Author has written 12 stories for Kingdom Hearts, and Inception. UPDATE, 6/10/12 - I'm off to college in the fall, but until then I have quite a bit of free time to start writing with a little more diligence. UPDATE, 2/19/11 - Multi-chaptered works slowly moving along. My many outside interests and International Baccalaureate have absorbed much of my focus. Yet the pressured author STRIVES ONWARD. [/melodrama] UPDATE, 1/16/10 - Hey guys, I would just like to say that I have a LiveJournal account where I will be posting more of my writing. I will update between that account and this site as often as I can. "The bad novelist constructs his characters; he directs them and makes them speak. The true novelist listens to them and watches them act; he hears their voices even before he knows them." André Gide NoiseAndSound - Little redundant, eh? So, I really like to write. I just really like to write. I find fan fiction to be a great creative outlet. It differs greatly from the analytical essays that I write for school. That being said, I'm pretty new to the whole fan fiction idea. That being said, I currently find the Kingdom Hearts universe to be a good starting point. I like the characters, the plot, and I think that I can take it in many directions. Constructive criticism is welcome. I'm always looking for ways to improve, especially in characterization and style. I will always willingly critique someone's writing; reviewing is just as satisfactory as being reviewed. Age - 17 Dislikes? Not a whole lot. Character hatred, ignorance, apathy, ad infinitum. Thanks for reading. -Noise |