) Bruce(Batman)/Diana(Wonder Woman) (Justice League) Abel/Esther (Trinity Blood) Oliver/Felicity (Arrow) -It was cute the first season, but now I truly think it could kill the show, seriously stop it. It's getting annoying- Things That I really dislike reading in stories. Anyone/Incest (The fact that I have to acknowledge this as a hated pairing, due to its popularity and the amount of stories with it; frankly...disturbs me) Anyone/Harems HATE HATE HATE (I'm a bit of a romantic, so this to me kills any kind of connection between two people, and thus any romance at all.) Sexual/Physical abuse of a minor. (The fact that I happens in real life is heart breaking, that fact that some author use it as a plot device disgusts me. I'm going to vent here sorry. As a massive manga/anime fan I do spend most of my reading time in that section. Sadly I've noticed something that I've dubbed the 'Inuyasha' craze. Seriously there are so many of stories with this happening. Maybe that's why I don't like it now. This is my opinion. I don't know if anyone else agrees with me. Maybe people will think I'm wrong but... Giving canon character animal ears (Inuyasha style) is not cool, it's annoying. Unrealistic, pointless, overdone, annoying. And the story is dropped. As soon as I read that line. Sorry had to vent. Warning- I am currently writing with out a beta, if anyone wants to help me out with this it would be most welcome. My Stories -Work In Progress- Valkyrie Twice Chosen Superwoman. (Rewriting) Some people might notice, I took down a couple of stories. I did a clean out, anything that I hadn't updated since 2005 got deleled. I was just being honest, if they hadn't been updated in that long chances are they never will. Important information for Superwoman readers: I am currently rewriting Superwoman. Last Daughter of Krypton. Due to the massive amount of changes being done, I'm unable to replace chapters as I go. So I have started posting the new chapters on my ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN account, before moving them back here. It's under Superwoman. Last Daughter of Krypton. Series Superwoman. Woman of Steel. Author name jessss82. Reviews: I'm not going to beg for reviews, I'm not going to say I'll only update if I get x-amount of reviews. I do like getting reviews, who doesn't. And yes getting reviews is a great way of making me update. But I would like constructive ones, if you're going to say 'this story sucks' tell me why ok. As for me reviewing, I will admit to being a terminal lurker. But I do try and review as often as I can. I try and often constructive reviews, give my opinion stuff like that. I would never flame, I don't have it in me. Even if it was the worst story in the world, I wouldn't flame. It's not like I got strapped to a chair and forced to read it, and even if I was I would be more mad about getting strapped to the chair. Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoy my stories. Thank you to dragonlayer for your beautiful art of Valkyrie Tatsuki, from my story Valkyrie. dragonlayer.deviantart. com / art / Valkyrie-Tatsuki- 162352970 |