Poll: What slice of life Digimon story do you want me to work on next? Vote Now!
Author has written 1 story for Digimon. Upcoming stories Digimon: Rise of Milenniummon Zhuqiamon has forced Millenniummon to rise again pitting Ken against his greatest fear! The Digidestined and Tamers team up to save both worlds but will it be enough? Season 2X3 Crossover. First fanfic so please comment and rate! Status Active Digimon: Dracomon the Legendary Digimon 15 year old Izzy Izumi is having a hard time fitting in High School his social status is not as high as the other digidestined in high school, But when a digi-egg comes out and hatches to be Legendary Digimon Dracomon and things start to change for young Izzy until something goes wrong. Season 2X3 Crossover. Status Not started Digimon: The Royal Nights cometh Zhquiamon and has blackmailed the Royal Nights and are forced to go to the real world and take over both worlds It's up to Tai and the gang to save the world again but with help from new friends. Seasons 2x3x5 Crossover. Status Not started Digimon: Attack of the Demon Lords 18 year old Tai Kamyia has a lot on his plate, High school, Soccer, his soccer future and girls and now saving the world. The Demon Lords have come to take over the earth and add despair to both worlds its up to the Digidestined to stop it. TAKARI, TAIORA, KenXYoeli. Seasons 2x3x5 Crossover. Status Not started Courageous Love A Series of lifetime drabbels between best friends Tai Kamyia and Sora Takenouchi that travels with them through their life. Major Taiora Status Not started Digimon: Dracomon Strikes Back 17 months after Attack of the Demon Lords the Younger digidestined have split apart but when Dracomon comes back it's up to them to save the world without the help of the older Digidestined. Taiora, Takari, KenxYoeli Seasons 2x3x5 Crossover. Status Not Started Digimon: Lucemon's Revenge It's senior year for some of the Digidestined as they decide their futures Lucemon comes back with the help of Zhquiamon and its up to the Younger digidestined to make one last stand to save both worlds from evil. Taiora, Takati, KenxYoeli, Koumi Seasons 2x3x5 Crossover. Status Not Started White Day Five years later after Lucemon's Revenge each Digidestined have big plans or something they need to fix on Japan's most romantic day of the year. Taiora, Takari, Koumi, KenxYoeli, Jurato, RyoxRika Seasons 2x3x5 Crossover Status Not Started My Big Fat Digital Wedding Izzy Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa are getting married see what crazy things happen with the rest of the crew to get there. Taiora, Takari, Koumi, KenxYoeli, Jurato, RyoxRika Seasons 2x3x5 Crossover Status Not Started What to expect when not expecting Rockstar Matt Ishida has been living a rockstar celebrity life but when an unexpected one night stand turns into a pregnancy Matt has to turn from Rockstar to responsible expecting father. Taiora, Koumi, Takari, KenxYoeli Status Not Started This is midlife crisis Tai Kamyia and Sora Kamyia are turning 40 but with Tai retiring from his soccer career and not knowing what is next in life as many comedy of errors pursue with the couple and friends. Taiora, Koumi, Takari, KenxYoeli Status Not Started Digimon Adventure 04 The original 8 digidestined are now adults but with the digital world in danger it is now up to their children to save both worlds. Status Not Started The Digidestined who Leapt Through Time A Side story of Digital Adventure 03 Dawn Kamyia went back in time to August 1st 1998 the year before her parents went to the digital world its up to here to make everything right again before she returns back to her time and save her friends. Digimon A New War Game A new foe appears to takeover the world and its up to the digidestined to save their world before he takes it over. Status Not Started Digimon Adventure 05 The younger digidestined, Tamers and Data Squad offspring's time is to save both worlds now after 3 years. Status Not Started |
Funkii (3) | jdonatello (3) |