Title: The Babysitter
Author: inuyashagirl5
Rating: M
Pairing: Kagome/Ichigo
Warnings: Adult Language
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or Bleach. InuYasha is owned by Rumiko Takahashi and Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo. I only borrow their characters for my own amusement and for the amusement of my readers.
Part Three
The last thing Souta expected to wake up to the next morning was his sister shouting loud, angry expletives. He sat up with a start at the crashing and the loud thuds echoing throughout the hallway near Ichigo's bedroom. He stumbled to his feet and rushed into the hallway, reaching it just as Yuzu and Karin did.
"What's going on?" Yuzu rubbed her tired eyes and yawned. It was too early for such commotion and their father, who usually made noises like this first thing in the morning, was still away with their new neighbor's mother.
The answer came a few seconds later when Ichigo stumbled backwards out of the bathroom, looking mighty fearful for his life. The bathroom door was slammed closed seconds after and all Ichigo could manage to do was stare at it wide-eyed and scared as hell.
"Oh yeah." Karin yawned sleepily. "The lock on the bathroom door broke last night."
"A-Are you alright, Ichigo?" Yuzu knelt next to her brother. He blinked and looked away from the bathroom door to his sister. "Ichigo?"
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." He jumped to his feet and dusted himself off. His trademark scowl slipped into place and he pointed a finger at Karin. "Next time tell me the lock is broken so I can fix it."
Karin gave him a rivaling scowl. "Next time knock before entering the bathroom."
He sputtered, watching as his sisters moved back into their own room to start getting ready for the day. If this moment was anything to go by, it was going to be a terrible day. He could hear Kagome still in the bathroom, moving about and muttering some un-nice things about him. He hadn't meant to walk in on her as she was getting out of the shower and he didn't think to knock because it was still really early. The sun had only just started to rise and he had been up early due to a terrible nightmare. He didn't think she was that early of an early bird.
But now he had other problems to deal with. He had seen all of her. Every last inch of flesh that was uncovered, every firm or perky part was ingrained in his memory. He doubted anything could wipe the image from his mind and now he had difficult, boy troubles to deal with because of it.
"I wouldn't stay standing there if I were you." Souta piped in, breaking Ichigo from his thoughts. He felt grateful for the younger boy's presence as it helped to calm a certain part of him down. "She's mad. She'll kill you."
Without another word, Ichigo hurried from the door and back into his own room to wait out the morning. He could go without breakfast today because he doubted seeing Kagome would make the situation any better. Souta chuckled at him quietly, clearly amused by the start to the day and Ichigo scowled down at him.
"Quit laughing. It's not that funny."
"Yes, it is. You didn't see the look on your face!"
"Tch! Just shut up already!"
Souta continued to smirk even after being threatened. He knew Ichigo would never hurt him and if he did... Souta shivered at the thought of what Kagome could do to the older boy. That thought was enough to wipe the smirk away and focus to get his self ready for the day.
Breakfast went by in a silent blur. Kagome was still in a foul mood and none of the younger siblings wanted to upset her any further. Ichigo had made a very hasty escape out the front door, completely bypassing the kitchen and never saying a word to any of them. Souta wanted to comment on his escape, but knew his sister's wrath could be terrifying and allowed the older boy to escape unscathed.
Once the children were off to school, Kagome locked up the Kurosaki clinic and moved over to her own home to unpack some things. She didn't like that her anger had yet to subside, a side effect of her curse she assumed. So in an attempt to let it go, since it was a silly thing to hold a grudge over, she was going to unpack. Souta, her mother and herself had been living in Karakura town for almost a month now and there were still many things stored away in boxes. With her mother gone off on a whirlwind romance and Souta busy with school, Kagome felt it was her duty to get some, if not all, of the work done.
With a soft sigh she headed into her own bedroom on the second floor. It was nothing like her old room back at the shrine, but she was pleased that this one offered her more room than the other. The color of the walls, a mint green, was something she was hoping her mother would let her change in the future. She disliked the color and wanted something a little more normal for her tastes.
"It'll do for now." She said softly to herself, willing herself to not let her mind wander to what her life had been like living at the shrine and how dearly she missed it. She and her family were all starting over again and she had to be strong for them. "Though, to be honest, mom seems likes she's doing just fine and Souta... He's already made some great friends. I guess I'm only being strong for myself..."
She moved to the window, knowing her room faced the Kurosaki clinic, as well as Ichigo's own bedroom. She scowled briefly and then a soft giggle escaped. She couldn't stay mad at him for a couple of reasons. One, it wasn't his fault. He didn't know the lock was broken and neither had she. Two, well, it wasn't like it was the first time someone had walked in on her and seen her naked. Both InuYasha and Miroku had seen her naked more times than she cared to remember. Though, Miroku always got what he deserved afterwards. A sound thrashing from Sango with her Hiraikotsu. InuYasha hadn't ever done it on purpose. It was only when he thought he was rescuing her from danger that he seemed to encounter her and her nakedness. In the end, he too ended up being punished, even if he hadn't deserved it.
"Kagome, are you alright?" Kon's voice reached her ears and she turned to greet her stuffed friend with a smile.
"I'll be fine. I know I overreacted." She frowned. She really had acted so childishly. "I'm so ashamed of my reaction. My temper does get the best of me sometimes."
"You were startled." Kon defended. "I think your reaction was normal for that circumstance. Though I must admit, I am so jealous of Ichigo right now."
"You little pervert." She scowled down at him, but it was clear to Kon that she wasn't really mad and he had lightened her sour mood somewhat. "What are you doing over here anyway? Come to help?"
"Don't think I could do much." He said while waving around his tiny, stuffed limbs.
"I'll let you put away some light stuff." Kagome giggle softly.
For the next couple of hours Kagome kept herself and Kon busy. Her room had come along nicely with various shelves and knick-knacks adorning the walls; leaving many boxes empty. She turned to address Kon, ready to move back over to the Kurosaki's home for lunch, and stopped at what she saw. She covered her mouth and did her best to hold back her laughter. Kon looked up, confused.
"What's so funny?" He asked, adjusting his grip on the stuffed tiger in his arms. The plush toy was almost as big as he was.
"New girlfriend?" Kagome questioned and then her laughter slipped through.
"Ha ha." Kon said drily and let the tiger drop to the floor. "Sometimes you can be so mean, Kagome."
"You looked cute together." She replied, leaning down to scoop him up into her arms. At the last second she turned him away from her chest, knowing already that he planned to grope her. He always did. Kon let out a defeated sigh and leaned back against her. It wasn't what he wanted but he wouldn't complain. Kagome's breasts were comfortable.
Outside of the house she set Kon down for a moment so she could lock the doors. Her elbow accidentally bumped into one of her mother's potted ferns and knocked it over. She bent over to pick it up and clean up the mess the dirt had made. Nearby someone cleared their throat, gaining her attention.
Renji had turned his head away before Kagome had looked his way, but there was no way he could hide the vivid blush across his cheeks. She had only been leaning over for a few seconds, but it had been long enough for him to get an eyeful of her bouncy breasts bound in sky blue lace.
"Just in time for me to make lunch. Hello, Renji." Kagome smiled his way.
"Hello, Kagome." He greeted. "Kon."
"Should've known you'd stop by again. Always looking for a free meal to fill that never-ending stomach of yours." Kon replied with a sneer. Damn this guy for ruining his alone time with Kagome! "What? Is Urahara's shop too busy? Or did they kick you out this time?"
"I came to check on Kagome is all." Renji scowled. "I wasn't aware of the time."
"I think it's good timing myself." Kagome chimed in to diffuse the tension. "It's always better to have a meal with friends and I don't mind making extra food."
"You're too soft." Kon grumbled.
"Oh hush." Kagome covered his mouth with her hand and laughed softly. "Come along, Renji. You can help me."
Ichigo leaned his chin against his hand, ignoring the constant chatter of his friends and scowling at nothing in particular. In truth he wasn't in a bad mood, he just wanted the others to leave him alone for a little while. It was clear to him that his desire to not be disturbed was being ignored because Keigo was in one ear begging and in the other he had Tatsuki pestering him about Rukia's whereabouts.
"Oh, um, Rukia's visiting her uncle today. He's sick. Nice guy that Jushiro." Orihime answered cheerfully, reciting such a well rehearsed lie. To those who didn't know they'd be unaware, but to Ichigo, Chad and Uryuu, the truth was obvious. Rukia had returned to the Soul Society to speak to her captain about Kagome.
'I wonder where the hell she got that star-shaped scar?' Ichigo flinched as his wayward thoughts brought him back to that morning's incident and just how much he had seen of her. His eyes hadn't been able to turn away and he had looked her over from head to toe before she started to pummel him. Damn girl was way stronger than she looked.
But that scar was what he was curious about the most. It was such and oddly shaped scar that he couldn't help but to wonder where it had come from. How did she get it?
"Ichigoooooo! Are you in there?" Keigo rapped his friend gently on the skull, drawing Ichigo out of his pondering.
"Cut it out!" He hissed and batted Keigo's hand away. "What the hell is your problem? Don't go hitting me for no reason."
"You were ignoring me!" Keigo explained with a whine.
"You do seem a little out of it today, Ichigo." Uryuu commented from his seat. Pushing his glasses up, he peered over his shoulder to cast a curious look to the red-head.
"Tch. You're imagining things!" Ichigo scoffed, disliking the look Uryuu was sending his way.
"Your overreaction would suggest otherwise."
Yeah, but there was no way that he was telling them that he had seen Kagome naked. He'd never hear the end of it.
"Nice blush!" Tatsuki laughed loudly and pinched one of Ichigo's cheeks roughly. He batted her hand away and muttered a soft curse. Today was not his day.
"Leave me alone!"
"Does this blush have to do with this mystery girl named Kagome?"
"Oh! She's not a mystery, Tatsuki! I met her yesterday. She's pretty and really strong!" Orihime exclaimed happily.
"Y-You met her?" Keigo turned to Orihime with watery eyes.
"Ah-huh! Along with Chad and Uryuu!"
"Ichigo, why do you always leave me out of everything? Am I not your friend too?"
"They only met her because they were with me when we ran into her! I didn't do it on purpose!" Ichigo snapped angrily. "You'll meet her eventually so shut up already."
"You are in a bad mood today. It's too bad that Rukia isn't here to put you in your place." Tatsuki rolled her eyes and then cracked her knuckles. "I won't mind doing her job for today."
"As if you could." Ichigo countered.
"Why are you in a bad mood?" Orihime inquired, curiosity getting the better of her. "Did you and Kagome have a fight?"
Ichigo groaned at the question, tired of having all of the attention on him. Why couldn't he be left alone just this once?
"Did you have a fight with her?" Uryuu prompted, trying to draw Ichigo out of his silence.
"Mind your own business already." Ichigo turned his head away, fully ignoring the other for the rest of lunch. He had enough to deal with and think about. He didn't need his friends being nosy about something that he didn't want to talk about at all.
"It sounds to me like they had a fight." Tatsuki remarked with a laugh. "Ichigo has been scowling all morning."
"Ichigo always scowls." Uryuu commented as he turned back around in his seat.
"True." Tatsuki agreed. "But it's definitely worse right now. Look how creased his forehead is!"
"Knock it off will ya?" Ichigo gave a frustrated huff. What he wouldn't give for a distraction and an escape. "I didn't have a fight with Kagome and I'm not in a bad mood. Quit bothering me."
"Fine. Fine." Tatsuki waved him off and led Orihime back to their own seats.
Ichigo gave a mental sigh of relief once his friends all moved back to their seats, giving him some peace. As far as he was concerned, this day really sucked.
"I like your home, Kagome." Renji replied as he followed along behind her as she showed him around her new home. Lunch had come and gone, leaving the pair with nothing better to do. Kagome didn't have a desire to wander out after the events of the previous two days. She wasn't much in the mood to fight after that morning with Ichigo.
"It's not too bad." Kagome agreed. "I still miss my old home, but not the stairs."
"There were a lot of them?"
"I lived on a shrine." Kagome explained and Renji gave a nod that he understood. It was rather obvious to him what she was. "There was a terrible fire and we couldn't afford to rebuild. It's only through a friend of my father's that we were able to stay here. He sold the place to my mother for a very cheap price."
"Where is your father? If you don't mind me asking?"
Kagome flinched, unwanted images coming to her as she recalled the night her father died. It was coming up so often now that she had met Ichigo and his friends. That thing that had killed her father, they fought and destroyed them.
Not wanting for Renji to become concerned, she quickly answered. "He died when I was young. I don't really remember much about it."
"I'm sorry I asked." Renji replied sympathetically.
"It's fine. Like I said, I was little." She shrugged it off and led him back outside. School was letting out soon and she wanted to get a snack prepared for the kids.
"I should be on my way. I'm supposed to catch up with someone on the other side of town at sunset." Renji said as they reached the front door of the Kurosaki clinic. "Thanks for the meal and for keeping me company today."
"You're welcome. Stop by again sometime, Renji."
"I will. I promise."
Kagome shivered minutes after Renji had left, a chill running down her spine. She shifted uncomfortably and glanced around. There was nothing nearby that she could see, but something was definitely off in the area. She closed her eyes, her pulse quickening and her breath coming in short gasps.
"Hello, Kagome!" Yuzu's chipper voice broke Kagome out of her daze and she blinked a few times before facing the young girl. Behind Yuzu were Karin and Souta, the latter looking very concerned for his sister.
"Hello, Yuzu. Welcome home. I was just about to go inside and make you guys an after school snack."
"That's very kind of you. Thank you!"
Kagome opened the door and let the younger kids in before her. Yuzu went through first, smiling brightly. Karin and Souta both looked at her with thoughtful expression, but Karin shrugged it off and continued on inside. Souta didn't.
"Are you alright?" He asked, worried for his sister.
"I am now." She admitted softly. "Something isn't right. Can't you feel it?"
"Mm. A little." Souta agreed. "Come inside and distract yourself. You can help me with my geometry homework."
"Ugh. I hate geometry." Kagome replied with a laugh, pleased that Souta could keep her calm. She ruffled his hair to let him know she was better now. "Fine. I'll try, but I'm sure it's easier for you."
"Yeah probably."
Ichigo only had Orihime and Uryuu as company on his walk home. The school day had finally come to and end and he was relieved to get away from Tatsuki. All day long that girl wouldn't let up; teasing him about anything and everything, but most commonly Kagome. By the end of the day he had been half-tempted to toss her into a locker and leave her there.
"Are you feeling better, Ichigo?" Orihime asked as they walked.
"Yeah." He answered even though he had been fine the whole time. Maybe a bit stressed out over the teasing, but otherwise fine.
"You are scowling a lot less." Uryuu remarked.
"Shut up."
Orihime giggled, breaking the tension right away.
"I hope that what ever happened between you and Kagome gets resolved quickly." She added with a smile, "I can tell the two of you are going to be really good friends."
"We'll be fine." Ichigo agreed, though he was hoping she had cooled down by now. He wasn't sure how long she was capable of holding a grudge. He could only pray that everything would be fine once he got home.
After Uryuu and Orihime departed from him, Ichigo quickly made his way back home. His nerves were a little shaky and he scoffed at his own stupidity. Even if she was still mad at him he could always flee to his bedroom and ignore her until she was no longer mad. Simple as that.
With his hand on the doorknob he braced himself for any possibilities and entered. He kicked off his shoes and left them by the door before calling out into the quiet house.
"I'm home!"
"In the kitchen, Ichigo!" Came Kagome's reply. That was a positive sign and he breathed a sigh of relief as he headed into the kitchen. He was immediately confronted by a series of giggles and a messy kitchen. The laughter was coming from Souta and Yuzu, who were trying so hard not to laugh too loudly at Karin who had clumps of something tan in her hair.
"What happened?"
"Karin initiated a food fight and lost." Yuzu giggled. "Kagome has amazingly quick reflexes."
"What is in her hair?"
"Kagome is making cinnamon rolls Some of the extra batter ended up in Karin's hair." Souta explained and then snickered. "I think she learned her lesson. Don't pick a fight with my sister. You cannot win."
"Yeah. Lesson learned." Karin muttered drily.
Kagome laughed quietly, a soft tinkling sound that immediately grabbed Ichigo's attention.
"I'm sorry about your hair. I'll get it all out. I promise."
Shaking his head, Ichigo scurried from the kitchen and out of visual range of Kagome. He couldn't explain it, but being near her, hearing her, made him feel different. That morning's incident was not helping and now he had to deal with a troubling situation.
"Are you okay?" She called after him and he inwardly groaned. Damn her.
"Yeah. I'm fine!" He called back, hoping she wouldn't follow after him right then. He didn't want her to see him in that state and he didn't want to explain it to her either.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive!" He quickly answered.
He shut and locked his bedroom door, turning to lean his back against it. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he willed his body to calm down.
"Damn it." He hissed, unwanted visions of a naked Kagome racing though his brain. This wasn't normal. He'd seen other females naked before, but none of them had ever made him feel this aroused, let alone a girl he had only known for a few days. "Homework, I'll focus on that and forget was happened this morning."
In the kitchen Kagome returned to her work, keeping herself busy making dinner and dessert. To Souta, he cold see the sadness in his sister's eyes despite the smile she wore. Her curse was effecting Ichigo and she didn't want it to.
"Yuzu, come help me wash my hair." Karin tugged her twin's hand. "With your help it'll be quicker."
"Okay." Yuzu agreed.
Before departing from the room Karin gently pet Souta's hand and gave him a smile. The Higurashi siblings needed to talk. She'd distract her sister for as long as she could.
"It's not your fault." Souta said once the coast was clear.
"That doesn't matter." Kagome sourly replied, tears threatening to spill. "How am I supposed to co-exist here while mom's away if I can't even be near him? This wouldn't have been a problem had this morning not happened."
"Yes, it would have. Sooner or later he would have succumb to it just like any other guy. At least he's fighting it. He could have jumped you here in the kitchen in front of us kids."
"I'm glad he didn't." She giggled with a sniffle.
"Do you like him?"
She sputtered at the question, heat immediately warming her cheeks.
"H-How do you mean?"
"Don't act stupid, Kagome. You know what I mean." Souta rolled his eyes at his sister's blatant stupidity.
"I haven't thought about it much."
"He's cute and kind... but, it's only been three days..."
"Fine. We'll discuss that question later. For now proceed with caution. We don't want the worst thing to happen. That would be problematic."
"Yes, I agree." Eyes downcast and brimming with tears she added. "I don't want them to see that side of me ever."
"You just do your best. You'll be fine. Plus, you have me. You know I'll change you back if it does ever happen. I've got your back, sis."
She had been sitting around for most of the day patiently waiting for the chance to see her captain. However, Ukitake hadn't been feeling well again and had been asleep all day as well. Rukia was tired of waiting, wanting to get the answers to the questions plaguing her mind.
Did the Soul Society know of Kagome already? Did they know she lived so close to Ichigo now? Was it her captain that had saved her? All she wanted were answers to those questions, maybe more.
She wanted to trust the girl. Despite the odd powers swirling around her, it was obvious she was a nice person who was always ready to defend those she cared about. Seeing the way she protected her brother proved that. She could very well turn out to be a beneficially ally to have in the world of the living. Then again, there was that swirling darkness mixed in her aura that had her on guard. Something was off and she wanted to figure out what it was. She wanted to keep Ichigo and his family safe if need be.
"Rukia, you're still here?" Third seat Kiyone Kotetsu questioned as she exited from the room where their captain rested. "Captain Ukitake is awake. Do you still wish to see him?"
"Yes please. It is important." Rukia rose to her feet.
"Let her in." Jushiro Ukitake called out and Kiyone stepped back to allow the other girl through. "It's nice to see you, Rukia. How are things in the world of the living?"
"That's why I am here. I have some concerns about Ichigo's new neighbor."
"New neighbor?" Ukitake questioned, his eyes lifting to look over at Kiyone. "Close the door please."
"There's a girl who is a priestess that has moved in right next door."
"Ichigo has nothing to fear from a priestess. As you know, they're supposed to aid us if we request it. That's one of their purposes. To serve their Gods."
"I know that, but this one is different."
"How so?"
"There seems to be other energies mixing in with her aura. Darker energies." Rukia explained. "She seems nice, but I am wary. Those other energies are scary."
"What is her name?"
"Her name is Kagome and from what I've heard she was once rescued by one of us when she was little."
"Oh." Jushiro took a deep breath and forced himself to stand. He was surprised to hear a familiar name and circumstances he didn't understand.
"Do you know her? Was it you who saved her?" Rukia asked curiously.
It was, but he wasn't at liberty to discuss that girl with her. Instead he needed to seek out Shunsui.
"Another time, Rukia. If you'll excuse me. Kiyone will see you out."
"Captain?" Both women looked at him, confusion evident.
"Not now." He answered sternly, his eyes narrowing on them as he hurried out.
"Very odd." Rukia murmured. "Please tell him that I have returned to the other world and that he can reach me if he needs to."
"I will." Kiyone replied.
Dinner was awkward and for the most part quiet. The only sounds being made were the soft laughter coming from Souta and Karin. The two of them couldn't help but to laugh at their older siblings who were mostly ignoring each other. Ichigo was still embarrassed by his reactions and was hesitant to attempt a conversation for fear it could happen again. Kagome was just choosing to stay quiet. She knew he would speak to her when he was ready. She wouldn't push it.
By the time bedtime for the kids rolled around, everything was even more awkward because Souta and Karin weren't laughing at their siblings any longer and Yuzu began to worry about them.
"They'll be fine once they talk." Souta reassured the girl. "Don't worry about them."
"If you're sure..."
"I am. You'll see."
"Alright then. Goodnight, Souta." Yuzu smiled at the boy before heading into her room.
As the children settled in and the house grew quiet, Ichigo waited in the hallway for Kagome. Now that he wouldn't humiliate himself in front of Karin, who would make matters way worse, he felt confident enough to apologize for what had happened that morning.
Her steps slowed as she saw him standing there. His eyes met hers and she fought the urge to blush. Yes, it was easy for Kagome to admit that Ichigo was cute. Really cute. But did she like him?
'Perhaps a little. It wouldn't be so bad to date someone like him.' She silently mused.
She slowed her steps as she came closer to him. "Ichigo?"
"Kagome, I wanted to..." He blinked as his substitute soul reaper badge alerted him of a hollow nearby. Of all the possible moments... He turned and opened his bedroom door. "Kon, I have to go. Switch with me."
Kagome watched in fascination as Ichigo and Kon switched, the mod soul taking over Ichigo's body while Ichigo's soul became separate. Seeing him as a soul reaper made her flinch a little, knowing what he was about to set off to do.
"Ichigo, you better hurry." Kon said as he realized his friend was hesitating.
"Right. Kon, keep Kagome and the others safe."
Both Kon and Kagome scoffed at his words. As if Kagome needed to be protected. She was strong enough to protect herself.
"We'll be fine." Kon replied.
Ichigo's eyes met Kagome's and frowned, but she offered him a kind smile. Everything would be alright between them. She had forgiven him for the bathroom incident. After all, it was only an accident and she couldn't blame him for it.
"I'll be back soon." He promised as he stepped out the front door and into the night.
"Be safe."
A/N: Just a reminder that recent events in the Bleach manga have nothing to do with this work of fiction. Therefore Rukia's ranking as a soul reaper is as it was in the beginning. I suppose if I had to put this fic on a timeline, it would probably fall somewhere right after Ichigo goes in to save Rukia... This is because I am lazy and haven't taken the time to fully read/watch it. Regardless of that, I hope this chapter is suitable enough for all of you. Review please? :3