Author has written 5 stories for Resident Evil, and Hatoful Boyfriend. I LIIIIVE! sort of. i added a new thing and it may or may not go anywhere, like all the others. enjoy, i suppose. for those who aren't familiar, i'm Desert. i'm going on 24 now, still living on the east coast of the US. slowly but surely, i'm figuring out how to adult. in the meantime, i play pokemon and Zelda games and write bad Resident Evil fanfiction that never gets finished ever. i've been dealing with some personal issues - major depression that culminated in fairly serious thoughts of suicide during my most recent semester of college. due to this, i have been taking a break from school to work and sort my shit out. the aforementioned depression has made it difficult to keep writing, which is why this site hasn't seen an update from my in forever. that and working two jobs to keep myself fed because this is America and even the greater than minimum wage i receive at one job is still not enough. if anyone cares, i also have an account called schaadenfreude over on the Nuzlocke forums and i've posted a few runs there. only one's finished, but the likelihood of me going back to them is greater than me finishing any of the fics here. my dA account has little bits and pieces too (same username, schaadenfreude) and may end up with the dubious honor of hosting my attempt to make a comic out of my favorite Nuzlocke run. |
Annie Christ (0) Crowtrip (0) DugFinn (2) Eventide (13) GigaCat (0) HGT (0) lemon-sprinkles (22) | LittleMissWesker (5) mushroomsrevenge (0) Nightlore (11) Ornamental Nonsense (20) risokura (87) RunningMadly (0) sad little tiger (8) snarryvader81 (57) | Special Agent FUNK (35) Ultimolu (3) xSummonerYunax (120) Zasztra (8) |