Author has written 21 stories for Outsiders. I have loved The Outsiders since I was about 10, which was a LONG time ago! I appreciate the opportunity to share my stories about what happened to the characters in my imagination before, during, and after the book. I realize that, having added a sister to the mix in some stories, I am frowned upon by many of the Outsider "purists." This makes me a little sad, because I love and respect the original work as much as anybody, for sure. And I love the work of so many of you that refuse to read some of mine because of the sister factor. In a sense, I think adding another perspective is only a compliment to the book, as, growing up, I wanted so badly to BE in that world that the characters inhabited, but, as a female, I wasn't IN the actual book (unless I wanted to be Cherry, who was not even close to being in my league) or one of the character's girlfriends. So in my mind, I had to somehow insert another character who didn't in any way really impact the plot of the book, just weaved herself into the storyline. She is not me, just someone I could relate to. I don't know if she is what is disdainfully referred to as a "Mary Sue," but I have tried to keep everyone in character as best as I could while incorporating a sibling. These stories have been in my head for over 25 years, and I enjoy sharing them with those open to reading them. That being said, I have my likes and dislikes too. I hate it when people kill off Soda. I realize that it was Ms. Hinton herself that said he went off and died in Vietnam... and I know that was the true horror of that war - that so many young, vital, and amazing young men were taken from us in their prime... but I just can't let go of Soda. BUT, again... This is fanfiction. It is fiction, and I give any writer the respect of reading their work, if it is well-written, whether I agree with their visions for the characters or not. Personally, that is what I feel this site is all about! So, anyway, I wrote Epiphany, and it's sequel, Reality. I wanted to keep going, so now there is another continuation, Complexity. Now a fourth installment is in the works, Resiliency. After writing Epiphany, I realized that now, as an adult, I can also see Darry's perspective on much of what was happening to my characters in those two stories. So I plagiarized my own work and started on "Epiphany Revisited," the same events from my original story but seen from Darry's point of view. Any dialogue involving Darry from the original has remained intact; it has been interesting to revisit the events from a new perspective. I would love, if time permits someday, to rewrite my whole series from Darry's POV. I am so grateful to S.E. Hinton for gifting us with such a rich palette of characters to expand upon. ATTENTION SISFIC NON-READERS: None of my other stories have a sister. Just the Scout series. So I appreciate you giving them a chance. :-) Thanks for reading and reviewing my work! |