![]() Author has written 18 stories for Inuyasha, and StarTrek: The Original Series. This card is from . I got permission from its creator Imoutochan to use it so please dont steal it. LOL i dont watch bleach but i am a constant victim of writers block. Hopefully you dont know the feeling. lol Pen name: Chaini Important notice:Good news. I am officially out of college, which means I now have all the time in the world to write. It will take me awhile to go through my big binder of half done stories but you can expect more out of me from the following months. Yes, that includes Teaching Inuyasha Christmas. I am also opening myself up for betaing and write for hire so if you want me to read your work or if you have an idea you want to see on paper let me know. Its all free after all. Witting mediums : Currently I have published in Star Trek and Inuyasha. I have also been playing around with some Labyrinth but you never know where i will expand to. Likes: writing obviously but also reading so don't be surprised to see me in some of those mediums as well. Common rules of Kindness when it comes to my writting: Problems/ reporting: the golden rule "do unto others as you would like to have done unto you" And what i would like to have done unto me if someone has a problem with one of my stories is that you contact me first. Common courtesy dictates that if you have a problem with a story especially if it is something small and generally harmless to the community contact me first. I write because I enjoy it. I don't write to offend people. Nor can I possibly please everyone and follow every rule known on this site. If you notice a flaw, tell me and I will fix it. No need to get me kicked out just because I wrote a song fic. Everyone breaks the rules and most people let that slide. It would be a shame if good writers get kicked out because they tried a new form of writing. Flaming I have a few rules for people who might desire to flame me: 1.) If you are flaming, I expect to see at least one story in your profile. Anyone can go around criticizing another persons work, but if you have never attempted to write a fan fiction then i suggest you shut up. Some of us might not be the next Melville, but at least we have the courage to put our work out there. Anyone can open up a grammar book and spout off rules and regulations, but not everyone can take the time to compose a story. 2.)If you are flaming, I want you to have a specific and rational excuse to do so. Flames like "your mother should have had an abortion" or "i read better crap in a playboy" just makes the flamer look unintelligent and are a waste of time and space. If you don't like the work or just come here to get some cheap power trip then I suggest to do or read something else. Chances are that the author will enjoy your review just as much as you enjoyed the story. Just save your breath. 3.) If you are flaming and have a good reason to be doing it, be polite. Its a well know saying you catch more flies with honey then vinegar. If you really want this author to take your comments seriously you must present yourself as a concerned individual who wants to help, not someone who just likes to put others down for some sadistic form of self-pleasure. I will be much more likely to respond positively to someone who tells me my spelling needs work then to someone who says they cant believe i made it through grade school. If your goal in reviewing was not to be helpful then chances are you should keep quiet. 4.) Finally if you flame me for a non-legitimate reason, expect a reply back. Like all authors, I am proud of my work and am more then willing to defend it. I take time out of my day to write it and I enjoy when people read it. I don't mind if someone does not like my work, but if you don't and decide to flame then you better have a good reason. So flamers beware. 5.) New flamer rule. if you flame just because you want to say something vulgar or idiotic. we know your an idiot you know you're an idiot. Save the world a dose of moronicsism. Shut up. What to look forward to: Right now, I am working on the following three stories: 1.) Inuyasha: Get well, Inuyasha- Basically, it is what it sounds like. Its a story about Kagome taking care of Inuyasha while he is ill. 2.) Star trek: Trapped -This will be a story about McCoy and Spock trapped on a planet together and trying to get back to the Enterprise. Been done a thousand times. Figured i would put my own spin on it. |