Author has written 11 stories for Higher Ground. Flamingteen here with a bit of unfortunate news. I have completely lost interest in Higher Ground. Oops. _ ; My stories are on quite a hiatus, if not stopped altogether. I might start to write again, but for now I am completely engrossed in reading Harry Potter fanfic... Sorry. XD; Likes: Snape. Draco. The Order. Remus. Lucius. Harry and Snape mentoring/fathering, stories where the relationships between characters exceeds no more than a bit of Hermione and Ron flirting, and I also love realistic stories, preferably continuations of book five, however sometimes I do go for an alternate book five story. :D Dislikes: AU, OCs, Romantic pairings, Sirius still being alive unless it is a pre-book-five story (though I would like it if he had never died as much as the next person. hah.) People referring to Voldemort as "Voldie" or any other crude nickname XD, I also dislike stories about the Marauders, or time before Harry... Unless they're about Severus, they just don't interest me... More later, but for now, there is my fandom. XD For now, check out my favorite authors list. |