Draco loved buying gifts for Harry. There was something fun about finding things that The-Boy-Who-Lived didn't ask for, wrapping them in beautiful paper, and then leaving them for Harry to find on the breakfast table the next morning. Whether it was the fastest broom on the market (though it wasn't like Harry needed help with flying faster) or new clothes (because Harry did need help with fashion), Draco insisted on nothing but the best for his Harry. He knew that Harry could've bought these things himself. For Merlin's sake, the man only worked because he wanted to. Draco bought these things for Harry for one simple reason. In Draco's opinion, Harry deserved everything that Draco could give and some things that he couldn't.

He loved seeing Harry's face light up when he got a present. For the life of him, Draco couldn't figure out why he'd never received a gift before his eleventh birthday. Harry should've gotten gifts merely for the fact that he was so adorable while he opened them.

Draco was glad to give Harry whatever he could, because he knew there were two important things that he knew he couldn't. Draco could never give Harry the amount of time together that he thought the brunet deserved. Not only did he have to run his family's business ventures, he also had to work at rebuilding his family's reputation after his father had dragged it down so far. This took up the time that Harry spent at work as well as some time that Harry was able to spend at home.

The other important thing that Draco could never give him was children. He could never give Harry the family that they both wanted and that Harry deserved so greatly. Adoption would never be an option for a Malfoy after what Lucius had done, regardless of the fact that the Saviour of the Wizarding World would be the other parent. Also, a child not of his blood would never be able to inherit any Malfoy holdings. As such, since Draco couldn't give Harry the cute green-eyed brunette children he wanted so badly to give, Harry could never become the wonderful father he would've been – had he chosen any other partner.

Yes, Draco loved buying gifts for Harry. The reason mattered a great deal, and so the gift-giving would never stop.

Harry loved getting gifts from Draco. He was well aware that Draco was trying to make up for certain things in their lives. Yet, he never told Draco what his favorite gift was. It wasn't anything that Draco had ever bought. Harry received the greatest gift of all every evening. He'd Floo back from work into the study, where Draco undoubtedly would be. The blond would stop whatever he was doing, look up, smile and say the most beautiful words Harry had ever heard,

"Welcome home."