Author has written 15 stories for Transformers/Beast Wars, and Transformers. Recently updated: "The Adventures of the Chibi-Bee:" My laptop, iPod and I go an a whirlwind adventure! It's not slag, I swear, although Cb might disagree on that one... November 2, 2014 Thank you to LoverofGaia for the recent favourites for Echoes and Reversing the Tale. I am touched than anyone still finds and reads those, never mind likes them. Because of you, I felt the need to make one last posting. I'm done with writing. I have a fragmented start of a Haibane Renmei/Stargate SG1 fic sitting on my laptop that may get finished one day, but I'm not holding my breath. I did feel the need to finish The Adventures of Chibi-Bee though. It took me way too long to tell that last chapter after the real-life events happened, and I needed the closure sooner or later. I really, REALLY liked that laptop. Good luck to all the aspiring young writers out there! Till All Are One, Nurann |