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![]() Author has written 41 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Bartimaeus Trilogy, Death Note, Hanna is not a Boys Name, Merlin, xxxHOLiC, Tsubasa Chronicle, Supernatural, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Good Omens. Disclaimer: Anything that appears in any fanfiction I have written is almost certainly not mine. They belong to their respectful owners. Reviews make me happy, and I'd be glad to accept any requests. Stories Older: Twenty One Ways Series- (Naruto and Harry Potter)- My first two stories, with contributions by my sister and a few fanfiction friends. Great Sugar High of Sirius Black- (Harry Potter)- Gift for my sister, who requested it and helped me write it. Probably why its so crazy. Sand and Scones- (Bartimaeus Trilogy)- First attempt at angst, first attempt at the fandom. On the fence about how it turned out, tread carefully. Death Note Pickup Lines/Who Changed the Script?- (Death Note)- Comedy fics that are more lame than funny. People seem to like them, though :) Pretty, Pretty- (Harry Potter)- Second attempt at angst. Turned out well, in my opinion. Sort of an odd pairing, but I don't mind it too much. Smoking Kills- (Death Note)- Contains my two favorite characters, but apparently its not very popular. It's not very well written, though, so I don't mind. A Very Clever Plan- (Harry Potter)- My pride and joy for a while. An attempt at romance, though I'm not very good with that. First multi-chaptered fic. Mates and Motorbikes- (Harry Potter)- A personal favorite. Written spur of the moment, but I love it all the same. Only Human/On The Radio/Hardwire/Noun- (Hanna is Not a Boy's Name)- I love this comic, it's so cool. I hope these four fics do it justice! It's Only the Truth/Silhouettes/Off The Beaten Path- (Harry Potter)- All three are a little strange, but I like them a lot. They all focus on my favorite characters- the Marauders- in a different way. I'm Not A Thief/In My Dreams- (Merlin)- Both of these turned out differently than how they were meant to be. They're actually really upbeat and feel-good and... happy, I guess. Precipitation- (Harry Potter)- This is either the bane of my existence or my crowning achievement. I can't decide. Read and decide for yourself? Newer: Do You Wanna Fly?/When We First Met- (Harry Potter)- Short James/Lily stories because I always feel like I never write enough of that pairing. And I love it so. Wondering- (xxxHOLiC)- First Holic fic! I was very excited to get this out because, while I love the show, I didn't think I'd be able to get the personalities down. Hope I did well! Succession- (Tsubasa Chronicle)- Thought of this one night and had to write it down. I'm not exceptionally proud or anything, but I like it. Order Up/Serious Like A Shark Attack/Helium- (Supernatural)- Supernatural stuff all around. Mainly bro-fics, and then one Castiel-centric cry fest. How fun! Hang On Little Tomato- (Hetalia)- First Hetalia fic, inspired by the very cute Pink Martini song! I though it was perfect for Spain and Romano, and I still do! Je Ne Regrette Rien/Ensemble Pour Toujours/I'm Only Sleeping/Tu Es Partout- (Hetalia)- Alfred and Matthew as troublesome kids, Francis and Arthur as clueless (and bad) parents. This is what I call my Domestic Verse, and I am very proud of it. Preussen/Takin' Names- (Hetalia)- Both are Prussia/Hungary, which I've just begun to love. Considering I used to be a huge Austria/Hungary fan, this is all sort of new to me. Gesundheit- (Good Omens)- My new favorite book! Aziraphale and Crowley are just wonderful, and I'm afraid I didn't really capture them all that well. Mana- (Hetalia)- Greece is my favorite character, much as I used to love studying about Ancient Greece. So I combined those two loves. ApfelStrudel- (Hetalia)- I have way too many comments about this one... it was so much fun to write! Seta Moneta- (Hetalia)- This was a lot of fun to write as well, and I'm glad that people enjoy it. It turned out a lot more dramatic than I expected, but its still just a fun, light-hearted story. Spaetzle- (Hetalia)- Really quick dinner-at-Germany's thing. WIPS Misdirected Energy- (Harry Potter)- I want to get it kind of long, but I'll probably only get it up to at least five chapters. I don't have it planned out very far. But I really wanted to do something just for fun and this is it. EDIT: Now I think that this one is pretty much on the backburner. Sorry, guys. Musical Marauders- (Harry Potter)- Probably won't be continued unless someone pressures me about it. Please Enjoy! |