Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter.
Just another person hopelessly addicted to fanfiction, namely of the Harry Potter variety.
To prove my addiction I would like to present an uncompleted list of stories that I have enjoyed during my time here at It also stands as a peace offering for I realize I haven't updated in a long time. So without further ado...
Lirael's List of Noteworthy Fanfics
(Sorted by category)
(These just didn't fit with the others.)
The Boy Who Vanished by verklon (not complete)
-Sirius and Remus raise Harry; I wasn't sure about this idea at first, but in the end I really liked this story...yet it is not complete and that saddens me
Blind Faith by xyvortex (complete)
-Harry is blind but still goes to Hogwarts...definitely give this one a chance
The Name is Potter Black! by PadyandMoony (complete with sequel of equal caliber)
-sooooooo good; going into it I wasn't sure if I would like it, and I was blown away by how close to canon it was
Reign of Power by Fayr Warning (complete)
-Harry has come into his many inheritances; this fic is good because Harry is incredibly assertive and quite Grey--but in a good way
Harry attends another school:
The Acceptance by Pan06 (not complete)
-worth a read because it is well written but regretfully not finished
Harry Potter and the Marcello School by kjkit (complete)
-good, very good; this was the story that got me into Harry going to other schools
Severitus/Snape mentor/Snape adopts Harry:
Equilibrium by Twinheart (complete)
-bar none this is the best Snape mentor fic I have ever if the author would just finish the sequel...
Arms of a Dark Angel by Snapegirlkmf (complete)
-close second to the best Snape mentor fic...very close second...might even tie
Better be Slytherin! by jharad17 (complete)
-good AU of first year with Harry (surprisingly) in Slytherin; mentor Snape
Whelp by jharad17 (complete)
-been awhile since I read this but I remember liking it; the child abuse is pretty heavy up front but the overall story is good; Severitus
Emerald Eyes by Jade Sullivan (complete)
-takes place in second year; I've read it twice and am enjoying the sequel which is being written right now; Snape mentor?
Resonance by GreenGecko (complete with two sequels)
-Snape adopts Harry; really good in a real world way--I felt like the author made the magical world actually work and I got to see how everything really functioned; quite LONG!
A Time and a Place to Grow by pdantzler (complete)
-good but if I remember correctly sometimes Snape was seriously OOC; Snape mentor
Harry's Last Hope by teachersnape64 (complete)
-good, Snape adopts Harry
Harry Potter and the Masters by Pose (complete although not listed complete)
-I really like this story, but sometimes the grammatical errors get in the way, however it is very original; apprenticefic
The Black Secret by Awahill (complete)
-Severitus...been awhile since I read this; if I remember correctly I liked the story but the writing could have been better
The Secret by Tia Evans (complete)
-Severitus; very well written
Cub by Jadie Stee (not complete)
-very interesting and good; Snape adopts Harry fic; very original
Go With the Tide by Tantz (complete)
-another story where Harry is blind; Snape steps in to mentor
The Best Revenge by Arsinoe de Blassenville (not compete but updates regularly)
-In lieu of Hagrid, Snape goes to pick Harry up...very original and the writing is superb
Harry's New Home by Kbinz (complete)
-Snape adopts Harry in Harry's first year; if you speak sarcasm you will love Snape
Mine by Gillian Middleton (complete)
-Snape claims Harry as his son
Remembering Me by Trucklesinthetree (complete)
-Harry hits his head while retrieving the Stone and loses his memory. Snape takes him in during the summer, and through a series of complicated events adopts him. Definitely well-written.
Second Chances by Mara Rome (not complete but being updated more frequently than my story)
-through a series of events Harry ends up living with Snape...they bond not in a cheesy's a good read so far
Harry and Voldemort (not slash)
His Slytherin Descendants by Dark Cyan Star (complete)
-dang...I didn't think I would like this one, but then I clicked on it and...well...darkHarry, good writing
Voldemort's Most Prized Horcrux by jkrofanatic14 (not complete and most likely never will be)
-if you are in the mood for a Harry/Voldemort go for it; easy read, not the best writing, but I found the idea interesting
The Manipulator by Wellingtonboots (not complete)
-now the author says this story will be finished one day, but I'm not holding my breath; definitely AU because Voldemort wins (that's where the story starts) but give it a chance because it is well written
Darkly Treacherous by xxlostdreamerxz (complete but not listed complete)
-Harry becomes Dark through Voldemort's guidance, but he still has some Light tendencies; I believe this had an incredibly open ending, but the author never got around to a sequel...or something like that
Insight by Wolfwhispers (complete)
-Harry is kidnapped because Voldemort is interested in his scar; good writing on the whole
Guardianship by MysticalTears (not complete with infrequent updates)
-Tom Riddle claims guardianship of one Harry Potter; the author could take more time proof reading, but I like the idea
Harry Potter and the Slytherin Connection by KrystalRoze (complete with two sequels)
-this is a promising story, however the writing could be much better; the pacing of the story is far too fast, and if the author took more time to flesh out details the story would be really good with an original plot
And last but by no means least...
The Darkness Within by Kurinoone (complete)
-this is THE story every fan of Harry/Voldemort has read or MUST read; if you haven't please go search for this gem...I didn't even read HP fanfic until I stumbled over this one while it was still in progress; waiting in between updates was awful but the end you so much Kurinoone
That's that...I'll add more when I find them. If you have any suggestions of other stories they would be greatly appreciated.
My own work...
Inspiring Loyalty
Chapter One-up
Chapter Two-up
Chapter Three-up
Chapter Four-up
Chapter Five-up
Chapter Six-being written
I recognize that the plot line is a trifle overused, but I know that there is still an audience out there for it. If we were tired of "Harry as Voldemort's heir" fics we wouldn't write so many of them. That being said, my goal in writing this story is to have fun. Every writer should write something that they in turn would want to read themselves. If you do enjoy reading Inspiring Loyalty then I am happy. If not, please remember that this is fanfiction and not completely serious.
Lirael 10/1/09