![]() Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter. As is made obvious by my stories, I write based in the world of Harry Potter. I love writing about the Marauder era, James and Lily is and always will be my one true pairing, I don't do slash, especially not between Marauders, and James Potter is my favourite character (though all of the Marauders and Lily are quite great). I'm female, if you must know. I know some of my previous work isn't terribly brilliant, but hopefully you don't judge me too harshly on my earlier work. I'm Canadian, so get used to spelling. We like to put in unnecessary letters everywhere. Unsettling, isn't it? 07-11-11: Messages to all who might be interested: 1) I'm revamping Time for Time Travel. I've been wanting to do it for ages. First and second chapter are done, and I'm working on the third. First two are posted. It is now under the name Mischief Unmanageable I have begun to revamp Dancing in the Rain, can't make any promises on it being done soon, but I'll be working on it when I can. First chapter is up. 2) I have deleted several older stories, because... well, because they're quite awful. I didn't know a thing about grammar. There are still a few I'm not quite proud of, but there they are. 3) Summaries are slightly different to several stories. Except for Mischief Unmanageable, most titles are the same. 4) The Man has been revamped. It is now posted. Other Notes: We Solemnly Swore, the Marauder's Code has been nominated for the long-list at the Merlin Awards, under the category of best Marauders fic. I truly thank all who reviewed. It means a lot. If you are interested in translating one of my stories, please contact me via PM. FanFiction I Recommend In terms of authors, I would truly say you check out Queen Nightingale. She is amazing and you won't regret it. If you're looking for some wit and hilarity, you can't go wrong with Procrastinator-starting2moro. Another author who is undoubtedly brilliant is Zayz. And if you're looking for a truly inexplicably talented AU writer: jamespotterthefirst is a wonderful lady. In terms of stories, there are a great many I'd like to recommend, but I'll try to limit myself: The Life and Times by Jewels5, Commentarius by B.C Daily (anything by B. C Daily, really), All Over Again by Lili Evans dotcom In the Sun by NajwaBarlaam (a lovely typically AU author), Quiet Summer by Wilhelmina Willoughby, All That Matters by Kaitsy and Tempestuous by Jasu. All brilliant stories and authors. I seriously recommend you read their work. Harry Potter has touched many a life. We must remember the perished characters and their lessons. To James "Prongs" Potter, who taught us about loyalty, persistence, growing up and love. To Lily Evans-Potter, who taught us the power of kindness and sacrifice. To Professor Quirinus Quirrel, who taught us never to let the temptation of power overcome what is right. To Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, who taught us that immortality is nothing without love. To Moaning Myrtle, who taught us that Olive Hornby was a bit of jerk. To the Basilisk, who taught us that even things we consider monsters can aid in times of need. To Lavender Brown's rabbit Binky, who taught us never to mess with wild foxes. To Thomas and Mary Riddle, who taught us that ignorance is not always bliss. To Tom Riddle Sr., who taught us that choices change lives. To Mrs. Barty Crouch, who taught us that there is always someone who loves you, no matter your disposition. To Bertha Jorkins, who taught us to watch our step when in an unfamiliar territory. To Frank Bryce, who taught us honour and courage. To Cedric Diggory, who taught us friendship, fairness and to never underestimate a Hufflepuff. To Barty Crouch Sr., who taught us that one does many things they thought they never would for the ones they love. To Barty Crouch Jr., who taught us that people aren't always who they seem. To Marlene MacKinnon, Edgar Bones, Gideon and Fabian Prewett, Benjy Fenwick and Dorcas Meadowes, who taught us the power of bravery in the face of death. To Sirius "Padfoot" Orion Black, who taught us the power of friendship, resilience, mischief and that blood isn't everything. To the fox in the alleyway, who taught us that Bellatrix Lestrange is more of a jerk than Olive Hornby. To Marvolo Gaunt, who taught us the power of karma. To Morfin Gaunt, who taught us the consequences of a hateful life. To Merope Gaunt-Riddle, who taught us that people go to extreme lengths to find love. To Hepzibah Smith, who taught us never to trust strangers. To Amelia Bones, who taught us that with power comes those who covet it. To Emmeline Vance, who taught us to be a survivor. To Florean Fortescue, who taught us the magic of ice-cream. To Igor Karkaroff, who taught us it's never too late to change your mind. To Mrs. Abbott, who taught us the influence of loss. To Aragog, who taught us that we never know who the real monsters are. To Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, who taught us that people change, to never to underestimate love and to try to see the best in people, even when they can't see it in themselves. To Charity Burbage, who taught us that though people seem different, we're all the same on the inside. To Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, who taught us constant vigilance. To Hedwig, who taught us that creatures aren't just our pets, they're family. To Regulus Artucus Black, who proved, like his brother, that blood isn't everything. To Rufus Scrimgeour, who taught us that it is better to choose what is right than what is easy. To the unnamed family, who taught us that people are lost without reason at times. To Gregorovich, who taught us that Ollivander wasn't the only worthy wand-maker. To Bathilda Bagshot, who taught us the power of knowledge. To Percival, Kendra and Ariana Dumbledore, who taught us what we are willing to do for family. To the unnamed Goblin, who taught us the literal meaning of "killing the messenger". To Dobby, who taught us unconditional loyalty and freedom. To Gellert Grindelwald, who taught us about doing things for the greater good. Got a comment, suggestion, or opinion? Drop me a line, if you wish. Or send an ask to my tumblr: thegirlwhofoughtthedaleks |