Make Believe
Three weeks after the end of Moebius II:
The cell phone on the dashboard vibrated urgently, and Colonel Samantha Carter tapped her Bluetooth earpiece. "Colonel Carter," she greeted professionally.
"Colonel Carter, I'm Lieutenant Cleveland from the Las Vegas Police Department."
"Yes?" She said, surprised. "How may I help you?"
"Well, Colonel, there's been an accident. Cassandra Fraiser had you listed as her emergency contact."
She felt her heart pound. "What happened? Is she okay?"
"She was taken by ambulance to the community hospital. The other driver and the passenger in Miss Fraiser's car were both killed. So far, Miss Fraiser seems to be unconscious but stable according to what the paramedics said when I spoke to them last."
"I'll be right there." Sam said as she reached the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.
She bit her lip as she disconnected the call. She pressed the first speed dial.
"Sir, it's Carter." She began.
"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing the tone of her voice immediately.
"Cassandra's been in an accident. She was admitted into the hospital. The other two involved are dead."
"Take time off, Carter. Starting now." He said, instantly. "Anything I can do?"
"Not that I know of..." She said, honestly. "I have to pack and get a flight out there."
"I'll get you a flight while you go home and pack."
"Sir, I..."
"I insist, Carter."
"Thank you, sir."
"You're welcome."
She hung up the phone and started her car again as she prepared to return home.
Only a few hours later, she was hurrying down the corridors of University Medical Center in Clark County. "Cassandra Fraiser. I'm here to see Cassandra Fraiser." She told the nurse urgently.
"She's still in surgery, ma'am." The nurse said after conferring with her computer.
"Surgery?" Sam asked, paling.
"Please have a seat in the waiting room. I'll have someone come and talk to you when we have something new to report."
Sam inhaled and exhaled loudly as she left the nurse's station. She reached into her pocket for her cell phone. Without thinking about it, she pressed the send button to reach her commanding officer again.
"General O'Neill's office, Chief Master Sergeant Walter Harriman speaking."
"Chief, it's Colonel Carter. I need to speak to General O'Neill."
"Let me patch you through." He said, instantly.
A few moments passed before she heard his voice. "Carter?" He asked, urgently.
"Sir." She said, relieved.
"What's going on?"
"She's in surgery." She said, tearing up. "They won't tell me anymore than that."
"She'll be okay, Carter."
"You don't know that." She whispered, vulnerably.
"Carter, don't start talking like that." He said, seriously. "That's an order."
"Yes, sir." She said, trying to pull herself out of the depths of her imagination.
"She's going to be fine. She'll need you when she gets out of surgery, so why don't you take a deep breath and calm down?"
"Yes, sir." She agreed.
"Now, I've got to get back to my meeting. But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call."
"I won't." She assured.
"Want me to send Daniel or Teal'c down to keep you company?"
"That's not necessary, sir." She said after a moment. "I'll be all right."
"Okay." He finally accepted. "If you change your mind, they'll be on the next flight."
"I know." She said, seriously.
"Okay, Carter, take care."
"I will." She whispered as she closed the phone. It was going to be a long night.