Author has written 26 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, and Castle. All characters in mature situations in my stories are 18 or older. Even if they are not adults in the source material, they are in the fanfic and the story is set in the future. No exceptions. Also, as for disclaimers, here's a giant umbrella one for all of my stories. I personally think that the lack of ownership should be implied since we are on a FAN fiction site, but it seems that I should put a notice of lack of ownership up here anyway: I do not profit from writing these stories, except in that I gain practice in writing and joy in my heart. The only characters I own are original characters and you shall see very few, if any, of these from me. If I were a famous fiction author or mangaka, I would not be writing fan fictions on . All rights go to the respective authors and mangaka, as well as to their publishers, etc. |