![]() Author has written 21 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Vampire Diaries. Name: Kenian Rainn Favorites TV Shows: Stargate SG-1 (of course), Gilmore Girls, Warehouse 13, Bones, The Vampire Diaries, Castle, Doctor Who, Fringe, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Heartland, Supernatural, Friday Night Lights, Nikita, Grey's Anatomy, and many more. Okay... so, obviously, I write Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis) fanfiction mostly... but I'm finally branching out. So, here are my favorite pairings/pairings that are taking over my life: {Stargate SG-1} Sam/Jack - They are meant to be! They're perfect for each other and they look amazingly cute together, always a strong point, in my opinion. Anyone who disagrees... prepare to face my wrath! I have Joseph M. on my side! {Stargate SG-1} Daniel/Vala - He can't be hung up on Sha're for the rest of his life, now can he? {Bones} Booth/Brennan - No one can deny that they belong together. {Bones} Angela/Hodgins - They deserve a happy ending just as much as B/B. Hart said so. ; ) {Gilmore Girls} Luke/Lorelai - Anything else would seem... pointless. (and they are meant to be!!) {Gilmore Girls} Rory/Jess - I don't exactly know why, but I've shipped them since I was, like, little.. Dean was a good first boyfriend, but nothing lengthy... and Logan scared me, to be honest. I don't know why she stayed with him that long... he was just scary and influenced her in the wrong ways. Anyway.. who does that leave? The bad boy, Jess. {The Vampire Diaries} Damon/Elena - This pairing has been my obsession since the start. I can't say enough about them and I drive everyone around me INSANE. What can I say, I'm a sucker for the bad boys. (See above) {The Vampire Diaries} Caroline/Everyone - Just kidding. Although, not that much. {The Vampire Diaries} Caroline/Stefan - I used to be a Caroline/Matt. At the beginning of season two, I was convinced I was a Caroline/Stefan. And then Forwood happened. And I fell in love. And now, even though I still LOVE Tyler, I'm back around to Caroline/Stefan. (And now you understand the comment above) {The Vampire Diaries} Stefan/Katherine - Don't ask me why, I just think he has SO MUCH more chemistry with Katherine than he does with Elena. Which is very strange, considering that they are played by the same actress. I'm still a Caroline/Stefan above all, but with the ways things went in 3x09, I think I can be okay with this one for now. {Doctor Who} Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose {Doctor Who} Amy/Eleven {Pretty Little Liars} Hanna/Lucas - I love other pairings on this show, but this once is driving me nuts. I love Caleb, but I have wanted Hanna and Lucas to get together since the first episode he was in. Every single time I think I'm getting over them, the next episode airs... and the rest is history. And they haven't even kissed yet!!! {Fringe} Peter/Olivia alt!Olivia/alt!Lincoln {How I Met Your Mother} Barney/Robin {Friday Night Lights} Tim/Lyla Tyra/Landry {Castle} Castle/Beckett - Duh. {Big Bang Theory} Sheldon/Penny {Grey's Anatomy} Mark/Lexie {Nikita} Michael/Alex - People I know hate me for this, but I've been 100% Malex since episode one. :P DISCLAIMER AND OTHER NOTES I obviously own nothing... no matter how much I wish I did. In the name of good fun... here's how you'd know I owned Stargate. If I did own Stargate-SG1: Pete would never have existed. - And if he had to exist, he would've died in a cruel, horrible way. Janet never would've died. Daniel would have had his shirt off more. There would be no frat regs. Jack and Sam wouldn't have kept it 'in the room'. It never would have been canceled. My Campaign Promises I will never threaten not to write more without reviews. (even though I function on reviews!) I will try not to be inactive writing for too long... though with my busy life... you never know! |